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Everything posted by Cartman

  1. Cartman

    Fantasy Football

    I'm Pawtucket in TSM 2
  2. Cartman

    The Descent

    Yes that's what they did. Whats the original ending?
  3. Cartman

    Fantasy Football

    Are we keeping both leagues in this thread or seperating?
  4. Cartman

    The Descent

    Pretty gruesome stuff, couple scenes made me jump and i'm pretty clostrophibic so it wasn't easy to watch some parts.
  5. Cartman

    TWiB 7/31 - 8/6

    Thanks Al In an attempt to bolster his MVP chances this season, the Boston Red Sox will start him at 1B tonight. Lowell day 2 day.
  6. Cartman

    TWiB 7/31 - 8/6

    Top 8th game tied 2-2, Schilling coming our of the game after 102 Pitches... Papi HR. 3-2 Red Sox!
  7. Cartman

    2006 NFL Off-Season

    Great post ^ Also let's not forget that in the last 2-3 years Brady has strayed FAR from the "short high percentage passing game". Believe it or not the guys actually has a very strong accurate throwing arm *gasp!*. If he had Reggie Wayne, Marvin Harrisson, and Edge instead of Branch, Givens, Brown, etc. and Antawn Smith/Dillon nobody would be saying *cough* Manning *cough*. Also I think it's awesome that Brady has surpassed his idol/hero growing up(Montana). Gotta be a great feeling to be able to play like/better than the star players you look up to as a kid. Is Brady the greatest QB ever? Not a chance after just 6 seasons. Can he become known as the best ever? Obviously on the right path so far.
  8. Cartman

    The Fence

    If you build it, they won't come!
  9. Cartman

    TWiB 7/31 - 8/6

    Sounds like a Yankee to me!
  10. Cartman

    2006 MLB Trade Deadline Thread

    Actually the Braves offered Jones to Boston but they wanted Crisp, Hansen, AND Lester. No thanks!
  11. Cartman

    TWiB 7/31 - 8/6

    If Manny wasn't behind Ortiz he would surely be walked like half or more of his total at bats. Manny deserves alot of respect and credit for Ortiz being in the situations he is involved in... BUT Ortiz is a friggin MACHINE when games are on the line. Nothing and no one can take that away from him.
  12. Cartman

    2006 MLB Trade Deadline Thread

    OMG that is a horrible trade. I dont think any Yankee fan wants Abreu on the team. Plus if they get rid of Proctor thats another hole in a weak bullpen. wha...
  13. Cartman

    The Talk Radio Thread

    Any show on WEEI sports talk radio in the Boston area.
  14. Cartman

    Clerks II Offcial Thread

    See but then if Smith was to go and make some "real movies" without the typical Smith dialogue he would be called a sellout among other things by the fanboys. I think they didn't explain Jay and SB's cash is because between the comic, movie, selling drugs you gotta believe they have a buttload of money hanging around.
  15. Cartman

    Fantasy Football

    Better be a spot when I get home!!! How dare my company block Yahoo Fantasy pages!
  16. Cartman

    OAO ECW on Sci-Fi Thread for 7/25 (Week 7)

    ...and so are the days of our lives... Whether it's "ECW" or "WWECW" or Vince's joke on Paul Heyman fact is it's a decent friggin show for entertainment purposes. It's been better than Raw and SD the last 2-3 weeks easily and honestly I like the fact that we get to watch different wrestlers that we haven;t seen every monday/friday for the last few years. Yes we still have Big Show, Kurt, RVD, and whomever else they bring in for Show to crush but it's still something different from the norm. I like what they have been doing with Show lately and this is what should have been done with him on Raw or SD a long time ago. At least here on ECW there isn't anyone that would refuse to lose to Show for whatever selfish reasons like some of the "superstars" on the other two shows. I enjoy seeing Sabu's matches whether they are Extreme Rules or not. I enjoy Paul Heyman. I enjoy Sandman even without his Metallica. I enjoy the Knox/Test storyline developing with Sandman/Dreamer. I enjoy seeing CM Punk's promos and I really look forward to seeing him wrestle for the first time. Is this 1990's ECW? Hell no! Is this a solid hour of entertainment each week if your a wrestling fan? Definitely! You just cannot recreate the "atmosphere" that ECW had originally because the situations were different then. They were in the same arena almost every show, the footage on TV was taped and put together perfectly for TV as opposed to live which is much tougher to do, alot of the stars are retired or just plain refuse to work for WWE for various reasons, it just cant be the same as it used to be. Why the hell would we want to recreate the same exact stuff that old ECW did anyways? Look at DX now...can anyone honestly say that this DX stuff is anywhere near the old DX stuff? I didn't think so.
  17. Cartman

    Fantasy Football

    Says password is incorrect?
  18. Cartman

    Fantasy Football

    Any chance we could start up another Yahoo league for the people who missed out and any others who would do both maybe? I love the 16-20 team leagues for the depth and strategy and really don't wanna jump in some random league where 75% of the people wiull drop out.
  19. Cartman

    OAO ECW on Sci-Fi Thread for 7/25 (Week 7)

    It's amazing to think there are people out there that still think Paul Heyman has one bit of say about WWECW. Dave Meltzer described the WWECW TV booking process as this: 1) Heyman writes a draft for the show 2) Vince & Co. liberally make changes to what Heyman has written 3) Vince's severely altered version makes it onto the air without compromising with Heyman Since when is fucking Dave Meltzer the almighty god of wrestling and everything he says is 100% fact?
  20. Cartman

    Fantasy Football

    I missed this for the first time in like 5 years, Booo!
  21. Cartman

    kkk Bowl IV

    New York Football Giants
  22. Cartman

    OAO ECW on Sci-Fi Thread for 7/11 (Week 5)

    Not saying much here but ECW completely blew away RAW this week in every way. Kudos!
  23. Cartman

    Sony is a bunch of assholes

    I hate Super Sensitive America. Can we go back to before everyone had to let everyone else know what offends them? Also how bout we just get over ourselves and stop letting every single fucking thing in this world offend us. NEWS FLASH! Somewhere on earth people are doing and saying things that you might not like, and there isnt a damn thing you can do about it. Deal.
  24. Cartman

    TWiB 7/3 - 7/9

    1. He's hurting 2. He couldn't care less about the fans. 3. He couldn't care less about the league. 4. He couldn't care less about the media. 5. He likes playing baseball and he likes his money. The All Star game is a garbage waste of time and is a miserable 3 day span with no meaningful sports being played. Get rid of it please. Along with the Pro Bowl, and the NBA/NHL AS games too.