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Everything posted by Cartman

  1. Cartman

    Pedro Martinez

    Shoppach is WAY overrated. Varitek is the glue of the pitching staff. Curt Schilling says one reason he wanted to come to Boston was because he wanted to have Varitek to call his games with him. Varitek is severely underrated because he doesnt put up gaudy offensive numbers. Hitting isn't everything, and anyways Shoppach isnt ready to take over...they planned on having him back up for Tek next year.
  2. Cartman

    Pedro Martinez

    Gary Sheffield anyone? Kenny Lofton? Kevin Brown? Real nice guy list there. Pedro will go to the highest(longest deal) bidder. Who do ya think THAT will be?
  3. Cartman

    Pedro Martinez

    Yea, he could very well be a Yankee, and he would probablt bite us in the ass like Clemens did. Although I still think Clemens leaving was what re-fueled his fire and made him work harder to pitch better again. I doubt they will pursue Renteria though. I think the Cards should re-sign him for one. and Two, Pokey Reese cannot hit, but he plays a mean SS. With Bellhorn at 2B and Pokey at SS right NOW they are scoring just enough to win, and playing VERY good defense together. I have no problem with those teo starting next season until SS prospect Hanley Ramirez is ready for the show. If Damon is traded, the Sox could also go after Carlos Beltran. I would like to see him here rather than going after another SS when we already have one of the best defensive SS's in baseball (Reese).
  4. Cartman

    Pedro Martinez

    I have been hoping that the Cubs won't sign Clement and allow him to go to Free Agency. I wouldnt have ANY problem with a rotation of: Schilling Lowe(They should sign him) Wakefield Kim Clement No problem at all. Nomar will be leaving too, thus freeing up plenty of play money for the FA's in the off season. Either that, or at least freeing up plenty of money to give Lowe, Ortiz, and Varitek their due raises and long term deals.
  5. Cartman

    Fallujah Residents Beginning to Really Hate Us

    They should change the name of this folder to "Ask TheMikeSC" for you know everything about everything and everyone that doesnt follow you is a moron who spounts nothing but "Bilge". Can you tell me how much the Iraqi people love Americans again, I love that story.
  6. Cartman

    Fallujah Residents Beginning to Really Hate Us

    Bingo. I would love to know where the media gets those "polls" that show us the People of Iraq are happy we are there and whatnot. Do they have reporters over there going door to door asking Iraqi people their opinions? All the while there is shooting and shelling in these cities? Right.
  7. While Manning is a great HoF bound QB, he is Dan Marino part 2 to me. Incredible QB skills, definitely a winner(unless it's big games), whiny little brat. He will be in the Hall for sure. Yet I would not be suprised at all to see him never win a Super Bowl, especially with Indy. That lovely contract he wanted, and got, is going to cost him either Harrisson or Edge if they every want to be able to have a Defense.
  8. Uhh, Ty Law got released? Also, he used the whole "Do you know who I am" as more fuel to the fire he started with the Patriots. He REALLY wants out and will stopp to stupidity to get out. I would love to know when he was released and re-signed though...That's definitely news to me.
  9. LO F'N L......... Yea that was over the top funny.
  10. Pats and Pack should swap bitchy CB's Of course a draft pick or two would have to be coming the way of the Patriots as well.
  11. Well I have a hard time believing that the Patriots could win those two Championships without Tom Brady running the offense. People only see the "dink and dunk short passing scheme" but don't understand just how great Brady is at reading and recognizing everything going on all over the field at all times. He has one of those uncanny abilities that not every QB has, or has ever had. Sure i'm a homer, but ask any "analyst" and they will tell you the same about Brady. Of course there are other QB's much better than Brady, but we can't realy tell until he actually has weapons to use for a change. Now that he will have a running game to supplement the passing game, expect Brady to have a REAL good time this coming season.
  12. Cartman

    Will Somebody Slap This Man

    Just out of curiousity, is there ANY issue that you would agree with a Liberal Point of View on? Seriously? Because you seem to have a severe case of tunnel vision. Then again, most Lemmings(AKA General Public) are that way so I guess i'm wasting my time asking.
  13. Cartman

    Will Somebody Slap This Man

    Well way to add to the discussion there Mr. Open Mind.
  14. Cartman

    Will Somebody Slap This Man

    He's got a point here.
  15. Cartman

    Make yourself a sign

  16. Cartman

    Yankee Hater Nonsense

    Those shirts are retarded, plain and simple. YES there are some Red Sox fans that love hating the Yankees, YES I was once one of those. Last season I changed, I was rooting for the Yanks to make the ALCS against Boston because if nothing else, it's the greatest playoff matchup ANY year. I loved every aspect of the 7 games series they played last year. Both teams were even, Both were great, and Both deserved to win. I'm a fanatical Red Sox fan, and NOT a Yankee hater. This is how the real majority of real fans of this team are.
  17. Cartman

    The 2004 NFL Draft

    ::Joins 2GOLD in happy dance::
  18. Cartman

    This Week In Baseball

    I wish the Cubs would get as much shit as Boston does. Their streak is 10 years longer.
  19. Cartman

    This Week In Baseball

    Yankees = OWNED
  20. Cartman

    The 2004 NFL Draft

    LOL@Giants DONE.
  21. Cartman

    The 2004 NFL Draft

    Looks like Manning will be a Giant. Kinda funny cause all those NY fans just ripped him a new asshole.
  22. Cartman

    The 2004 NFL Draft

    It will be Fitz. Warner likes having multiple stud WR targets
  23. Cartman

    The 2004 NFL Draft

    Well, a good O-line could help drew alot too... Unfortunately Billy Boy picked up a different Drew for this year, and I think Mr. Henson gets a good shot at starting. If Henson doesnt pan out I think Bledsoe will go there NEXT year.
  24. Cartman

    The 2004 NFL Draft

    I got that feeling the second Parcells became the Dallas Head Coach.