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Everything posted by KTID

  1. KTID

    Non-Wrestlers taking up ppv time

    ...sorry, she's a what???!!!
  2. KTID

    Big Name Rappers To Appear At WWE Pay-Per View?

    Race has absolutely *nothing* to do with this discussion. Someone just brought it up, and that, coupled with the fact he can't speak english properly or contribute meaningfully to any discussion, makes me feel he should be banned.
  3. KTID

    Scott Steiner possibly done with WWE

    Is there any way we can attempt to get duck420 banned?
  4. KTID

    British Festival Chat

    I'm going to T In The Park, as I do every year, mainly for David Bowie, The Strokes, The Pixies and The Libertines. I would've loved to go to the Isle Of Wight festival and/or the Move festival in Manchester, but unfortunately lack of money/lack of interested friends to go with means that i'll miss out (also, part of the Move festival over-laps with T In The Park, so I couldn't have went to both even if I wanted to.
  5. KTID

    Big Name Rappers To Appear At WWE Pay-Per View?

    This is possibly the funniest thing ever.
  6. KTID

    Big Name Rappers To Appear At WWE Pay-Per View?

    We're not saying we can't understand this guy because of his skin colour. It's his poor grammar, lack of punctuation and a complete lack of any sentence structure which make his ramblings nearly impossible to comprehend.
  7. KTID

    Big Name Rappers To Appear At WWE Pay-Per View?

    If anyone caught that, a translation would be much appreciated.
  8. KTID

    Big Name Rappers To Appear At WWE Pay-Per View?

    Does no one else find the irony here to be absolutely hilarious? I mean I basically started this whole argument with a joking comment (which was admittedly probably wrong of me to do) that the only people who listen to rap music are immature 12-13 year olds. Then - as a reply to that - someone comes out and says "OMG!! YOUR A RACIST!! ALL RAP HATERS ARE RACIST!!" This person obviously listens to rap music AND is an immature 12-13 year old. I mean, I wasn't even serious but someone actually backed up my point.
  9. KTID

    Big Name Rappers To Appear At WWE Pay-Per View?

    No he didn't, he called me a racist. If I wasn't so tired, i'd probably take issue with that. Or at least I think he called me a racist.
  10. KTID

    Big Name Rappers To Appear At WWE Pay-Per View?

    I also think you could use a sense of humour, dude. Making sweeping generalisations is funny, you see.
  11. KTID

    Big Name Rappers To Appear At WWE Pay-Per View?

    I was merely pointing out that the majority of people who listen to rap are about 13-14 year olds who are in the "the real world sucks i hate my life and parents" stage. It is one beyond the kids who listen to pop music and are in the "wow i like dancing to this tune" stage, but before the 15-17 year olds who listen to punk-pop (green day, busted) and are in the slightly more mature "my girlfriend dumped me because i fell off my skateboard" stage. By the time you get to 18+ (ie adult) you should - especially if your a student - have discovered The Smiths. When this discovery happens, well then your a fully mature music fan.
  12. KTID

    Big Name Rappers To Appear At WWE Pay-Per View?

    Ah, cheers Choken. Now, if only someone could translate my reply back to him... "I - like all other mature, adult individuals - don't care about rap music. I've never heard of any of these "artists" and nor do I have any desire to. Now, go away and grow up."
  13. KTID

    Your Top 5 Artists

    hmmm tough one.... Oasis The Beatles The Smiths Primal Scream The Libertines
  14. KTID

    100 Greatest Artist of "Rock-N-Roll"

    This was one funky list, methinks.
  15. KTID

    Wrestlecrap: The Book

    Its funnier. And I not only recommend it, I *DEMAND* that you immediately part with your cash and enjoy this treasure.
  16. KTID

    Big Name Rappers To Appear At WWE Pay-Per View?

    Ah, i see. duck420 is "hip". It all makes sense now.
  17. KTID

    Ric Flair RIPS on Nwa Tna !!!

    ...not to mention a talentless idiot.
  18. KTID

    Big Name Rappers To Appear At WWE Pay-Per View?

    What the fuck did you just say?
  19. KTID


    Even as New Japan has deteriorated in the past few years, it is still streets better than WWE has ever, or will ever be. Jim Ross should get a clue, or shut up. The actual talented guys in WWE are now all either jumping off the sinking ship or being forced out due to the WWE's, and in particular Jim Ross, lack of any clue on what might pass for "good wrestling" or "entertaining programming".
  20. KTID

    Ric Flair RIPS on Nwa Tna !!!

    All i'll add is that Flair is a muppet, has no talent and i could care less about any of his worthless opinions on the current wrestling scene (in which he has no worth and deserves no place).
  21. KTID

    OK, explain this to me

    here's me clicking on this topic expecting the rawmvp sequel
  22. ...and there's a problem with Suckbag's push being killed and beaten like a dead horse? I won't even bother taking the time to reply to such an idiot.
  23. KTID

    Superfly Version 2

    I go to all the trouble of finding an interesting and informative article, yet no one's even commented on it. Why do I even bother, people?
  24. KTID

    Superfly Version 2

    For Bring Back Charlie Ward, and whoever else may be interested, an article by Irvin Muchnick.
  25. KTID

    WWE Expects WMXX to gross between 40-45 Million..

    wow, u can call wrestlers by their real names. your incredibly cool.