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Everything posted by KTID

  1. KTID

    WWE sure knows how to run a business

    Relevant article by Wade Keller:
  2. KTID

    scott keith's wmxx review

    Can you possibly elaborate on this point, if you even have a point. What does being an RVD fan have to do with someone's opinion of Randy Orton?
  3. KTID

    Wrestlemania Trivia!

    Who has wrestled at WrestleMania's with the most different gimmicks?
  4. KTID

    Raw VS SmackDown!

    Far too long to read, never mind understand.
  5. KTID

    Interesting note from the Velocity preview

    1) The Cruiserweight Open is an elimination match. 2) Paul London is not a participant in the match. Now please, stop asking these same questions over and over again.
  6. KTID

    WWE News: Goldberg's Future, Edge, SD!, Stern

    Being nothing to you means that no one else is allowed to like him?
  7. KTID

    WWE Hall Of Fame

    This must have been ment as a joke.
  8. Speaking of the worst WrestleMania of all time... WrestleCrap's Newest Induction
  9. I always thought WM XVII was the most successful of recent times. Guess not.
  10. That he sucks and no one gives a shit?
  11. KTID

    WWE News: Goldberg's Future, Edge, SD!, Stern

    Indeed - but isn't it rather ironic that the show that gets all the attention is the one that usually blows? If you're claiming that RAW is usually inferior to Smackdown, i have to say...BWAHAHAHAHA. RAW is by far the better show, and has been for over a year and a half.
  12. KTID

    Vince McMahon Speaks On WM, The Rock, WCW, More

    I only watch the show Rob Van Dam is on, so yeah RAW > Smackdown.
  13. KTID

    So hot right now

    Every song on Jet's album, Get Born.
  14. KTID

    What is your most hated song ever?

    Whatever that "song" is called by that Blink 182 "band". I hate it with a passion. By the way, i am referring to their latest (at least the latest that I heard, though it was about a month back) even though everything i've heard of theirs (a sum total of about 3 songs) is terrible.
  15. KTID

    TNA Notes from the 3/8 Observer

    This is the funniest thing i've ever heard.
  16. KTID

    Trivia's tidbits of news

    Please Bret, don't do it!
  17. The Japanese style is spot-spot-stall-spot-spot-stall-spot-finish? Wow... Hey dude, you need to get a life. It's sad when i see someone wasting his life away like this, shit, your life revolves around RVD so much it's just sad and pathetic.Get some medical help. It's not my fault you were talking shit. No need to cry about it, pal. BionicRedneck, you are actually pretty sad to bash RVD everytime his name is mentioned in reasoned discussion. If we were discussing whether or not RVD is a good worker, then your opposing opinion would be welcome. However, this discussion has *NOTHING* to do with RVD's work, so your "opinion" of his work is unwelcome, out of place and has just been thrown in to annoy people.
  18. Surely someone can ban Scott Keith's opinions from this board. The man is a moron.
  19. KTID

    HHH going over at Wrestlemania again

    I can't honestly believe any of you even suspected that HHH might lose.
  20. KTID

    Brock Lesnar

    He's already "mildly over". The problem is that "mildy over" just isn't good enough.
  21. There is absolutely no hiding from this fact. As much as some of you may hate it, *Chris Benoit is not over enought to headline WrestleMania XX*.
  22. KTID

    I missed No Way Out

    For you JoeDirt, THE ONE AND ONLY OFFICIAL RVDMARK4:20 MATCH RATINGS: Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty V The Bashams & Shaniqua (WWE Tag Team Titles) - * Jamie Noble V Nidia - * A.P.A. V Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas - *1/2 Rhyno V Hardcore Holly - *3/4 Rey Mysterio V Chavo Guerrero (Cruiserweight Title) - ***1/4 Kurt Angle V John Cena V Big Show - ***1/2 Brock Lesnar V Eddie Guerrero (WWE Heavyweight Title) - ****1/2 ---------- As you can see a poor-average PPV with one *amazing* match and two *good* matches with four *poor* matches dragging them down. As Scott Keith would put it, thumbs in the middle leaning down.
  23. Whats with the "who would win?" rubbish? Do you mean who was better in their prime? If so, Steamboat easily.