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Everything posted by KTID

  1. KTID

    Dynamite Kid vs Chris Benoit

    Tom "Dynamite Kid" Billington is the greatest wrestler of all-time. Simple as.
  2. KTID

    How do you rank the smark fab 3?

    Angles not in the same league as Benoit and Eddie. What the hell kind of question is this anyway?
  3. KTID

    Edge confirmed for RAW

    Not exactly.
  4. KTID

    Edge confirmed for RAW

    We're just all fed up arguing with you, it's totally pointless.
  5. KTID

    Explain THIS TO ME

    *starts "mo-ney back" chant*
  6. KTID

    The No Way Out Prediction Thread

    From pwtorch.com:
  7. KTID


    Incase anyone happens to be interested: "What was once a captivating, trend-setting programme has deteriorated into a cliched - and let's be honest - boring snoozefest that is in dire need of a knight in shining armour. Let's go over the facts. Television ratings: downward spiral. Pay-Per-View buy rates: plummeting. Mainstream acceptance: nonexistent. Reactions of the live crowd: complete and utter silence (due to) the steady stream of uninteresting, untalented, mediocre sports entertainers." - Chris Jericho is about two-and-a-half years early on his evaluation, Raw, August 1999.
  8. KTID

    From The Observer

    Call this Mission Impossible 3.
  9. KTID

    Explain THIS TO ME

    *sits patiently stuffing face with popcorn*
  10. KTID

    Okay, Explain THIS to Me.

    You've got to be kidding me, right? I know some people believed him at first... Dames Of course I don't believe that any of this really happened. I just meant his "story" was getting good.
  11. KTID

    Okay, Explain THIS to Me.

    You closed it just as it was getting good. He was just befriending a mob of fiery Mexicans to join him in his upcoming gang war with the KGB.
  12. KTID

    Explain THIS TO ME

    He just needs some ideas. I recommend bringing Jacob back. Jacob = Ratings! Perhaps some HLA between Natalie and Yelena? Gang warfare involving the fake Russian mob? Or how about another man enters the picture who has his eyes on Natalie? Come on Rawmwp, you can do it!
  13. KTID

    Explain THIS TO ME

    Classic stuff, keep it up guys.
  14. KTID

    Gowen gone

    *agrees with Coffey*
  15. KTID

    Explain THIS TO ME

    WOW! Took me two hours to read this thing, and it was worth every minute! Classic thread!!
  16. I had none of the "emotional investment" in Ric Flair's matches, and so can look back on them and judge them for how good they were as matches, and they *weren't very good at all*. If you weren't so emotionally into a Flair match, you too would see that they're all the same match, and not a very good match at that.
  17. KTID

    Tentative WM XX matches

    Comedy is the *ONLY* thing that Kurt can do well.
  18. Honky's absolutely spot on with this one.
  19. KTID

    Tentative WM XX matches

    Of course we'll see comedy, whats wrong with that?
  20. KTID

    Spanky quits WWE

    Its all about opinions i suppose, but it is *my opinion* that WWE sucks.
  21. KTID

    Spanky quits WWE

    WWE can't compare with: WCW 1996-1998; ECW *EVER*; NWA majority of 1980's; TNA for about the last year; ROH since its inception; NJPW 198O's-1990's; AJPW 1990's; NOAH the last two years or more.
  22. KTID

    Spanky quits WWE

    Is that because dedicated lifelong wrestling fans (like me) have to stop watching wrestling if one company goes out of business? Considering the company in question is amongst the worst wrestling promotions of all time, i highly doubt it will affect me, to be honest.
  23. KTID

    The PS 50

    Here is the tenth annual PS 50 - THE list of the top 50 performers in the wrestling industry. Compiled and written by FIN MARTIN, MOHAMED CHATRA, GREG LAMBERT and OLIVER HURLEY, The PS 50 rankings are based on wrestlers' in-ring contributions from December 1, 2002 to November 30, 2003. "LYP" means "Last Year Placed", while "NL" means the wrestler was not listed in the 2002 PS 50... 01. KENTA KOBASHI (NOAH; LYP: 44) 02. KURT ANGLE (WWE; LYP: 1) 03. EDDIE GUERRERO (WWE; LYP: 4) 04. YUJI NAGATA (NJPW; LYP: 2) 05. BROCK LESNAR (WWE; LYP: 37) 06. KENTA (NOAH; LYP: NL) 07. A.J. STYLES (IND; LYP: 11) 08. JUN AKIYAMA (NOAH; LYP: 12) 09. CHRIS BENOIT (WWE; LYP: 14) 10. NAOMICHI MARUFUJI (NOAH; LYP: NL) 11. PAUL LONDON (WWE; LYP: NL) 12. KOJI KANEMOTO (NJPW; LYP: 18) 13. SHAWN MICHAELS (WWE; LYP: NL) 14. REY MYSTERIO (WWE; LYP: 19) 15. HIROYOSHI TENZAN (NJPW; LYP: 22) 16. CHRISTOPHER DANIELS (IND; LYP: 17) 17. SHINJIRO OHTANI (ZERO-ONE; LYP: 24) 18. JUSHIN LIGER (NJPW; LYP: 29) 19. LOW KI (IND; LYP: 3) 20. TAJIRI (WWE; LYP: 43) 21. YOSHIHIRO TAKAYAMA (IND; LYP: 26) 22. ROB VAN DAM (WWE; LYP: 8) 23. JUVENTUD GUERRERA (IND; LYP: NL) 24. SAMOA JOE (IND; LYP: NL) 25. CHRIS JERICHO (WWE; LYP: 23) 26. CHRISTIAN (WWE; LYP: 39) 27. TOSHIAKI KAWADA (AJPW; LYP: NL) 28. SHELTON BENJAMIN (WWE; LYP: NL) 29. DOUG WILLIAMS (IND; LYP: 21) 30. SATOSHI KOJIMA (AJPW; LYP: 5) 31. CHARLIE HASS (WWE; LYP: NL) 32. THE UNDERTAKER (WWE; LYP: 46) 33. JERRY LYNN (IND; LYP: 6) 34. BOOKER T (WWE; LYP: 27) 35. CIMA (TORYUMON; LYP: NL) 36. BRYAN DANIELSON (IND; LYP: 15) 37. RAVEN (IND; LYP: NL) 38. CHRIS SABIN (IND; LYP: NL) 39. RANDY ORTON (WWE; LYP: NL) 40. CHRIS HARRIS (IND; LYP: NL) 41. JONNY STORM (IND; LYP: 38) 42. YOSSINO (TORYUMON; LYP: NL) 43. C.M. PUNK (IND; LYP: NL) 44. CHAVO GUERRERO (WWE; LYP: 36) 45. JEFF JARRETT (NWA: TNA; LYP: NL) 46. MATT HARDY (WWE; LYP: 31) 47. JAY BRISCOE (IND; LYP: NL) 48. JOHN CENA (WWE; LYP: NL) 49. BILL GOLDBERG (WWE; LYP: NL) 50. JAMES TIGHE (IND; LYP: NL)
  24. KTID

    Rumble and Mania plans

    Personally, i'm fed up of the tired: "evil authority figure bans popular wrestler with lifelong dream of becoming world champion from ever getting a title shot, but popular wrestler enters Royal Rumble and overcomes the odds, winning the rumble and going to WrestleMania to finally fulfill his dreams" ...and would like to see a fresh, modified and updated... "evil authority figure bans popular wrestler with lifelong dream of becoming world champion from ever getting a title shot, so popular wrestler accepts his punishment, gives up his lifelong dream and instead pursuing a lesser title"
  25. KTID

    Great idea for Y2J at Rumble

    I never said I wanted more matches with the same people. I realise he needs fresh opponents, but he shouldn't be turned face (something he really sucks as) just because of the writing teams ineptitude to build new characters.