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Everything posted by KTID

  1. Apart from those (like me) who are offended by how bad his work is.
  2. KTID

    Brocks next feud... Benoit?

  3. KTID

    Who's Next?

    I'm surprised no one's mentioned Bret yet.
  4. KTID

    WWE Tries To Resign RVD

    Oh, he's running!
  5. KTID

    Who's Next?

    No, the other Shiek.
  6. KTID

    Can WM XX exist without Hogan?

    Yeah, but we'd also take Nathan Jones as World Champ over HHH.
  7. KTID

    WWE news from the Observer

    It wasn't "funny". It made Angle look like "a joke" "a moron" and "a bufoon".
  8. KTID

    Can WM XX exist without Hogan?

    Nobody answered me. Why are we asking "Will WM XX exist without Hogan" when there is no reason why Hogan won't work WM XX, whereas I said we should be asking "Will WM XX exist without Rock" since the chances of Rock working WM are slim to none.
  9. KTID

    WWE news from the Observer

    Rudo is right, amazingly.
  10. KTID

    WWE news from the Observer

    "funny". I hardly consider anything Angle's ever done to be "funny". "a joke" "a moron" and "a bufoon" maybe but "funny" i don't think so.
  11. KTID

    WWE news from the Observer

    Angle's a main eventer when they want him to be. BUT if they got Austin, Rock, Hogan, Goldberg, HHH, Nash, Hall, Steiner, Savage, Sting, Piper, Flair etc. all to wrestle at WM XX, Angle will be lucky to make the Heat match.
  12. KTID

    WWE Tries To Resign RVD

    Oh, he'll go. Trust me, my Robbie will go.
  13. KTID

    WWE news from the Torch

    Hogan told Arsenio Hall that he had never used steroids, even though it had been obvious for years that he had been using them.
  14. KTID

    Can WM XX exist without Hogan?

    Shouldn't the more pressing question be "Can WM XX exist without The Rock?"
  15. KTID

    Shane broke Test leg ??!!

    Speaking of Shane, who thinks he'll beat Kane at Unforgiven. *Starts a "Vince's Ladder Legdrop" thread"*
  16. KTID

    WWE news from the Observer

    ^^^^^ hilarious
  17. KTID

    WWE news from the Observer

    Is it that far fetched that he might *want* to wrestle.
  18. KTID

    WWE Tries To Resign RVD

    Latest word is plans are for the channel to start in January '04 and be available to all Sky Digital subscribers at no extra cost. BTW, TNA *will* be a part of the channel.
  19. KTID

    Can WM XX exist without Hogan?

    Can't think of any possible reason why not. Of course Vince will bring back Hogan *if he can*. The question is will Hogan come back.
  20. KTID

    WWE Tries To Resign RVD

    Goldberg would rather not be wrestling, or as he sees it 'rolling around in his underwear'.
  21. KTID

    WWE Tries To Resign RVD

    Of course not. Yet again, he won't leave the business because he loves it (because he's an actual wrestler, unlike say...Goldberg, for example).
  22. KTID


    ^^^^^ Not TOO optimistic.
  23. KTID

    WWE Tries To Resign RVD

    I really have nothing to add to this thread, except if RVD leaves WWE, it'll be the happiest day of my life.
  24. KTID


    Sounds rubbish...as usual. *won't be watching*
  25. KTID


    My ass, its just STUPID!!!