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Everything posted by KTID

  1. People, there's a BIG difference between someone who gets pops (Lita, Funaki etc.) and someone who the fans actually care about (RVD, for instance).
  2. I don't even argue with these "anti-RVD" guys. There's just no point whatsoever, and I suggest everyone else stop right now. If you just ignore them, they'll go away.
  3. Well, lets get to it then. I have to say Dynamite Kid, the man who popularized Junior Heavyweight wrestling. Without him, there'd be no Chris Benoit.
  4. KTID

    HHH's vendetta against RVD

    and boring and unwatchable.
  5. Calm down everyone, you're acting like he's frigging Rob Van Dam, for gawds sake. *hides*
  6. KTID

    "The Name Game"

    Percy Pringle
  7. KTID

    Which is the better Show

    Take away Jericho and Victoria, and you have the only reason I watch WWE at all.
  8. KTID

    "The Name Game"

    Vince McMahon
  9. KTID

    ~The Hate Game~

    ...no, she can't.
  10. KTID

    "The Name Game"

    Mr Perfect
  11. KTID

    "The Name Game"

    Hardcore Holly
  12. KTID

    "The Name Game"

  13. KTID

    "The Name Game"

    Barry Horowitz
  14. KTID

    "The Name Game"

    Harry Smith
  15. KTID

    "The Name Game"

    Mike Awesome
  16. KTID

    "The Name Game"

    Bobby Eaton... Eric Watts
  17. KTID

    "The Name Game"

    Steve Bradley
  18. KTID

    "The Name Game"

    Aldo Montoya
  19. KTID

    "The Name Game"

    Well, are we going to get a game going? Take that as a "yes". I'll start... Kurt Angle
  20. KTID

    HHH's vendetta against RVD

    RVD vs. Doug Furnas -- Natural Born Killaz RVD vs. Bam Bam Bigelow -- House Party '98 RVD vs. Jerry Lynn -- Hardcore Heaven '99 RVD vs. Jerry Lynn -- Living Dangerously '99 RVD vs. Dan Kroffat --All Japan RVD & Johnny Smith vs. Mitsuharu Misawa & kenta Kobashi -- All Japan RVD & Johnny Smith vs. Yoshinari Ogawa & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi -- All Japan RVD & Gary Albright vs. Toshiaki Kawada & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi -- All Japan See I can name off a bunch of matches too and just add in......"These are just off the top of my head and are better than ANY thing HHH has done" but unless you have seen every single one of those matches, you can't really say which is better. Here's the list of Rob Van Dam's matches (*SINGLES* matches on *PPV*) that I rate as being "good matches". Vs Jerry Lynn, Living Dangerously '99 Vs Jerry Lynn, Hardcore Heaven '99 Vs Ballz Mahoney, Anarchy Rulz '99 Vs Sabu, Guilty As Charged '00 Vs Jerry Lynn, Hardcore Heaven '00 Vs Scotty Anton, Heat Wave '00 Vs Rhino, Anarchy Rulz '00 Vs Jerry Lynn, Guilty As Charged '01 Vs Jeff Hardy, InVasion Vs Jeff Hardy, Summerslam '01 Vs Chris Jericho, Unforgiven '01 Vs Eddie Guerrero, Judgement Day '02 Vs Chris Benoit, Summerslam '02 That's 13 matches! Not even including TV matches, such as the TV title win against Bam Bam Bigelow or the RAW match vs Eddie, or tag team matches, such as w/Sabu vs Hayabusa and Jinsei Shinzaki at Heat Wave '98 or w/Jerry Lynn vs Lance Storm and Justin Credible at Heat Wave '99 (I could also include Japanese matches that I have seen, such as vs Sabu or vs Dan Kroffat).
  21. I watch for the compelling HHH world title reign which was full of ***** matches and entertaining storylines, and eagerly look forward to him embarking on another title chase which will be full of exciting twists and turns and lead to a fulfilling conclusion and hopefully another 11 month reign for the game, the cerebral assasin, the best in the business, cause he is that damn good.
  22. KTID

    HHH's vendetta against RVD

    There's really no point in arguing with most of you.
  23. They haven't had a **** match since possibly No Mercy '02, and thats a generous ****.