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Everything posted by KTID

  1. KTID

    How do you ever make another Austin?

    Kurt Angle can't wrestle well? You are joking, right? I said not ESPECIALLY well, meaning i don't think he's like this "GOD OF WRESTLING" everyone makes him out to be. I like him, but this love of him on this board is really ridiculous.
  2. KTID

    How do you ever make another Austin?

    But he can't do either especially well.
  3. KTID

    WWE Notes From The 9/8 Observer

    She isn't good looking enough for the WWE womens division.
  4. KTID

    If Vince was on commentary?

    But at least we'd again have a commentator who, in the time honoured tradition of the business, can't count to three properly.
  5. KTID

    Respect Women Wrestling

    Why do people arguing in favour of women's wrestling giving examples of male wrestlers always use La Resistance or Garrison Cade, instead of Chris Jericho or Lance Storm?
  6. KTID

    Respect Women Wrestling

    not named RVD or Hurricane. So, you don't like Jericho, Storm, Christian etc.
  7. KTID

    Angle's possible opponent at No Mercy

    We'll likely get Steph/Sable, Gowen/A-Train, Vince/Al Wilson, Cole/Tazz and Doink/Dink.
  8. Good. Cause we all know semi-mobile, aging cripples > current main eventers with ability to draw major money.
  9. You'd take RVD over... AJ Styles? Christopher Daniels? As a champion, yes. Not neccesarily as a worker.
  10. KTID

    How do you ever make another Austin?

    Alright, maybe just a little.
  11. I'd take RVD over, erm, lets see...THE ENTIRE TNA ROSTER.
  12. KTID

    Respect Women Wrestling

    So you'd prefer Stratus, Keibler and Gayda over Storm, Venus and Rico? And, yes Gayda does compete on RAW.
  13. Anything that exposes TNA to a bigger market is fine by me.
  14. KTID

    Angle's possible opponent at No Mercy

    No one's bitchin'. It's about friggin' time they did the inevitable and pushed John Cena into main events.
  15. The clock is ticking...about a year until...NWA World Heavyweight Champion Rob Van Dam.
  16. KTID

    Angle's possible opponent at No Mercy

    Cena is probably the hottest star they've had since RVD entered the company and again they refuse to push who the fans want, instead choosing to push who they want to push like Lesnar last year and Orton this year, it just sucks and is one of the reasons why the WWE is dying a slow painful death.
  17. KTID

    Angle's possible opponent at No Mercy

    GOOD, its about time they pushed Cena.
  18. KTID

    Respect Women Wrestling

    Yes, those pesky wrestlers like RVD, Jericho, Christian, Lance Storm, Val Venus, Tommy Dreamer, Al Snow, Rico, Maven, Dudleys, Hurricane, Goldust etc. should be tossed aside in favour of TRISH STRATUS VS JACKIE GAYDA, cause by god those women do try.
  19. KTID

    How do you ever make another Austin?

    When RVD entered in 2001, he was as popular as Austin/Rock at their peaks, it's just that Vince and co. decided to ignore it.
  20. KTID

    WrestleMania XX

    Don't know about you, but i've never personally gotten any entertainment from Hulk Hogan. That's quite the bitchin' FOUR-way.
  21. KTID

    22 Greatest Bands

    6. Linkin Park (What the fuck?) 8. Green Day (What the fuck?) 10. No Doubt (What the fuck?) 20. Limp Bizkit (What the fuck?)
  22. KTID

    Chris Jericho turning face?

    Why would anyone in their right mind want to turn one of the best heels of the past five years into a face, when he's already had a face run and it bombed?
  23. KTID

    Austin / Flair in 2002

    We've already established that he made them up.
  24. I'd hardly call 'Berg a "legend"
  25. He didn't turn it down, Vince refused to let him.