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Everything posted by KTID

  1. KTID

    Macho Man Rap

    Can anyone post a link to his song that can be played on Windows Media Player, pppppllllllllllleeeeeeeaaaaaaaassssssseeeeeee.
  2. KTID

    Macho Man Rap

    You know what I mean, this is the most populated folder.
  3. KTID

    Macho Man Rap

    Oh come on, its the only folder anyone reads. Now back to the qusetion at hand, people!
  4. I haven't read the WHOLE thread but I hope i'm not the first to point out Savage's being in Spiderman.
  5. KTID

    Some good WWE news for once!

    No, i don't think he was joking. And I think you'll find that I, and literally thousands more, would agree with him. Just because some of you are complete WWE marks, and have never seen anything outside of WWE doesn't mean there isn't a whole world of other (better) promotions.
  6. No its not. Benoit, Eddie, Rey etc are better than many in Japan. It isn't hard to compare.
  7. ...or is a bad wrestler. huh?!
  8. Couldn't agree more, Mada!
  9. Vs Scott Steiner, Fall Brawl '00 ^^ Goldbergs best match.
  10. KTID

    Snatch or Pulp Fiction???

    hmmm....gotta go with Pulp Fiction. Pulp Fiction > Reservior Dogs > Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels > Snatch
  11. KTID

    PWI 500 2003

    3 months, why so long?
  12. KTID

    PWI 500 2003

    Why should they? From a kayfabed point of view neither have made THAT much progress and from a "smart" point of view neither are THAT good. ...or anything more than average (Angle) and inconsistent (Jericho).
  13. KTID

    triple h pinned tonight

  14. KTID

    PWI 500 2003

  15. KTID

    WON Hall of Fame voting results

    I'm trying incredibly hard to make sense of this.
  16. KTID

    Where should WM XXI be?

    Bring it to the god damned UK, bitchz.
  17. KTID

    The Announcing Situation

    They've wanted to sign him for years, and even made him an offer after ECW folded, but he always remained loyal to ECW and even after they folded he still turned them down. Also, he is too good for WWE.
  18. OMG, i love people like that!! If you'd ever watched anything besides WWE, you would know what we mean. I guess you don't see anything special about Eddy Guerrero, eh? What about Rey Mesterio Jr.?
  19. KTID

    WON Hall of Fame voting results

    Its really getting off the point, but what the hey... I really believe Zidane should be included in the list of the greatest all-round players of all time. He is one of those 'special' players, one who is great at every aspect of the game (passing, dribbling, shooting, tackling, heading). He is easily the greatest all-round player in the world right now and is, in my opinion, right up there with Pele, Maradona, Cruyff, Eusabio etc as one of the greatest of all-time. I know its off-topic but if you, or anyone else for that matter, disagree i'd like to hear why.
  20. KTID

    WON Hall of Fame voting results

    ... HA...HAHA...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Keep 'em coming man...it's getting hard to see the screen through the tears of laughing so hard. Hey, I feel the same way when I read your columns. -=Mike Looking at your opinions and overrating...I'll take that as a compliment. Pot, meet kettle. -=Mike Hey lads, enough of the gay banter.
  21. KTID

    WON Hall of Fame voting results

    Surely no one is comparing Michaels to Benoit in the ring. That's like comparing Beckham (over-rated, averagely talented footballer) to Zidane (greatest player ever). Haha, you can have all the American sports comparisons you like and i'll just translate them into United Kingdomish.
  22. KTID

    Puro newbie here

    One must have video...1994 Super J Cup