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Everything posted by KTID

  1. KTID

    It's not always a damn carry

    Though clearly not referring to any particular bad wrestler refusing to put over a particular good wrestler with a high-flying technical style which would upstage said bad wrestler, resulting in the mid-card demotion of this good wrestler, who could, after all, be anyone.
  2. Potential to do what? When he goes out there weekly and fails in every conceivable category (He's not over, he's not good in the ring, he's not charasmatic, he doesn't have good mic skills) how can anyone see potential? Because he's the son of "Cowboy" Bob Orton. They think that he has latent talent in him given to him by his father. That's just my theory. ...Backed up by such ring generals as Erik Watts, Brian Christopher and the living legend, David Flair.
  3. KTID


    If it wasn't for him being married, i'd turn gay and marry him myself. *Starts R-V-D chant, as puzzled parents and siblings look in worried amazement from the kitchen table* I've read this twice and I still have no clue as to what it means. Hey, I regularly go into an RVD-induced daze. You think I have a clue what it means? My shrink tells me i'm just an obsessed fan.
  4. KTID

    It's not always a damn carry

    Which SURELY proves that Bret/Bulldog at Summerslam '92 WASN'T a carry job.
  5. KTID

    It's not always a damn carry

    NO!!! Austins style has no relation whatsoever with the "WWE style" we see today that cripples guys like Benoit, Eddie and Jericho. Austin adopted a style *COMPLETELY UNIQUE TO HIM* which allowed *HIM* to accentuate his strengths (phsychology, timing etc.) and cover his weaknesses (by this point, bump-taking). Todays "WWE style" limits each and every wrestler to half a dozen moves maximum and prohibits displays of athleticism which may show up the aging, paranoid main eventers, like HHH and Nash.
  6. If he was busting out *** star matches every time he came out, i'd praise him for it. I am CONSTANTLY bitching about people on here using double standards, regarding guys like HHH compared to guys like Angle.
  7. KTID

    It's not always a damn carry

    For the first point, i'm sorry. I didn't realise you were just correcting something someone said, I (wrongly) thought you were implying something abouts Bret Harts integrity. Second point, i have never seen any such love for Austin. He's neither over-rated nor under-rated, as far as I can see. He's considered to be one of the best, simply in WWF/E, as far as phsychology, drawing heat, timing etc. though lacking a great moveset. There's no denying Austin/Rock at WMXVII or Austin/Foley at OTE, to give two reasonably wide-spread examples, are two of the best WWF/E matches of the "Austin era". Third point, were you saying if pre-match planning was done it proves Angle carried the match or are you just refuting those who have said Austin clearly appears to lead the match?
  8. WHAT??????? Vader was a great worker, Alberts the second worst worker in WWE. How can you say people would treat a super-worker the same as they do a man who makes Test look like Eddie? By the way, sorry for picking on you, lots of people were saying the same thing. To all of you, go SHAVE YOUR BACK!!!
  9. KTID

    It's not always a damn carry

    1st point-What the f*** differenece does that make? 2nd point-no he's not 3rd point-so your assuming any pre-planning must've been Angles work rather than Austin. Thats exactly what the guy who started the thread was talking about, so I guess his point is proven.
  10. KTID

    The Talent That's Going To Miss Out on SS...

    Your all making a big deal out of Matt Hardy, hell his names even in bold, and fair enough he deserves a spot on the card. BUT Out of the guys listed, Lance Storm, Jamie (K)noble and Tajiri (I know, hes on it now) are much better and Goldusts about on par. Thats not to mention John Cena, TWGTT, and worst of all, apparantly the Rey/Kidman match won't take place either (I haven't seen Smackdown! yet so I don't know). And, how did you manage to not mention the biggest name of all, who was in a high profile match at the last PPV, who main events this weeks Smackdown! and whos frequently in high profile angles every week, and...dare I say it...SHES A HOSS!!! BAH GAWD ITS STEPHANIE!!!
  11. KTID

    It's not always a damn carry

    Bret, one of the biggest egomaniacs in wrestling, may have done more than his half the work in the match, and naturally exaggerate that he "carried the whole match" to make himself look better. That was a great, dare I say classic match, that went back-and-forth. It is not possible that one guy did the entire match himself and it not being a shit match, never mind not being a "classic". Because that's very Bret Hart-like to try and put himself over at the expense of a dead family member. Before you ask how I know Bret personally and know he wouldn't do something, remember this is the only big name who hasn't comeback to the WWE when asked on more than one occasion because of him sticking to his word in addition to losing his brother who wrestled as well. I also consider that if you do more than your share of work in a match to help the other person it's a carry. 1) he's not a family member 2) you don't know him personally 3) he hasn't came back because he's an egomaniac worried about his image 4) he will come back, sooner or later 5) thats not a carry, or even something that isn't considered the norm
  12. KTID


    If it wasn't for him being married, i'd turn gay and marry him myself. *Starts R-V-D chant, as puzzled parents and siblings look in worried amazement from the kitchen table*
  13. Theres nothing true in your entire argument. Besides, the title doesn't even make sense!!!
  14. KTID

    It's not always a damn carry

    Common sense? Ray, your forgetting he's never seen the match, being blind and all. At least, I presume he's blind.
  15. KTID

    It's not always a damn carry

    Bret, one of the biggest egomaniacs in wrestling, may have done more than his half the work in the match, and naturally exaggerate that he "carried the whole match" to make himself look better. That was a great, dare I say classic match, that went back-and-forth. It is not possible that one guy did the entire match himself and it not being a shit match, never mind not being a "classic". EDIT: goddammit, being half asleep!!!
  16. KTID

    It's not always a damn carry

    Don't worry, i'm fired up and ready for war. Been waiting to get this little rant off my chest for ages. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! I Mean Thats A Shame I'll Really Miss Him Alot. I enjoy watching Angle, of course I do. I just really hate that he is so over-rated. Similar to Flair. I loved Flair, but honestly he's so damn over-rated, especially now, a good decade or more since his last good match!!! As for his "bright future", erm, he's like 35 and his neck could go at any minute. Of course Bret said that, he's an egomaniac!! That wasn't a series and no the matches weren't good. I know exactly how good my favourite is in the ring. "Better hosses", is that like some sort of oxymoron like "employed Ayr United fan".
  17. KTID

    It's not always a damn carry

    Angle love has always bugged me. Especially when compared to HHH hate. Now don't get me wrong, I find HHH as boring as watching David Gray or Toploader. When people praise HHH by citing his matches with Austin, Rock, Foley etc., the HHH haters reply that anyone can have great matches with them. Yet people don't have this same sense of logic when it comes to Angle. The only Angle matches that are in the same league as the above named HHH matches have been against Austin, Rock, Benoit etc. By using the same logic, Angle has proved himself to be as good as HHH, but not the same level as the others i've mentioned. Now i'm not trying to prove HHH is a better wrestler than those here give him credit for, rather that Angle is given far too much praise around here. Now defend that, Angle marks.
  18. KTID

    It's not always a damn carry

    Yeah, that does annoy me. No match thats even decent is a one-sided carry. Matches that are completely carried by one guy are always crap. Hence, someone like Benoit or Eddie v someone like Billy Gunn or Albert will completely suck cause only one side of the match can string two moves together. However, if a match is really good, like Austin/Angle or Eddie/Edge, then clearly both men are contributing.
  19. KTID

    Joel Gertner quotes

    Completely off topic... I would've had Cantona no.1 and Keane no.2. I wouldn't have had Scholsey in the top 5. I would've included Besty and the Lawman(George Best and Dennis Law).
  20. KTID

    Lauer/Waltman Problems

    ....or Joanie Lauer, for that matter.
  21. I absolutely *hate* those who think theres no wrestling outside WWE. And another thing, i am annoyed by people justifying what wrestlers are the best by how many titles they've held.
  22. Again, is this a bad thing?
  23. KTID

    Tidbits and Newsnotes

    "Despite what Jerry Lawler said on RAW, Teddy Long is not really on a cruise. He has actually been out of action ever since doctors found hepatitis in his blood. He is, however, expected to return on next week's RAW." He lied, godammit!!!
  24. KTID

    Joel Gertner quotes

    Problem is, he couldn't say any of these things on WWE TV.