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Everything posted by KTID

  1. KTID

    Triple H as world champ

    Who's this Hurricane that you speak of? And what makes you think he'll be the one to end Bruno Sammartino's reign?
  2. KTID

    Triple H as world champ

    Sorry. *Old School Undertaker Plushie* Undertaker will never be succesful unless he drops Brother Love and gets a manager with a ridiculously cheesy name.
  3. KTID

    Kane's last 2 tombstones

    Kane...isn't he The Undertaker's dead younger brother that Paul Bearer was talking about on RAW.
  4. KTID

    Triple H as world champ

    What are you talking about? HHH, you mean Hunter Hearst Helmsley? What a match he had with Bob Holly at Summerslam, eh? I propose the WWF start a feud between him and Henry Godwin immediately!
  5. KTID

    I don't know if this has been posted yet

    Wow!! who's that guy kissing the olympic gold medalist that beat Shawn Staziak at Survivor Series, Kurt somebody. And another thing, hasn't he had his head shaved all of a sudden.
  6. Neither have the mic skills or the workrate to compete with Duane Gill: WrestleManie XX Main Eventer.
  7. *marks for Mork & Mindy reference* *is currently watchin' Mork & Mindy in the UK on Paramount Comedy Channel*
  8. KTID

    Does this bug anyone else?

    Of course golf is a sport. Just look at the athletes involved. With such impressive physical specimens as Colin Montgomerie and John Daly, i'm surprised there's been no steriod scandals.
  9. KTID

    WWF Tribute video on Kazaa

    How come i can't find it? I want my money back! Half a moment...
  10. I don't understand you being so down on Randy Orton. So, he's no Chris Benoit or Eddie Guerrero, but at the same time, he's no Billy Gunn or Albert.
  11. If the full timer is among the worst all around guys in the company I would. But both HBK and Nash are proven failures as champion. Why bother giving them another reign. At least Orton is something new. So, he'll probably fail just like HBK and Nash. BUT, wouldn't it be better to have it be someone who's new but you think will fail, as opposed to someone who's had plenty of opportunites and failed every time. At least he *might*, though unlikely to happen, be succesful as champ, you know already HBK and Nash are failures.
  12. Of course. Now don't get me wrong, i think Orton is a bad choice to push and i think that he'll fail miserably if pushed. BUT, i'd much rather they attempt to push someone new, as opposed to someone already proven to be a failure(HBK, Nash).
  13. But surely you wouldn't support putting the title on a part-timer who rarely works house shows, is well past their prime and a proven ratings loser over a full-time worker with a full career ahead of them.
  14. I can't believe the main event of second biggest show of the year has Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash and Randy Orton in it, and someone starts a thread to complain about Randy Orton's involvement.
  15. like how he is portrayed. Only not how his character is written by the writers but rather how he makes it appear. For example, if he was to lose a match, the way he carries himself would make you think he's a nobody that simply lost to a better competitor. Whereas if, for example, The Rock was booked to lose to the same opponent in the same surcumstances, he would make it appear to be a fluke win, that it was off night for him and that he could just as easily have won.
  16. KTID

    Newsbits and Tidnotes

    You're all blind to the fact that Randy Orton has the genetics needed to become a star like Erik Watts, David Flair and Brian Christopher. Half a moment...
  17. KTID

    Raw vs Monday Night Football

    Since i'm British and don't understand a word of this discussion, i'll start my own discussion. So, who do you guys think will win the SPL (read: come 3rd). Though my heart says Killie, i think we'll have a tough season ahead of us. Therefore, gotta go with Hearts again.
  18. I meant as far as being taken seriously in main events by the casual fans. He isn't taken seriously because of the way he carries himself. I didn't mean to say he can't be taken seriously in MEs with his wrestling style, because as i pointed out its the same as HBKs, and HBK is taken seriously by casual fans. I was saying that his problem is not in the way he wrestles, but in how he carries himself.
  19. From what i hear, the war is responsible.
  20. Thats the thing about Jericho, he wrestles and carries himself like a midcard cruiserweight. Shawn Michaels, for example, wrestles like a midcard cruiserweight but carries himself like hes Rob Van Dam or something.
  21. Be funny if the result was like 10% Yes 90% No
  22. KTID

    Mid year WRESTLING awards

    Promotion of the mid-year -TNA Match of the mid-year -America's Most Wanted vs Triple X, NWATNA 6/25/03 Tag team of the mid-year -America's Most Wanted Wrestler of the mid-year -AJ Styles Champion of the mid-year -Jeff Jarrett, TNA Tag Champions of the mid-year -Triple X, TNA Show of the mid-year -NWATNA 6/25/03, TNA Worst wrestler of the mid-year -Albert, WWE Nastiest spot of the mid-year -AJ Styles breaks Kazarian's neck, TNA Move of the mid-year -Paul London's Shooting Star Press Feud of the mid-year -Raven vs CM Punk, RoH Jr. Heavyweight of the mid-year -Paul London
  23. KTID

    Mondays Kane Segmet

    I think they should have Glen Jacobs admit that he was never really Undertaker's brother, and was merely impersonating 'Kane' as Paul Bearer paid him to. They can easily explain this, and also apply whorehouses full of continuity and closure to his past. Say he (Glen Jacobs) had his dentists licence suspended and, looking for a new career path, entered the impersonation industry. JR then hired Glen Jacobs Impersonations Inc. to portray 'Diesel', before Paul Bearer hired him to portray 'Kane'. However, say that JR was behind on his payments, and owed him a large sum of money, so he came for revenge on JR.