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The Robfather

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Everything posted by The Robfather

  1. The Robfather

    On Benoit

    I'm in the camp that Benoit should be completely erased from the history. Flair wants to honor him, that's his business. Not sure I get the emotion behind it when Chris, you know, murdered his wife and kid. If you want to honor someone, honor Nancy and Daniel.
  2. The Robfather

    District of Columbia v. Heller

    You can read the transcript at this link: Oral Argument Surprised there's no discussion of thist. Walter Dellinger really got pwned by the justices. He started off trying to convince the court that the 2A was a right provided to the states to form militia. Basically, Heller has no rights because he wasn’t a member of a state militia. Even Stevens, Ginsberg and that side of the court could not escape the plain meaning. Clement was arguing for the Bush administration and trying to preserve the federal government's power to regulate weapons. There was a strange side agrument that 'bare arms' means hunting. Gura was weak, got bogged down in this and that kind of reasonable restriction, what should and shouldn't be restricted. Scalia had to bale Gura out. Roberts has the funniest, most blunt questions: Why would they say "the right of the people"? In other words, why wouldn't they say "state militias have the right to keep arms"? So if you have a law that prohibits the possession of books, it's all right if you allow the possession of newspapers? What is -- what is reasonable about a total ban on possession? --- I'm thinking the DC ban on handguns is going down in flames and the justices will affirm the 2A as an indiviual right to keep and bare arms.
  3. The Robfather

    Campaign 2008

    I remember some crazy theories in 2004 that some people in the Kerry campaign were moles to make sure he lost to clear the way for Hillary in 08.
  4. The Robfather

    District of Columbia v. Heller

    For those keeping score, Obama has already said he supports DC handgun ban. link
  5. The Robfather

    Campaign 2008

    heh... whatever, dude. Meanwhile... Carville Equates Richardson With Judas: http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/20...lle-equate.html
  6. The Robfather

    District of Columbia v. Heller

    http://www.oyez.org/cases/2000-2009/2007/2...7_290/argument/ You can read along while listening to it... as well as match faces with whomever is talking. Pretty cool.
  7. The Robfather

    Campaign 2008

    Richardson waited until it was safe to pick a side. Once Hilary started fading, he slide over to Obama, abandoning his post as long-time Clintion suck up. Ah, fair weather friends... in politics, people are really just opportunists. The actual endorsement is meaningless, the politics behind it is fascinating. If Hilary did somehow get the nom and win the general, the only fun to come out of it would watching her take revenge against the Dems that 'betrayed' her.
  8. The Robfather

    Campaign 2008

    He was using her as a means to excuse Wright's racism. I've heard and seen the remarks. The guy isn't just a crazy uncle who occasionally said a few crazy things at the dinner table. Wright is an eloquent speaker who uses his church as a means for race baiting. How can we let Obama lead our nation towards his idea of 'change' (which I assume would include racial healing) when he won't stand up against a racist right under his own nose? To me, that seems the logical place to start in any 'racial discussion'. The bottom line is, if he denounced the man totally, then he'd have to explain why he stayed associated with him for two decades. The shine is off Obama. The speech was all an attempt to end the issue in the news cycle. Nothing more. Hillary is still going to make a play to win the popular vote in the Democratic nom process. Should be interesting.
  9. The Robfather

    Campaign 2008

    The cynic in me says Wright was a way for Obama to network local political connections as he came up in politics, which plays into part of the reason he is more willing to 'throw grandma under the bus' than him. The failure of his speech remains his inability, his refusal to completely disavow Rev. Wright's racism and hatred. If he did that in no uncertain terms, the issue would be closed. The speech wasn't historic or inspiring. It was just mudding the waters with self-serving excuses for Wright. Him condemning his grandma is meaningless unless it is coupled with a rejection of Wright as well.
  10. The Robfather

    Campaign 2008

    Ah, so the fainting has started! Basically, he turned the whole Wright thing into a blame America deal. Bah... the US can not ingore race... yet, Obama is ignoring the fact that his spiritual mentor of some 20 years is a racist hate monger. I'm not impressed by the speech, but I'm sure the usual suspects will eat it right up. Gotta love how he threw his own grandma right under the bus, btw.
  11. The Robfather

    Raw 3/10/08

    He was selling an arm injury... no knockout ability at WM?
  12. The Robfather

    Raw 3/10/08

    Reminds me of the Master P/Mr Perfect feud in WCW.
  13. The Robfather

    Campaign 2008

    Already saw that article. Canada can look for a leak all they want. That won't have any impact on what's going on here.
  14. The Robfather

    Campaign 2008

    The reason Obama was hurt by the Canada-NAFTA stuff is because he's marketed himself as a different kind of politician, leaving cynical self-serving tactics behind. Clinton is immune to ethics questions because everyone already knows her background. When Obama doesn't live up to his status as the second coming, it is destructive. He comes off as a phony.
  15. The Robfather

    Campaign 2008

    Fox News justified it by saying they gave his speech the same amount of time as Clinton.
  16. The Robfather

    Campaign 2008

    Obama is such an over-the-top windbag. He's trying for a "I have a dream" here... .... Finally, Fox cuts him off. Thank God. He's such a phony. At least with the BITCH, you know what you are getting.
  17. The Robfather

    Campaign 2008

    THE COMEBACK BITCH! This woman wants to win more than any of them. MSNBC is like a funeral tonight. Fox News is salivating at the idea of a split convention.
  18. The Robfather

    Raw 3.3.08

    I love it when a face uses heel tactics and the crowd eats it up.
  19. The Robfather

    Raw 3.3.08

    Get the private jet ready... oh brother. Not feeling it, honestly.
  20. The Robfather

    Campaign 2008

    Their innuendo merited page1, above the fold coverage, but The NYTimes buried McCAin's press conference on page20. Not a very fair way to follow up.
  21. The Robfather

    Campaign 2008

    The other aspect of the Times story is the New Republic was set to report on internal dissension within the news staff on whether to run the McCain story or not. Kind of set up a use it or lose it situation. This is kind of reminding me of the Dan Rather/Bush documents story.
  22. The Robfather

    Campaign 2008

    pretty sorry hit piece, but there it is. A staffer thought McCain was having an afair with a lobbyist... and?
  23. The Robfather


    Did we ever find out who was alienated from the rest of the cast was?
  24. The Robfather

    Indiana Jones & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

    He's in the fucking Raiders Warehouse! see the closeup of some crate that says "Roswell New Mexico 1947" Cate Blanchett's russian character leans forward and her glasses leap off and attach to it.... like there's something magnetic inside.
  25. The Robfather

    This week in the NBA

    Hornets-Suns was insane. Best game I've seen all season.