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The Robfather

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Everything posted by The Robfather

  1. The Robfather

    The Apprentice 3

    There were some great moments. Kendra's tears of appreciation for her team. Tana realizing Kendra's tears were tears of joy, not because the task went horribly. Kendra's facial reaction to the brochure in the boardroom. The contrast between the two women. Kendra having a group hug with her team. Tana playing hide-and-seek with her's, waiting for them to leave before she left. The Best Buy Exec offering Kendra a job. I love Kendra!
  2. The Robfather

    NBA Playoffs

    I'm happy to see the Gone Fishin' jokes up and running on TNT.
  3. The Robfather

    WWE worried about the backlash

    I love this. Lita will never be able to be a face again.
  4. The Robfather

    Survivor : Palau

    But its only a silly game show. Who cares if someone quits? Janu didn't feel like sticking around and being a pawn for the Koror-5.
  5. The Robfather

    NBA Playoffs

    Spurs deserved to lose that game. Hit a shot, please, somebody.
  6. The Robfather

    Frustrations of Jericho

    You know what's sad? I used to be outraged by the shit the WWE put guys like Jericho through. Now, I just don’t care anymore, I am completely apathetic. I guess I've learned just to accept that is the way things are.
  7. The Robfather

    WWE Uncomfortable with Batista as Champion

    This happens every time Triple H drops the belt. The new champ is treated, still, as a midcarder while HHH dominates the show. I blame this on Vince. He needs to gain control of his company and stop being Steph and HHH's bitch.
  8. The Robfather

    "You screwed Matt!"

    Oh God yes! I hope this follows Lita for the rest of her career. Fucking whore deserves it.
  9. The Robfather

    "You screwed Matt!"

    I didn't watch RAW last night; now I wish I did. God Bless those fans who chanted against Lita!
  10. The Robfather

    The Official Sin City Thread

    I saw it last night. Never read the comics, but I liked it. My friend didn't seem to understand that there were three different stories. I hate having to explain things to him after the fact. Alexis Bledel, man, she was basically playing a hooker version of Rory Gilmore. I half expected it to turn out to be Lorelai on the other end of the phone.
  11. The Robfather

    The Apprentice 3

    I guess Kendra has to be the favorite to win at this point.
  12. The Robfather

    Matt Hardy released

    I wasn't Matt's biggest fan, but this is just damn cruel. To hell with Edge, Lita, and the DubyaDubyaEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  13. The Robfather

    The Amazing Race 7

    Some of that goat milking seemed to have porno music going along with it. Ron and Kelly: Worst. "All American". Couple. Ever.
  14. The Robfather

    Survivor : Palau

    Ulong should be re-named So Long. Next week, Tom upstages Rupert and Hatch.
  15. The Robfather

    The Amazing Race 7

    I totally hope the old people outlast Ray.
  16. The Robfather

    Would you put McGwire in the Hall now?

    All the cheaters should be banned from Baseball, so no, I don't think Big Juicing Mac should be let in the HoF.
  17. The Robfather

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    I think this Michael Schiavo character is scum and if there were any justice in the world, he'd be starved to death.
  18. The Robfather

    The Amazing Race 7

    Actually, it worked out better for Rob and Amber that she won the million because taxes are less severe in her home state. Clearly, he deserved the bragging rights though. They'll get another million when CBS airs their wedding.
  19. The Robfather

    The Amazing Race 7

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: Rob is the greatest character in reality tv ever!
  20. The Robfather

    The Apprentice 3

    Is it just me, or does Trump have a thing for Erin?
  21. The Robfather

    Dan Rather Farewell from the Liddy & Hill Show

    I watched the send off show last night. I found it self-serving and pointless. Actually, self-serving, pointless, and boring. A complete waste of time.
  22. The Robfather

    Iraqi Election Exceeds Expectations

    Christopher Hitchens responds to this: Beating a Dead Parrot
  23. The Robfather

    The O.C.

    Actually, I thought Ryan was on spot in the lastest episode. "... and you'd be in jail if it wasn't for Sandy." Great smackdown on Caleb. The conflict between them is long overdue. Let the Seth-Summer reunion begin. Sorry Zach.
  24. The Robfather

    Recent purchases

    Got The O.C. season one a couple weeks ago.... great show. Also, I could clear all the episodes off my computer, thankfully.
  25. The Robfather

    Thoughts about the "liberal media"

    "I'm a little concerned about this notion everybody wants us to be objective" --- Peter Jennings