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The Robfather

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Everything posted by The Robfather

  1. The Robfather

    Inauguration funds: A better use?

    Let them party, I say.
  2. The Robfather

    Rathergate Massacre

    -- Andrew Sullivan
  3. The Robfather

    Rathergate Massacre

    Kerry wasn't the only one who served and the others had the right to speak their mind on his post-Vietnam days.
  4. The Robfather

    Rathergate Massacre

    Rather should have been fired. That is all.
  5. The Robfather

    Why is Figure Skating on ESPN?

    Ah, but given the BCS rating system, is college football even a sport? A team like Auburn ran the table in arguably the toughest division and doesn't get a shot at the national title. That's nonsense.
  6. The Robfather

    Paul Heyman Released

    WORD! If Paul really is gone, well, thanks to him for at least trying to improve the product. Seriously people. Ms. Piggy really has no idea what she is doing. Ah well. The suckage will go on in the Dubya Dubya EEEEEEEEE!!!!
  7. The Robfather

    The Amazing Race 6

    Amazing Spousal Abuse! I wish someone would kill this asshole.
  8. The Robfather

    Surivor Vanuatu

    This season sucks. I still watch of course.
  9. The Robfather

    Meet your new senators!

    Surprise, surprise. The Nation doesn't like the Republican pick ups in the senate. I voted for Vitter and am glad he avoided the runoff. The UN commercial was hilarious. I also thought Thune's "In his own words" ad against Dasshole was one of the best ads of the political season.
  10. The Robfather

    CNN Live projections

    Tom did everything he could to defeat Thune in 2002... if Thune had won the other seat, Tom would have had a much easier time now.
  11. The Robfather

    CNN Live projections

    Just checked it to see how its going. Looks like Kerry is trying to pull a Sore-Loserman! Fucking loser.
  12. The Robfather

    Whoops! Iraqi explosives disappear under our guard

    My my my... More from Drudge: [The source behind the NYT story first went to CBSNEWS' 60 MINUTES last Wednesday, but the beleaguered network wasn't able to get the piece on the air as fast as the newspaper could print. Executive producer Jeff Fager hoped to break the story during a high-impact election eve broadcast of 60 MINS on October 31.] I want to know who was shopping this story around. CBS should be thankful the Slimes got the story first.
  13. The Robfather

    Whoops! Iraqi explosives disappear under our guard

    60 Minutes meet the New York Times Happy Oct Surprise!
  14. The Robfather

    Whoops! Iraqi explosives disappear under our guard

    Looks like NBCNews just destroyed the NYT's story.
  15. The Robfather

    Bush campaign "apprehensive"

    My point is, I don't think that is really a top Republican offical. I don't trust that these quotes are really from a republican source. The use of they, not we, gives it away.
  16. The Robfather

    Bush campaign "apprehensive"

    Interesting that a top Republican offical would refer to those in the campaign as 'they'. Wouldn't it be we, not they?
  17. The Robfather

    World Wildlife Fund for Nature...

    Actually, I find all this amusing.
  18. The Robfather

    Vote for Kerry

    I thought service didn't matter ... at least that's what the Dems said when it was Slick Willie at the top of the ticket.
  19. The Robfather

    Raw rating

    ho hum. Same old same old.
  20. The Robfather

    Star Wars Episode III Title Announced

    If I recall, orginally ROTJ was called Revenge of the Jedi, but it was changed to Return because Jedi don't get revenge. This is a nice contrast because the Sith are evil and do get revenge.
  21. The Robfather

    Movie Characters

    Adding to the list of annoying kids in movies: Daniel from Transformers the Movie.
  22. If Flair would just admit he was wrong to say those things about Bret in regards to Owen, the issue would die. Bret has alot of rage issues, but Flair went to an out of bounds subject and won't let it go. I've lost respect for him, in part of this. Being HHH's bitch is the other reason.
  23. The Robfather

    'Police Academy' Set for Eighth Edition

    The thing that's crazy, the movies really did become about Captain Harris and Procter as it went on. Everything seemed to focus on them.
  24. I knew Triple H would ruin Eugene, I just knew it. I miss Eugene wrestling mid-card matches, being paired with Regal, and making me feel good about being a wrestling fan. Now he's being played as a fool and its no fun to watch. I know Triple H is trying to break Flair's world title record, I know its going to happen, but why does he have to ruin everything else? I don't give a damn if I'm labeled a HHHater or not, but this has pissed me off. Fuck The Lame.