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The Robfather

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Everything posted by The Robfather

  1. The Robfather

    France...the excuses are starting!

    France Denies It Knowingly Helped Iraqi Arms Drive PARIS (Reuters) - French officials on Monday dismissed suggestions that Paris had knowingly helped Iraq obtain biological weapons, but conceded Baghdad may have had ulterior motives for scientific cooperation dating back two decades. The New York Times reported that Iraq had identified a Virginia-based biofirm and France's prestigious Pasteur Institute as suppliers of 17 types of biological agents that were used in weapons programs. The Pasteur Institute told Reuters it had helped Iraq work on anthrax and other dangerous bacteria in the 1980s -- in purely scientific and educational research -- but said the last shipment of material had been transferred around 1985. French foreign ministry spokesman Francois Rivasseau said such media reports were disingenuous as everyone had cooperated with President Saddam Hussein's Iraq during the 1980s. Many western states at the time backed Iraq in its long war with neighbor Iran, an Islamic republic. "A lot of information which is given is simply false," Rivasseau told reporters. "It is false that we wanted to contribute to Saddam Hussein's biological arsenal," he said. Nadine Peyrolo, head of the Pasteur Institute's press service, told Reuters that the medical institution had always strictly respected French and international law in its dealings with Iraq. "Obviously, since 1990-1991 (when U.N. sanctions were slapped on Iraq to punish it for its invasion of neighbor Kuwait), all the procedures have changed. "Since 1991, the dispatch of any dangerous (bacteriological) agents has been completely banned, and if requests (for such material) are made the Defense Ministry must be notified...so that, even if we send nothing, the authorities know that a request came from such and such a place," she added. The institute had, for example, before about 1985 sent Iraq anthrax bacteria and a sample of anthrax vaccine. The disease mainly affects cattle and is prevalent in Mediterranean basin countries, Peyrolo said. In humans the disease is frequently fatal. "We can imagine now that it was used for other purposes -- that's always possible, unfortunately," she added.
  2. The Robfather

    The Smart Marks' Countdown: Iraq

    Game Over, Saddam! Time for Inspector Clouseaus to look for a new job, eh?
  3. The Robfather

    The Smart Marks' Countdown: Iraq

    ok, WTF?!? Blix says the Azores summit "seems divided." He is clearly an idiot. Even Homer's got more brains than this guy.
  4. The Robfather

    American Idol II

    If you go here, you can download three clips from Kelly Clarkson's new album. The songs are: 1. Miss Independent 2. Some Kind of Miracle 3. What's Up Lonely These are just clips, not the full songs. She will perform one of these songs on this week on American Idol.
  5. The Robfather

    Survivor: The Amazon

    I hate all the women expect for Christy. That is all.
  6. The Robfather

    American Idol II

    I am going to predict that Clay is going to win this entire competition. He got the loudest cheers on the results show from the teenyboppers. I guess the 14 yr olds love his nerdy-yet-sexy vibe he gives off. Hell, Paula sounds like she’s going to pee on herself anytime she gives him a critique, and she’s basically a teenybopper, even if she is 40. The only thing standing in Clay’s way will be Simon’s critiques. He’ll be giving the same each week (he thinks Clay’s too Broadway), but Clay needs to resist the urge to talk back. Simon clearly wants Ruben to win, the only problem the guy looks like he’s going to have a heart attack when he performs. He was having breathing problems the other night. He’s doomed to finish in fifth or sixth place, in my opinion, and I fully expect Simon to do a lot of pouting when that finally happens. Kimberly Locke can not win, after Simon compared her performance to a Burger King commercial. That was a dirty trick because I think the comment had less to do with the flame graphics in the background and more to do with her weight. Not that I care anyway, because I want her to leave. So, I am glad Simon sabotaged her chances.
  7. The Robfather

    Survivor: The Amazon

    Joanna, don't let the Immunity Idol hit you in the ass on the way out! Looks like Christy is offically the replacement in the Bimbo Alliance, Jeanne is screwed, and Shawna will probably get her mercy boot next week.
  8. The Robfather

    Heyman asked Stephanie to step down

    It's about time someone laid out the problems in the WWE
  9. The Robfather

    Chubby Steph needs to lose weight

    Steph = Ms. Piggy
  10. The Robfather

    Survivor: The Amazon

    I think Shawna isn't going to get the boot until episode 5. The reason, I believe, is because I think the men are going to lose the immunity challange. This is high stakes, they aren't going to risk one million dollars just to let Shawna go. The women are only up one player right now, they can't afford to throw an immunity. There can't be a mercy boot for Shawna if they don't go to TC.
  11. The Robfather

    Survivor: The Amazon

    I'm afraid Heidi got herself a bad boob job. Not very pleasing to the eye, in my opinion. They booted Dan because he was lazy, plus he has cost them two challanges thus far...
  12. The Robfather

    Survivor: The Amazon

    Bumping this thread up to the top for tonight's episode.... I'm saying the boot tonight will be Daniel. Oh and the women will get naked.... Should be a fun episode!
  13. The Robfather

    Survivor: The Amazon

    What really makes Joanne a horrible person is that she put her hand in the face of a deaf girl--- when reading lips is her only means of understanding people. Positively one of the most despicable things I’ve ever seen. At least Christy got a good snark in on her when she said, “Shouldn’t a ‘Vessel of God’ be a little more nicer and kinder?”
  14. The Robfather

    Survivor: The Amazon

    Whoever came up with this 'talk to the hand' stuff should be shot. I really, really hate Joanna. She’s nothing more than another in a long line of religious hypocrites.
  15. The Robfather

    Bush: The American Leader

    I certainly believe in G.W. Bush’s policies. I did vote for him in 2000, didn’t have high hopes because of the weakened state he entered the White House, but have been pleasantly surprised. The important thing in today’s world for anyone seeking the Presidency: Is a candidate completely serious about prosecuting the war on terrorism to the fullest extent? I can’t name a Democratic candidate that I can give a ‘yes’ to that question.
  16. The Robfather

    NBA Playoffs fixing to be even longer

    These kinds of changes should be made in the off season, not in the middle of it. God, can the league possibly be more pro-Lakers? Fuck you, David Stern!
  17. The Robfather

    Greatest US President

    Not only was Carter a horrible President, even today he continues to meddle in affairs he has no business being involved. I voted for Ronald Reagan.
  18. The Robfather

    Favorite Columnists

    Christopher Hitchens
  19. The Robfather

    Do you believe there is a leftist bias

    Anyone who is interested in liberal bias in the media should check out this website: The Media Research Center They have an archive of quotes from so-called journalists that really put things in perspective. Take a few minutes to read some of it and see if you still believe there isn’t a liberal bias... *Edit* I just realised that this website is run by L. Brent Bozell. Didn't even realise it. Oh well, it's still a great resource...
  20. The Robfather

    The One & Only Sunday Football Thread for 12/15

    Special Teams for the Vikings totally destroy the nice lead they had.
  21. The Robfather


    MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - The NFL has acknowledged its officiating crew made at least nine mistakes during Sunday's Green Bay-Minnesota game, including a key pass interference call, two newspapers reported Wednesday. The mistakes were documented in a confidential memorandum, the Star Tribune and St. Paul Pioneer Press said, citing unidentified sources. The Vikings (3-10) lost the game 26-22 in Green Bay. Eight of the affected plays occurred in the fourth quarter, when the Packers (10-3) made up a nine-point deficit with two touchdowns. An interference call negated a Vikings' interception on the Packers' game-winning drive. Both papers reported the league's correspondence with the Vikings. "Conversations between the NFL officiating department and teams are confidential," NFL spokesman Michael Signora said. "We do not comment on them." Vikings coach Mike Tice declined comment. Team officials are prohibited from discussing confidential communication with the league. On Monday, the Vikings sent in 12 officials' calls the team disagreed with. In a response, league supervisors wrote that Vikings safety Corey Chavous (news) should not have been called for pass interference against Donald Driver (news) on a third-down pass that safety Jack Brewer intercepted. "It doesn't matter what they say after the fact," Chavous said. "We lost the game." Under the NFL's instant replay policy, pass interference penalties are not subject to review. Tony Fisher scored the go-ahead touchdown for Green Bay four plays later. NFL teams routinely fill out such forms on the day after games, seeking clarification or explanations for calls, and it is not unusual for mistakes to be acknowledged affecting both teams. Among other mistakes detailed in the document, league supervisors wrote that Packers receiver Robert Ferguson should have been ruled out of bounds at the 1-yard line rather than given a 40-yard touchdown reception with 10:48 left in the fourth quarter. The Vikings did not challenge the call via instant replay. The NFL also wrote that Packers safety Antuan Edwards (news) should have received an unnecessary roughness penalty for hitting Vikings receiver Chris Walsh (news), who had taken a knee to stop the next-to-last play of the game, and that Packers linebacker Nate Wayne (news) also should have been penalized for blocking receiver Randy Moss (news) in the back on the final play of the game. Link
  22. The Robfather


    What is the rational for not allowing instant replay review of pass interference calls?
  23. The Robfather

    Rose meets with Selig

    The thing I find amusing about all this is that Bud Selig is very unpopular, while Rose is very popular with baseball fans.
  24. The Robfather

    The One And Only Sunday Football Thread for 12/1

    as usual, Saints play a close game
  25. The Robfather

    The One And Only Sunday Football Thread for 12/1

    5 minutes left for Tampa Bay