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Everything posted by Nevermortal

  1. Nevermortal

    Fuck America

    Well, I'm not sleeping tonight. And rightfully so, nut up and help them out. I buy them vodka to numb their plight. See, in Rhode Island, we could give a shit about the homeless. We're too busy living it up on Federal Hill and getting pizza strips from Crugnales. Not to mention a late night snack at Caserta's or Wes' Rib House.
  2. Nevermortal

    Fuck America

    Way to generalize an entire country! And, despite popular belief, America is NOT hated by everyone in the world (which is blantly obvious). Why don't we deserve our luxuries? America has earned everything it has by defeating all those who would try to take it away. We have also inspired many, many countries to pursue democracies. This is the Land of the Free. It's a hell of a lot better than the communist, theocratic, and fascist goverments around the world. If you take Banky seriously, you suck. No, I was being serious. Yaaaaaah communism. I especially like the terror they use, its actually quite efficient. Eliminates the stupid people. Sure you were.
  3. Nevermortal

    The OAO What's this move thread

    Fleisch does a half turn into a springboard tornado DDT. Kind of hard to explain without you seeing it.
  4. Nevermortal

    Fuck America

    Way to generalize an entire country! And, despite popular belief, America is NOT hated by everyone in the world (which is blantly obvious). Why don't we deserve our luxuries? America has earned everything it has by defeating all those who would try to take it away. We have also inspired many, many countries to pursue democracies. This is the Land of the Free. It's a hell of a lot better than the communist, theocratic, and fascist goverments around the world. If you take Banky seriously, you suck.
  5. Nevermortal


    Did you play with the USB headset? I heard that the "Director" can communicate with you through the headset and you can use the voice command to set traps for gang members.
  6. Nevermortal

    Fuck America

    Typical American. Rhode Islander, not an American! [i secede from the union]
  7. Nevermortal

    Fuck America

    You're gay (How's that for an American response....I crown myself the master of wit)
  8. Nevermortal

    The Dames Appreciation Thread

    Dames: Saves children from burning buildings
  9. Nevermortal

    Fred Durst Gets His Face Busted Open

    I saw that at Blabbermouth today. Funny shit. http://www.thearmpit.net/images/fred_hurt_nyc.jpg
  10. Nevermortal

    Who's more hardcore???

    Mick Foley is hardcore. Nick Mondo is ultra f'n violent. And Jimbo, light tubes hurt. A lot.
  11. Nevermortal


    And I will! Now, all I have to do is acquire a PS2...
  12. Nevermortal

    Hawaiian Style~!

    Why? Gimmick posters tend to peter out after a bit.
  13. Nevermortal

    What do you think about Test?

    Whoa whoa whoa whoa... You didn't like his "fat-ass Pete Gas" promo? .........
  14. Nevermortal

    What do you think about Test?

    No, what do YOU think about Test???
  15. Nevermortal

    The Czech Republic's 4000th-Post Bubblin' Bonanza

    Let's make par-snip pie!
  16. Nevermortal

    Calculate the day you will die

    July 25th, 2035. Bring it on, fuckers.
  17. Nevermortal

    $7.99 DVDs at Best Buy

    Requiem Director's Cut is worth every penny of that 7.99 and then some.
  18. Nevermortal

    ROH Moves its 11/29 Venue

    Actually, its 18 now.
  19. Nevermortal

    OAO Name Suggestion Thread

    El Hombre Muerto Grande Nathan Jones' Breast Milk Teabag Cockslap Flaming Racist
  20. Nevermortal

    Holy shit...

    I'd rather see Messiah v. Lynn. No disagreement there, but let's face it - Messiah isn't nearly on Lynn's level. By having Sabu also in the match, it won't be as strictly technical based as it would be with just Messiah vs. Lynn. Come on...you don't find the thought of John Zandig in the same ring as SABU and JERR LYNN? I'm not saying it's going to be good...what I'm saying is that it's going to be interesting...in a way. Well, yeah, in the train wreck sense. I like Zandig for the most part but he sucks ass at wrestling and should stick to ripping himself open in hardcore matches. I absolutely detest Sabu and have ever since his shitfest with The Sandman at November to Remember '97. Lynn could carry the Messiah to a good match, thus, I'd rather see Jerry Lynn v. The Messiah.
  21. Nevermortal

    Mick Foley DVD

    There's one already out... Mick Foley: Hard Knocks & Cheap Pops. Its pretty good: Full versions of Dude Love/Austin (Over the Edge '98), Shawn Michaels/Mankind (Mind Games '97), The Rock/Mankind (Halftime Heat), Mankind/Austin (Raw), and the Kennel From Hell with funny-ass commentary from Kevin Kelly & Foley, plus an hour and twenty minute documentary which is pretty good.
  22. Nevermortal

    USA Pro celebrates the "End of an Era"

    Yeah, I'm a jackass because I don't want to see Shane Douglas v. Sandman as my main event. That card fucking blows, and seeing as they've got Low Life Louie working it, its even going to blow harder.
  23. Nevermortal

    Holy shit...

    I'd rather see Messiah v. Lynn.
  24. Nevermortal

    One and Only Velocidential Thread

    This match fucking rules.
  25. Nevermortal

    Mick Foley DVD

    Cactus v. Vader on Saturday Night with the Killer Bomb Cactus v. Vader from Havoc Mick Foley v. Terry Funk from Raw Cactus Jack/Raven v. Tommy Dreamer/Terry Funk from November to Remember '95 Mankind v. The Rock from Raw (title win) Cactus Jack v. Sting (Falls Count Anywhere) from Beach Blast Cactus Jack v. The Sandman (Barbed Wire) Those are my wants.