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Everything posted by Nevermortal

  1. Nevermortal

    5.1 Surround Sound

    Dayum. I thought these shits were affordable.
  2. Nevermortal

    IWA draws a scary low

    1. Nah, holmes, you seem to be spelling out everything absolutely fine. 2. Most people on this board have a sig. So, logically, u get to the point where you just ignore them, or so is the case with many people. Again - it was quite unclear and very easy to interpret as being unsacrastic, if that's a word. Can't you just admit you're wrong for once instead of arguing your stupid points to the death? It's you that needs to follow that logic. Face it - the only reason you're saying what you just said is b/c you want me to be wrong. If you truly thought I was, you'd try to make me look like a fool, based on what I actually said, not on what you want to conclude. There's just no quit in you, Barber, huh? You took a simple joke and blown it way out of proportion, but really, I don't expect anything less from you; I mean hey, you are Jonathan Barber, king of the silly internet flame wars, right? Just admit that you can't take a joke, or you're just too damned stupid to interpret sarcasm.
  3. Nevermortal

    IWA draws a scary low

    1. Nah, holmes, you seem to be spelling out everything absolutely fine. 2. Most people on this board have a sig. So, logically, u get to the point where you just ignore them, or so is the case with many people. Again - it was quite unclear and very easy to interpret as being unsacrastic, if that's a word. Can't you just admit you're wrong for once instead of arguing your stupid points to the death?
  4. Nevermortal

    I'm Back

    This is weird, because next Saturday, I'm gonna do it! (Read: Not gonna do it)
  5. Nevermortal

    IWA draws a scary low

    It's your perogative to kid about it, but you didn't make that even partly obvious in your post. You'd think the giant fucking ass Straight Edge banner in his signature may have clued you off, but I guess you need everything spelled out for you, eh Barb?
  6. Nevermortal

    So Hot Right Now

    "Christianity Delete", "Hate", "Dominate", "Congregate", "Burn", "Weep", "Hate Incarnate", "I Smell Like Jesus Dead", "Forsaken By the Naked Light of Day", "The Swarming of Whores"
  7. Nevermortal

    IWA draws a scary low

    Talk about unprofessional promoting. You're suggesting that they promote beer in order to get fans to come to the show. We all know that that wouldn't be looked upon positively by anyone, whether it be the Internet or the local community. And if it weren't to be frowned upon by the Internet, the ONLY reason would be because IWA has a generally good rep of being quality wrestling that doesn't get the support it deserves. If it was XPW following your suggestion, we all know that there's be ppl. bitching left and right. He's obviously kidding. Psycho.
  8. Nevermortal

    Pick Trish's New Shirt?

    Who the fuck would wear that?
  9. Nevermortal

    So Hot Right Now

    Heard any of their new shit? It fucken dominates.
  10. Nevermortal

    IWA draws a scary low

    25....Jesus. The indy show I went to on Saturday (which sucked ass, and was free) in a barn somewhere in Connecticut had 40 people in the audience.
  11. Nevermortal

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    Berg over....did you notice Trips raise the shoulder at three though?
  12. Nevermortal

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    Guess not......
  13. Nevermortal

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    Thanks for marrying my daughter, here's your World title!
  14. Nevermortal

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

  15. Nevermortal

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

  16. Nevermortal

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    Holy shit, did Vince tap an artery?
  17. Nevermortal

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    Avoid the hole indeed.
  18. Nevermortal

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    Jon "Harder than the tree that hit Sonny Bono" Coachman. Coach sold the stunner all awesome-like.
  19. Nevermortal

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    2 more matches left...
  20. Nevermortal

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    If this was the real Austin, he'd fuck Shawn up.
  21. Nevermortal

    Hey yall im new.

    Oh great...Icon's over here.
  22. Nevermortal

    4/12/03 - Danielson vs. London

    Because I can-can-can-can.
  23. Nevermortal

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    Smackdown: "Where the superstars are in the spotlight and not the announcers." ZING~!
  24. Nevermortal

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    Did I have to see someone pinch Orton's nipple?
  25. Nevermortal

    The One and Only Survivor Series Thread

    ORTON RULES!!!!!!!!!!