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Everything posted by Nevermortal

  1. Nevermortal

    WWE Books the New Jersey Rex Plex

    Well, fuck me for missing it when looking at page one. This thread must be baleeted.
  2. Nevermortal

    CZW "Uprising" Thread

    I seriously think Sick Nick's coming back tomorrow night to fuck some shit up. Personally, I'd rather see Nick/Messiah in a regular match than one with a gimmick, but them in the COD might be truly awesome. But does anyone think that CZW really ran the cage gimmick deep into the ground this year? They had two cages within two months of each other; will the COD lose its mystique? I guess the attendance will tell.
  3. Nevermortal

    CZW "Uprising" Thread

    I don't expect to see Zandig back yet. And if Zandig had any brains, he'd have Nick Mondo face Messiah in the eventual blowoff match, selecting someone in his place. That's only if he is a selfless man, and knowing someone in that position, I probably wouldn't give up my spot either.
  4. Nevermortal

    Most beautiful music you know......

    The Project Hate MCMXCIX - "Weep"
  5. Nevermortal

    High school kicker makes 62 yard

    I'm getting flashbacks of the Adam Sandler "Lonesome Kicker" song.
  6. Nevermortal

    Best Ed Leslie Gimmick

    I'm going with the Evil Chinese Doctor he played in Santa with Muscles.
  7. 1. Kurt Angle - obvious choice. 2. Chris Benoit - obvious choice. 3. Matt Hardy - Could be a great face or heel. It could go either way. 4. Eddy Guerrero - The total package. 5. Brock Lesnar - We need a beast. 6. Jericho - We need a supreme mic worker. 7. The Undertaker - We need a veteran to put everyone overe. 8. Vince McMahon - If he stayed out of the ring, he could be a valuable asset for getting someone over. I'm sick of these half-ass alliances with Vince that fade or aren't very visible. I loved the Corporation angle, they should really do that again. I always thought that teaming Vince & Chris Benoit up would be great to see. 9. Rey Misterio - Even if he never won the World Title, he could be a merchandising machine and will always put on good matches. 10. Edge - Edge is destined to win that title someday. And I think we should build around him.
  8. Nevermortal

    2003 IWA-MS Ted Petty Invitational Thread

    Or Brad Bradley. Bradley/Hero or Bradley/Whitmer would be full of pain and suffering.
  9. Nevermortal

    Am I the only person

    Austin gets beer... Angle gets milk... Eddy gets shit... Me thinks that they're starting to lose ideas for things to spray at people. They lost a big opportunity to spray HHH down with Chef Boyardee during Mankind's last run.
  10. Nevermortal

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Final Result

    You and Game should hook up. Me and your dad should hook up. Well as long as he's not as ugly as you then screw that. I'll go back to rioting. OMG a parent joke! So witty! Personally, I'm glad you find me ugly. Now go push someone's poop in. Ew.
  11. Nevermortal

    Campus Cuisine

    AoO's like the food MacGyver.
  12. Nevermortal

    Another how do you question

    I think you have to resize it manually.
  13. Nevermortal

    Results from Finland

    Sue me but I thought this was a reference to anal sex at first. SHOCKING~!
  14. Nevermortal

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Final Result

  15. Nevermortal

    The One and Only SMACKDOWN! 10-09-03 Thread

    He was something?
  16. Nevermortal


    My cookies are stored on my C drive...however, its a small drive and it frequently drops down to 0 MB because that's where windows is. Is there anyway I could relocate the cookies folder to one of my other drives?
  17. Nevermortal

    The Diatribe is up

    Good diatribe, Damesy. GO SOX!
  18. Nevermortal

    The One And Only Band Name Idea Thread

    My friend has a band called Pontius Pilate & The Nailers... Yes, its the same band as above.
  19. Nevermortal


    You can move your Temporary Internet Files to another drive, but not cookies.
  20. Nevermortal


    I did the first step but when I right click on Properties...nothing having to do with settings comes up for me, and I have IE 6.
  21. Nevermortal


    Why does this fucking piece of shite exist? Seriously. I demand an answer. The next thing they should do is exhume Elvis' corpse and take a piss on it. Its basically the same thing as this song. Elvis DID NOT need a goddamned techno remix.
  22. Nevermortal


    OMG PRINCE PAUL~! Welcome to your new experience, Luke.
  23. Nevermortal

    I just met Mean Gene

  24. Nevermortal

    The One and ONLY FUCK THE YANKEES...

    As a born and raised New Englander.... Fuck the Yankees. The Red Sox are over-fucking-due.