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Everything posted by Nevermortal

  1. Nevermortal

    AoO needs one of these

    What's the highest numbered interstate?
  2. Nevermortal

    So why?

    I like Hitler.
  3. Nevermortal

    What do you think a church should look like?

  4. Nevermortal

    What are you losers doing

    I'll probably be smoking weed and watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Or maybe I'll eat veal. Who knows. EDIT: I've decided on smoking my Aqua Teen Hunger Force DVDs and eating weed veal.
  5. I read an article about her this week. She wants the payment in one lump sum as opposed to the staggered payments over the years because she knows that she won't be living much longer.
  6. Nevermortal

    Ugliest band in rock.

    His drummer in SYL Gene Hoglan won't win any beauty contests either. Kiss sans makeup.
  7. Nevermortal

    Is Brandon Truitt ever going to....

    He's been defrocked.
  8. Nevermortal

    Name the most average band you've ever heard

    They're like the most generic black metal.
  9. Nevermortal

    Talk about your holiday here.

    I got sick and got DVDs.
  10. Nevermortal

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Tiger Army: "Ghostfire" "Nocturnal" "Outlaw Heart" "Twenty Flight Rock" "In the Orchard" "True Romance" "Incorporeal" "Cupid's Victim" "Annabel Lee" "Under Saturn's Shadow" "The Long Road"
  11. Nevermortal

    No Christmas Story marathon

    Has anyone seen the Christmas Story sequel with Charles Grodin? Now THAT's awful.
  12. Nevermortal

    This is pathetic, but kind of funny.

    My first two CD purchases at age eight were Green Day's "Dookie" and The Offspring's "Smash".
  13. Nevermortal


    Why exactly is Brock Lesnar v. Sting a dream match?
  14. Nevermortal


    Eggnog rules so much.
  15. Nevermortal

    What Happened to A-train?

    A-Train was the best hoss. He'll do great in Japan.
  16. Nevermortal


    Why hasn't my request been fulfilled. Sorry we can't all listen to pussy music.
  17. Nevermortal

    MMA articles on the main site

    Sorry that we can't all like pussy music, Paragon. Some of us happen to embrace the testosterone in our system.
  18. Nevermortal


    Fun little movie. I'd so bang the Jewish chick.
  19. Nevermortal


    Someone photoshop a Santa hat on that Corey Lazarus pic.
  20. Re: Kenzo Suzuki's involvement in death @ Choshu's World Japan dojo: http://www.wrestleview.com/news/1060446119.shtml
  21. Supposedly Kenzo killed a man before. Elaborate. NOW. I don't know the whole story, but basically he had a hand in rough-housing a dojo boy causing him death. I'll find an article on it.
  22. Nevermortal

    IDRM's sig is NOT work safe.

    This whole board isn't work safe. You shouldn't be talking to people on this board at work. You should be working.