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Everything posted by Nevermortal

  1. Nevermortal

    Possible WWE Competition

    I'd rather see a HUSTLE event than a Smackdown event any day of the week. Disco Ogawa > Bradshaw
  2. Nevermortal

    Recommend Me an XBOX Game

    ....but its still a volleyball game.
  3. Nevermortal

    What are you listening to right now?

    "The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner" - Iron Maiden The only metal song having to do with track and field.
  4. Nevermortal

    TSM Poster Tournament III~!

    Could this be an ALL METAL FINAL!?!?! Spork 'Gent Rip Takk Wylde
  5. Nevermortal

    Recommend Me an XBOX Game

    I love using the two sticks for moving. It's hard to adjust back to the one stick now that I've gotten so used to the other way.
  6. Nevermortal

    Recommend Me an XBOX Game

    I'm actually playing Prince of Persia on my friend's GC right now. An absolutely amazing game. RS:3 is something I'd probably go for. I had always wanted to check it out when it came out last year.
  7. Nevermortal

    Recommend Me an XBOX Game

    Manhunt is very difficult and repetitive, but I loved it anyhow. There's just something inside of me that enjoys seeing people getting shanked with a piece of glass over and over again. As for the non-XBOX live online playing....all you need is a router, correct?
  8. Nevermortal

    Recommend Me an XBOX Game

    I had Halo.....sold it because I couldn't find people to play multiplayer with. Then, a few months ago, my friends started having Halo parties on the weekends, and I've regretted it ever since. I'd probably go for getting Halo, but only for under 20 bucks.
  9. Nevermortal

    Recommend Me an XBOX Game

    My current collection consists of: Dead to Rights GTA Xbox Hitman 2 Hitman: Contracts Jet Set Radio Future Manhunt Max Payne Max Payne 2 Morrowind GOTY Edition Splinter Cell Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 THUG Not really interested in sports titles or games having to do with one of my most loathed TV shows. I've been interested in KOTOR for a while, but I'm questioning whether or not to get it since it is an RPG, and I really really hated playing Morrowind.
  10. Nevermortal

    What happened to the SAT's

    SAT are terrrrrrrible. With that many R's.
  11. Nevermortal

    Bradshaw Causes Incident At House Show

    What a dumb son of a bitch.
  12. Nevermortal

    What are you listening to right now?

    "The Right Side of the Bed" - Atreyu
  13. Nevermortal


    This is an unveiling.
  14. Nevermortal


    Nevermortal: Anagrams are gay How the fuck did that just happen?
  15. Nevermortal


    Ugh, shut up. Most of us get it at 3pm on Friday. And because of that, the results are no longer spoilers. Avoid the thread until then. It's not that difficult.
  16. Nevermortal


    Thoughts: - They need to work the uniqueness of the 6 sided ring more. I may have missed it, but did they even give an explanation for it? - Abyss needs to lose his garbageman vest, now. - No need for the Popeye/Shark Boy shit. It makes TNA look very bush league. - No more Hector Garza, Dallas or Dusty Rhodes, please. Also, Primetime Elix Skipper is sloppy as hell. - Cut back on the country music ads. - Let Styles go over Kazarian on Wednesday and have it lead to Daniels-Styles feud on Impact. - I like the time clock on the top and the ticker on the bottom. Gives it a more "sporty" feel. I can't watch it live because I work during that time, but I'll definitely tape it every week.
  17. Nevermortal

    What are you listening to right now?

    The fact that iB endorses Atreyu is enough to delete any and all mp3's I have by them. NP: "Bleeding Mascara" - Atreyu
  18. Nevermortal

    Any Stryper fans?

    I hope Stryper got raped by the black cock of Satan.
  19. Nevermortal

    OAO The Show that Isn't RAW Thread

  20. Nevermortal

    OAO The Show that Isn't RAW Thread

    Looks like the Dudley clan just lost another member.....
  21. Nevermortal

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Ramses, Bringer of War" - Nile followed by: "Slaves to the Grind" - Nasum
  22. Nevermortal

    Godsmack Vs Story Of The Year

    I'd just like to say that these responses are simply SHOCKING~!
  23. Nevermortal

    ROH 6/12-Dayton Ohio

    Eh, then go then. You might like it, or you might just be freaked out by the crowd ROH caters to. I was bewildered out when I went to one show and I overheard some kid saying to his friend "I'd probably only give that match ** stars". I'd just never heard net-speak used out loud (in a serious manner). It was very jarring. EDIT: I just read that Masada will be appearing. Masada is the king of all bumps nowadays, always finding innovative ways to break his own neck in the context of a wrestling match. I'd say go to see him.
  24. Nevermortal

    Am I paranoid about HHH...

    I am actually not opposed to seeing an all but guaranteed ****+ match. It's far more interesting than Benoit v. Kane.