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Everything posted by Nevermortal

  1. Nevermortal

    Broken Image Links in .sigs/Avatars

    Yeah, muthafucka
  2. Nevermortal

    Frigid Evaluations

    I demand an evaluation.
  3. Nevermortal

    Chappelle's Show question

    "Ass and Titties" - DJ Funk I found it on Soulseek.
  4. Nevermortal

    The Most Important Opinion Thread Yet

    Do it up.
  5. Nevermortal

    Top 5 Favorite Movies Ever

    1. The Godfather 2. Clerks. 3. Fight Club 4. Pulp Fiction 5. Goodfellas
  6. Nevermortal

    Chappelle's Show question

    You're amazing.
  7. Nevermortal

    Chappelle's Show question

    Sadly, I was wondering the same thing, Nevermortal. If this answer is never found, I'm gon' have to choke a bitch.
  8. Nevermortal

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Shed the Skin" - Onesidezero
  9. By my count, Lance Storm has had one entertaining match in his career, and that would be the WCW Title match with Booker T on Nitro. Couple that in with the fact he works so light so as to expose the business vindicates me in saying that he is absolutely worthless. In fact, I'd rather have my eye gouged out with a rusty hook than watch a Lance Storm match.
  10. Maybe they'll just release worthless Storm. [/wishful thinking]
  11. 1. In his defense, no one's seen him wrestle since he changed the gimmick. The extent of his physical activity has been a run-in on Eddy. Granted, when he does get up there and wrestle, and does the same schtick, I'll eat crow, but at least give the guy the benefit of the doubt. 2. I'm not really that interested in some guy who's a stockbroker/amateur border patroller. 3. I'll give him that. 4. I find it funny that when WWE found out that Latinos make up the biggest audience for Smackdown, they decided that in order for any heel to get heat, they have to go after them in promos. It's the new "Heel Scheming Authority Figure screws babyface". Oh wait. They do that too.
  12. Nevermortal

    What is wrong with America?

    Or just a show that has depth. You want a show with depth? Venture to FX on Tuesday nights or HBO on Sundays. I can already say with confidence that The Shield & The Sopranos are better than Wonderfalls, and that's just going by the title.
  13. Nevermortal

    I'm having a party tomorrow night

    Cocaine is fuuuuucking chic. And a Hookah is gay. My friends have a hookah and all they do is puff fruity tasting tobacco out of it. In my opinion, the only thing that should be smoked out of a hookah is OPIUM, god dammit.
  14. Nevermortal

    Best Simpsons Episode

    The episode when Homer goes on disability for being obese is hillarious, because it made me realize that should I ever become obese, I can always get a moo-moo.
  15. Nevermortal

    What is wrong with America?

    Simple. People [for some reason] care about Reality TV. Nobody gives two shits about Wonderfalls (which I'm guessing is one of those faggy Buffy/Angel bullshit shows). Satisfied?
  16. Nevermortal

    I'm having a party tomorrow night

    But its very chic.
  17. Nevermortal

    I'm having a party tomorrow night

    You know, I've been thinking, if I had the chance, I'd probably do cocaine. Just saying.
  18. Nevermortal

    Big News

    From Da Meltz - "Both TNA and ROH have confirmed that none of the TNA contracted talent, which would include A.J. Styles, Christopher Daniels, Jerry Lynn, Raven and Chris Sabin, would be allowed to appear for upcoming ROH dates. This apparently includes the upcoming Chicago and St. Paul dates. The status of C.M. Punk and Traci Brooks and those shows is right now uncertain. The impasse is that ROH investor Cary Silkin was advised by his attorney not to sign an agreement that would hold him personaly financially responsible for any problems TNA might have resulting from the sides working together. TNA responded by pulling all its contracted talent from ROH. The issues at first were due to concern by TNA that Rob Feinstein was still with ROH. ROH president Doug Gentry on 4/7 had signed the same document, stating Feinstein had nothing to do with the company. The document also stated he would be personally held financially responsible for any problems from TNA that would arise should Feinstein ever be part of the company again. "
  19. Nevermortal

    I'm having a party tomorrow night

    Not a big whiskey guy. If I'm doing a whiskey it's going to be Old Crow.
  20. Nevermortal

    I'm having a party tomorrow night

    Nevermortal and I have graduate from the same school of drinking. I'd add Bombay Safire to that list and then it's totally on-point. Grey Goose is some wonderful stuff. 151 will fuck your soul- but in a good way. In America, you drink Vodka. In Russia, Vodka drink you!
  21. Nevermortal

    Big News

    I honestly think that these TNA guys would be gone even if Gabe proved that RF was gone (which I believe he is, but then again, I'm a sheep).
  22. Nevermortal

    Big News

    Wait, what logic are you using in order to place the blame on Gabe? TNA wanted their people off the ROH shows because of Feinstein's overall douchebaggery. I doubt it has anything to do with Gabe's handling of the situation.
  23. Nevermortal

    Big News

    I blame Rob Feinstein and his idiocy.
  24. Nevermortal

    New School Question Thread

    1. What was the deal with the Shane Helms/Buff Bagwell fight in WWE? 2. Did Bagwell ever get payback for it?