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Everything posted by Nevermortal

  1. Nevermortal

    Cheers to IDRM

    Fake beards = ratings. And I got fucking threadjacked. Cocksuckers.
  2. Nevermortal

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Do I Look Like a Slut?" - Avenue D
  3. Phantom's like a mawfucker.
  4. Nevermortal

    French fries, your nose, laughing, up in there...

    So, how 'bout them Dolphins?
  5. Nevermortal

    Why the names of wrestling games suck

    I don't think Blockbuster is selling N-Gages. Well, if you want to be technical, I don't think any stores are selling N-Gages. *rimshot* My store's sold 3 since launch. 2 have been returned.
  6. Nevermortal

    Longest boss battles

    How about the multi-tiered levels of Ganon & Ganondorf in The Ocarina of Time? You had to kill him with light arrows, then escape from his castle, and then destroy his true beast form.
  7. That was their Cage of Death V three way for #1 contendership to the Iron Man title.
  8. Don't hate on "Don't Tell Mom, The Babysitter's Dead".
  9. Nevermortal

    Why the names of wrestling games suck

    I got a call at my store (Gamestop) and a lady once asked us... "Do you guys sell video games?" People like that should be clubbed in the kneecaps with a tackhammer.
  10. Nevermortal

    Oliver Stone's JFK

    Well, Carpe Diem, baby. [lol2004]
  11. I really hate this heat between Hero & ROH. It's preventing the fans from seeing some truly special matches. AmDrag v. Hero anyone?!?
  12. Nevermortal


    Kotzenjunge has Typhoid! THIS RULES!
  13. Nevermortal

    Funny WWE Headlines

    You're not worth the time to come up with something original, fucky.
  14. Nevermortal

    Who's the guy in this pic?

    That's definitely not Samoa Joe.
  15. Nevermortal

    Happy Birthday Agent Of Oblivion

    You're not posting nearly enough about Lividity.
  16. Nevermortal

    Funny WWE Headlines

  17. Nevermortal

    Strom Thurmond = Thomas Jefferson?

    Sorry to bring up an old thread... BUT SHE'S A MAN, BAY-BEE!
  18. Nevermortal

    The CWM and Kotz Era has begun

    OMG, Brain's back. This rules.
  19. Nevermortal

    The One and Only ....

    - I never learned how to ride a bike - I suck balls at Math - First Person Shooters against Human opponents - Driving on the highway - Arguing. I'll either drop it completely, change my viewpoint, or slap the shit out of the other guy. Which is why I can never argue online, my third option doesn't apply. Yep, that's about it.
  20. Nevermortal

    Worst Movie of All time..

    Jurassic Park II was the only movie that ever made me fall asleep/leave the theater, so that wins.
  21. Nevermortal

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Plowed" - Sponge
  22. Nevermortal

    Best Album...

    Who are you kidding? Tool's dick gets sucked by everyone six ways to Sunday.
  23. Nevermortal

    The CWM and Kotz Era has begun

    Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Mushroom Mushroom Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Badgers Mushroom Mushroom
  24. Nevermortal

    Zack says Goodbye...

    The inmates are running the asylum now! ATTICA! ATTICA! ATTICA!
  25. Nevermortal

    IWC Top 100

    I love how Scots gets 69 every year.