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After HHH regained the WWF Title at Unforgiven, and defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin at No Mercy, both The Rock and Stone Cold were given another shot at HHH for the title at Survivor Series in a triple threat match. A desperate HHH figured that there was strength in numbers. During a tag team match featuring The Outlaws vs. The Rock & Stone Cold, X-Pac & HHH interferred in the match and helped The Outlaws win the match. D-Generation X had reformed in the ring on RAW. On the next episode of Smackdown, DX came to the ring in full force. In their promo HHH & co. promised that they were gonna take over the WWF. The Game said that no one could stop them. Not even The Rock or Stone Cold. "Hart Attack" hits and the Hart Foundation came out onto the stage. Bret had a mic, saying that DX wasn't gonna take over the company while they were around. Bret also said that if DX wanted a piece of the Hart Foundation, they're not too hard to find. Hunter told Bret & co. to bring it on, and then a huge brawl ensued between the two rival factions. Vince came out to break it up, and said that the 2 factions wanted to kill each other so badly, they'll have an 8-man tag match, next week. The next week on Smackdown, DX upset the Hart Foundation in the 8-man tag when HHH pinned Owen Hart. On the next episode of RAW, Bret Hart challenged DX on behalf of his group to an 8-man elimination match on Smackdown. HHH accepted and the match was on. However, Vince named Stone Cold Steve Austin the special enforcer for the match. After everyone else was eliminated, it all came down to Bret Hart and Triple H. The match resulted in The Hitman getting the win for his team when Austin nailed HHH in the head with a chair, and that allowed Bret to pin HHH, and get the win. At Survivor Series, Steve Austin was set to have an interview when he was attacked by HHH. Austin chased Hunter into the parking garage where he soon got run over by a car. Several minutes later, EMT's came to put Austin on a stretcher to take him to the hospital. Later on, Shane McMahon announced that there would still be a triple threat match in the main event, except Austin would not be in it. When the main event for the WWF Title came upon us, The Rock and Triple H where in the ring, awaiting the mystery opponent:Bret "Hitman" Hart! It was a long, hard-fought battle, and the Hart Foundation and DX brawled on the outside, HHH was about to score the victory, and retain his title when he had Bret Hart in position for the pedigree. However, Vince McMahon returned from the hospital, came out to the ring, and nailed HHH in the back with a steel chair, just as he was about to pedigree Bret Hart. Bret put HHH in the sharpshooter, and HHH tapped out because he was in the middle of the ring, and couldn't escape. Vince called for the bell, and awarded the title to The Hitman. When the war was over, Bret celebrated with his cohorts in the Hart Foundation was he was declared the first ever 6-time WWF Champion in history. But, the war between the Hart Foundation and DX was far from over. To be continued.............
The Hart Foundation's feud with the Corporate Misnistry continued into the summer with the British Bulldog winning back the European Title in a match with Mideon in which the title was vacant. In what was one of the most memorable moments in RAW, the Hart Foundation attacked the CM's HHH in the bathroom, dunked his head in a toilet, and used him as a plunger, much to the delight of everyone watching. In the aftermath of Fully Loaded 99, and Vince McMahon leaving, the Corporate Ministry imploded. Triple H became the #1 contender for the WWF Title by beating The Rock at Fully Loaded in a strap match. With the Hart Foundation unsure who to feud with, Bret Hart had an idea. In an in-ring interview with the Hart Foundation promised to get back into the title hunt. He also promised that he and his boys will entertain the fans by humilliating all the heels in the WWF, including The Undetaker, Triple H, & Shane McMahon. On the heels of HHH finally winning the WWF Title on RAW, Bret Hart was finally able to get into the WWF Title chase. On a recent edition of Smackdown!, HHH was about to beat Bret with help from Chyna & Shane, however, Owen, Bulldog, Anvil jumped into the ring, and caused a DQ beatdown on The Game. The Hart Foundation beat down, and humilliated HHH when Bret made Owen pedigree Hunter, and then spraypaint the word, "loser" on HHH's back. Bret then posed with the WWF Title before throwing it down onto the champ. A six-pack challenge match was signed for Unforgiven 99. Triple H © vs. The Rock vs. Bret Hart vs. Undertaker vs. Mankind vs. Kane However, when HHH lost the WWF Title to Vince McMahon on Smackdown, thanks to Austin, the title was declared vacant. The winner of the six-pack challenge would become the new WWF Champion. On the last Smackdown, one of 5 matches that HHH had to compete in and win to stay in the PPV main event for the title, The Game lost to Bret Hart in a submission match. HHH went on to lose the casket match as well. However, Triple H beat The Rock, Mankind, & Kane to stay in the main event. However, The Undertaker decided to take some time off due to nagging injuries. Taker's spot was then replaced by the British Bulldog. At Unforgiven, Triple H regained the WWF Title by pinning The Rock. But, little did the Hart Foundation know, that in late October, and old rival faction would reunite against them. To be continued...........
The next night on RAW, Owen Hart & Jim Neidhart defeated the New Age Outlaws after a hard-fought battle to retain the tag team titles. Bret Hart defeated HHH in a cage match, thanks to Chyna, who slammed the cage door in Hunter's face. The Corporation came out to attack both men. DX and the Hart Foundation came out soon after, and the show ended in anarchy. At St. Valentines Day Massacre, Owen & Anvil retained their titles against The Acolytes while Bret was in their corner. Steve Austin beat Vince McMahon in the steel cage to advance on to Wrestlemania 15. This also meant that Bret Hart would finally get wish for revenge on Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania. At Wrestlemania 15, it was not a good night for the Corporation. Owen & Anvil retained their titles by pinning Test. Bret Hart finally kicked Vince McMahon's ass, much to the delight of the entire world, and Stone Cold beat The Rock for the WWF Title. The next night on RAW, the new WWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin came out to the ring, and talked about being a 3-time WWF Champion. He then called out Vince McMahon. After Vince came out, Austin told a beaten-up Vince to get him his smoking skull belt, or else he'll beat his ass in front of the world, and he has legal right to, as well. Vince attacked Austin in the main event, last night. Vince caught Austin off gaurd, and knocked him out with Austin's title belt. Vince tried to escape, but Bret Hart cut him off at the pass, and threw him back into the ring where Austin beat him up. The issues between Vince McMahon and The Undertaker really started to heat up as The Ministry kidnapped Vince's daughter, Stephanie, not once, but twice. The second time was at Backlash, where The Undertaker abducted her in the limo. The next night, Steph was carried out on the Undertaker's cross symbol to the ring for the infamous black wedding. Shamrock & Big Show tried to rescue her, but failed. The Hart Foundation came out and isolated the Taker's henchmen while Stone Cold managed to save Stephanie. On the pilot episode of Smackdown!, the Corporate Ministry was formed. The WWF then had a PPV event in Manchester, England. The hometown of the British Bulldog. One of the matches that was on the card was The Hart Foundation against The Corporate Ministry's Acolytes & Mideon. Viscera interferred, and caused a DQ victory for the Foundation. A post match beatdown of Bret & co. ensued. An incident which brought out the return of the British Bulldog to the WWF. Bulldog cleared the ring, and rejoined the Hart Foundation along with Bret, Owen, & Neidhart, as the fans went apeshit over the Hart Foundation's reunion. Later that night, Stone Cold Steve Austin was defending the WWF Title in a 3-way dance against The Undertaker & Triple H. The Corporate Ministry tried to interferre, and cost Austin the title. But, The Hart Foundation, along with Kane, X-Pac, Road Dog, Shamrock, Mankind, & The Brood put a stop to that, real quick. Austin managed to retain the title by pinning HHH. But, the real story was that the British Bulldog was back, and the Hart Foundation was in full force. To be continued................
Sunday Night HEAT! The Corporation came down to the ring, led by Shane McMahon. Shane got on the mic, announced their newest member, Chyna. Chyna came out, got on the stick, and talked about how she "belonged" in the Corporation, and not in DX. This brought out D-Generation X. HHH had a mic, and talked about how DX treated her like an equal, and called her a whore. Shane took back the mic, and talked about all the factions in the WWF that are out to get The Corporation. He then told Hunter that he would meet the leader of the Hart Foundation, Bret "The Hitman" Hart inside of a 15-foot high steel cage. HHH told Shane that he'll be ready for tommorrow night's cage match, and also, DX has two words for The Corporation. SUCK IT!!!!!!!! Later on that night, Kevin Kelly interviewed the 3 members of the Hart Foundation, Bret, Owen, & Neidhart. Kelly congradulated Owen & Anvil on their title victory, last week on RAW. He then asked Bret how he felt being back in the WWF. Bret said that it felt awesome to be back in the Federation. He said that feels alot better now than he was in WCW, because WCW was a friggin' nightmare, and he also had some choice words for Eric Bischoff & Hulk Hogan. He also gave everyone an update on their 4th member, the British Bulldog, Davey Boy Smith. He said that The Bulldog suffered a very serious back injury that has threatened his career in wrestling. But, Bret said that Davey Boy has vowed to fight this thing, come back from this injury, come hell or high water, and come back to the WWF, and rejoin his bretheren in the Hart Foundation so that will finally ride again in full force. Bret then said that he will beat HHH inside the steel cage, on RAW, tommorrow night, because he has a little score to settle with Hunter, anyway. He also stated that had a score to settle with Vince McMahon as well. Bret went on to rip Vince a new one for what happened in Montreal at the 1997 Survivor Series, and he hopes to make Vince pay for that at Wrestlemania 15 after Austin beats Vince's ass in a steel cage at the upcoming PPV. Owen got on the mic, and issued a challenge to any tag team in the WWF that wants to try and take gold off the Hart Foundation on RAW. The challenge was accepted by the New Age Outlaws. Confirmed matches for RAW, tommorrow. WWF Tag Team Championship Hart Foundation © vs. New Age Outlaws Steel Cage match Bret Hart vs. Triple H
Later that night, Vince recovered, and told Bossman & Shamrock to send a message to Bret Hart, tonight by taking out his brother Owen when they defend the tag team titles against Owen Hart & Jeff Jarrett. Shamrock says he'll be glad to break Owen's ankle, and him scream for his brother. Vince smiled and told the champs to go out there and get the job done. Later, we see Jeff Jarrett laying face down after apparently being jumped from behind, and knocked out with his own guitar. Debra was checking on him to try and revive him. WWF Tag Team Championship Big Bossman & Ken Shamrock © vs. Owen Hart & ??? The champs come out first, then Owen comes out to the ring alone, and wrestles the match alone. Later within the match, after the champions dominated their challenger, "Hart Attack" hits and everyone stands, expecting to finally see The Hitman back in the ring in the WWF. Suddenly, Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart rushed down to the ring dressed in his full ring gear. As Owen gives Shamrock an enziguri, Owen crawls to his team's corner, and tags in The Anvil while Shamrock tagged in the Bossman. Anvil was a house of fire as he cleaned the clocks of both champions. Anvil & Owen delivered the Hart Attack to Bossman, and Owen made the pin. But, Shamrock made the save. All 4 men went at it, as Shamrock & Anvil brawled on the outside. The referee has lost control of the match. As the ref's attention was diverted to the fight on the outside, Bret Hart came in, dressed in his full wrestling gear, and knocked out Bossman with one of the tag title belts. Bret put his brother on top of Bossman, and the ref turned around and counted to three. Winners:and NEW WWF Tag Team Champions, Owen Hart & Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart! "Hart Attack" hits again as The Hitman dove back into the ring with the belts and awarded them to the new champions, signifying that The Hart Foundation was finally back together, (At least 3/4's of the group, anyway) and ready to pick up where they left off before their demise, a year and a half ago. To be continued..................
The next night on RAW, Vince McMahon celebrated his Rumble victory with The Corporation, and gloated about preventing Austin from advancing on to Wrestlemania 15 to challenge The Rock for the WWF Title. He then addressed the Bret Hart situation. He said that he's very sure that what happened the previous night with Bret was a one night only deal, and that Bret wouldn't be returning, because he walked out on Vince McMahon, and nobody walks out on Vince McMahon. Bret has no contract with the WWF, period. Suddenly, Stone Cold Steve Austin appeared on the Titantron live via sattellite from San Antonio, Texas. He told Vince that he hates to rain on his parade, but he's going to Wrestlemania 15 to challenge for the WWF Title, so says the commisioner, Shawn Michaels. HBK told Vince that when he removed himself from the main event of Wrestlemania, that legally allowed the runner-up in the Rumble, Stone Cold Steve Austin to enter the main event as the challenger for the WWF Title. HBK then also addressed the Bret Hart situation. He said that it seems as if Vince forgot that he's not the only one who can offer contracts to people and sign them. He said that what Vince didn't know was that a couple of weeks ago, Bret Hart escaped from his contract with the "hellhole in Atlanta", and was a free agent. HBK decided to get a little revenge on Vince by signing the one man that hates him more than anyone else in the world. Shawn said that 24 hours before the Royal Rumble PPV, he faxed Bret Hart a WWF contract with all the stipulations and clauses that he personally wanted in the contract. A few minutes later, he got the contract back with Bret's signature on it, sealing the deal. Bret Hart is officially back with the WWF Roster. Vince was in shock. He then asked Shawn as to how he would sign Bret to a contract, giving all the history of bad blood between them. Shawn said that even though he and Bret never saw eye to eye, they along with Austin do have one thing in common. All 3 of them HATE Vince McMahon's guts, and that is why HBK resigned The Hitman to the WWF. Vince tried to counter by saying that Hart was fired, however, Shawn countered by saying that Bret's contract is Iron Clad, meaning he connot be fired or released until the contract expires, or if he quits. Austin then challenged an upset Vince to a cage match at St. Valentines Day Massacre, and bated Vince by putting his title shot on the line, and Vince accepted. But, Shawn then said that he fell into their trap by accepting the challenge, and becoming a WWF Competitor, which allowed HBK to make the stipulation that if Vince loses to Austin, then not only will Austin go to Wrestlemania, but so will Bret. Shawn stated that if Vince loses, then he will face Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 15. This caused Vince to faint as The Corporation carried him to the locker room as RAW goes to a commercial break. When we came back from the break, the cameras went backstage to see The Hitman arriving at the building. To be continued..............
Edge's new theme is "Metalingus" by Alter Bridge. I learned this from a friend on the Internet.
Is there any info where I can create a CAW version of Bret Hart for the season mode? Your help would be appreciated.
You know, it really suck that I can't play Bret Hart, or any other legend in the season mode. I was really looking forward to having Bret Hart beat JBL's worthless ass. EDIT:for the WWE Title, that is.
I've been wondering for a long time as to how the late Davey Boy Smith was able to come back from that career threatening back injury that he suffered in WCW, 6 years ago. I mean, I've heard that he suffered 2 crushed vertebres, and was confined to a body cast or a wheelchair. What I want to know is, how did he come back from this injury to finally wrestle again when he came back to the WWF back in 1999? Thanks in advance.
I think it's retarded that you can't switch the rosters. Again, more of Vince's favoritism towards RAW.
That's exactly what I was thinking. Maven is nothing more than a damn jobber who is in the start of his career. Agreed, they can just let Edge say that the only reason why he tried to take down Evolution was only to win over the fans, which is something he couldn't do.
Dude, that's on election day. Kerry wins the election, and I get Smackdown vs. RAW. How good will my day be on Nov. 2nd?
Pair him up with Trish?
Who won?
Benoit will win the ballot, and job to HHH, when Edge turns heel, and spears him to cost Benoit the title.
For the past few weeks, we've come to notice that Trish has formed a heel diva alliance with the likes of Molly Holly, Gail Kim, and sometimes Jazz. My question is, could Trish be forming her own Diva stable with Jazz, Gail, & Molly, and if so, what do you think of this concept. Me? I think if they book this right, I think it could be a great concept. Trish's Diva cohorts come down to her aid, whenever she's in trouble, and save her Women's Title. It would make her a strong heel diva, and it would make Trish damn near unbeatable.
Edge will get sick of the bullshit politics, and quit.
No, he'll bring in Eddie over to RAW, not Cena.
Yeah, but this is the WWE we're talking about, and we all know their logic, and we saw it, last night.
I still think it would make a great concept, though.
No Mercy PPV.. Looks Good/Bad?.. Discuss It Here.
JN News replied to natey2k4's topic in The WWE Folder
I thought the Taker/Heidenreich feud was nixed. Aren't they supposed to be fired, now? (Heyman & Heidenreich) -
Does anyone know how well Bret is able to walk and move around, because the last time I saw Bret, he was in rehab, using something to move around.
Ok, here's how it's gonna go. In 1994, Hulk Hogan within a month of his signing with WCW, succeeded in driving Vince McMahon & his WWF out of business. Vince sold his company & the contracts of all his WWF talent roster to Turner & WCW. Ted Turner decides to operate the WWF as a seperate entity from WCW. This whole story gets loads of media attention as both PPV's Bash at the Beach & SummerSlam are right around the corner. The WCW PPV was headlined by Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair for the WCW Title, and the WWF PPV was headlined by a steel cage WWF Title match between Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart. The Turner media covers the whole story as well as WCW covering the main events for both PPV's for WWF & WCW, including exclusive interviews with Flair, Hogan, Bret, & Owen, hyping their title matches, and what they mean to them. At WCW Bash at the Beach, Hulk Hogan defeated Ric Flair for the WCW Title. Earlier that night, Arn Anderson turned heel on Dustin Rhodes, breaking his arm. Also, WCW Tag Team Champions, Pretty Wonderful defeated Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan when Sullivan turned on Cactus. A rematch was signed at the Clash of the Champions for the WCW Title between Hogan and Flair. Earlier that night, Hogan was attacked from behind by a masked man, wielding a pipe, hitting him in the knee. Hogan was sent to the hospital. WCW Tag Team Champions, Pretty Wonderful (Orndorff & Roma) lost the titles to Stars & Stripes. (Patriot & Bagwell) WCW Championship Hulk Hogan def. Ric Flair by DQ when the masked man, who later turned out to be Arn Anderson, and Pretty Wonderful jumped into the ring, and attacked Hogan just as he was about to win the match, causing a DQ finish. After they were done, all 4 men raised the 4 fingers in the air, singaling the return of the 4 Horsemen. Afterwards, WCW Commissioner, Nick Bockwinkle announced that Flair & The Horsemen were indefinately suspended from WCW for their actions against Hogan at the Clash of the Champions. The Four Horsemen decided to spite WCW for this by showing up in the WWF at SummerSlam. What were their plans, and what did the feuding brothers, Bret & Owen Hart have to do with those plans? Stay Tuned.....
The next week on RAW. Intercontinental Championship British Bulldog def. Arn Anderson to win the title with the running powerslam. Members of the Hart Foundation and the Four Horsemen brawled outside the ring, allowing Davey Boy to get the win with no interferrence. Ric Flair got on the mic, and challenged the Hart Foundation to an 8-man tag match at the next PPV, In Your House. Bret accepted, and told The Horsemen that the Hart Foundation will finally drive the Four Horsemen out of the Federation, for good at In Your House. Flair also states that if The Horsemen win, they win their titles back. If the Hart Foundation wins, The Horsemen will go back to WCW. In Your House:The Premire! The Hart Foundation def. The Four Horsemen when Owen pinned Flair. The Hart's celebrated as the PPV went off the air. The Hart Foundation went on to become the most dominant faction in WWF history, while the 4 Horsemen went back to WCW, where Flair won the WCW Title back from Hulk Hogan, and drove Hogan & co. back to the WWF. Note:OK, I'm gonna do a sequel to this sometime soon. So, stay tuned.