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JN News

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About JN News

  • Rank
    WWF Champion
  • Birthday 11/15/1981

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  1. JN News


    Balloon Fight Donkey Kong Donkey Kong, Jr. Donkey Kong 3 Donkey Kong, Jr. Math Punch Out (w/Mr. Dream) Pinball Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros. 2 Super Mario Bros. 3 Super Mario Bros.:The Lost Levels! Super Mario World Sim City The Legend of Zelda Pac-Man Ice Climber Yoshi's Cookie (NES version) Mappy Star Force Vegas Stakes Wrecking Crew Super Mario 64 Mario Kart 64 Clu Clu Land City Connection Bubble Bobble Excitebike Super Mario RPG Sonic The Hedgehog (Master System) Dig Dug Adventure Island Baseball Ice Hockey Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures of LOLO Legend of Zelda:Ocarnia of Time Galaga And that's it. My VC is now full.
  2. JN News


    Balloon Fight Donkey Kong Donkey Kong, Jr. Donkey Kong 3 Donkey Kong, Jr. Math Punch Out (w/Mr. Dream) Pinball Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros. 2 Super Mario Bros. 3 Super Mario Bros.:The Lost Levels! Super Mario World Sim City The Legend of Zelda Pac-Man Ice Climber Yoshi's Cookie (NES version) Mappy Star Force Vegas Stakes Wrecking Crew Super Mario 64 Mario Kart 64 Clu Clu Land City Connection Bubble Bobble Excitebike Super Mario RPG Sonic The Hedgehog (Master System) Dig Dug Adventure Island Baseball Ice Hockey Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  3. JN News

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    I'm now watching the World Heavyweight Title DVD, and believe it or not, Kieth David, the guy who most-notibly voice-played as "Goliath" in Disney's Gargoyles is the voice host of this DVD.
  4. JN News

    WWE 24/7 Classics OnDemand General Discussion

    Ok, I've finally got WWE Classics on Demand in my house. I know I said so, before. But, that was before COX Cable fuckin' conned my ass over the phone. But, that's in the past, and I'm now watching NWA World Championship Wrestling from Febuary of 1987.
  5. JN News

    WWE General Wrestling Talk- September 2009

    Well, hello there.
  6. Here's an old one........ During the in-ring intros of the WWWF Championship match between then-champion, Ivan Kolloff vs. Pedro Morales, Morales was introduced as the "U.S. American Champion". He had the title around his waist for the intro, so he was definately the reigning champ. But, what was the whole story concerning that title? Was it a WWWF-sanctioned title, or was it an NWA-sanctioned title? This question comes from the first listed match of the WWE Championship history DVD from a few years ago.
  7. JN News

    TNA Hard Justice 2009

    Again, whenever I hear the words, "Hard Justice", I think of Bradshaw.
  8. JN News


    I certainly believe that Wii people should add the 4 titles that had just mentioned, at least. I don't see why they wouldn't add the "Golf" game that had put out, many years ago. I mean, I'm sure that Nintendo owns it and wouldn't have to worry about copyright issues, since the 2 golf characters pretty much resemble Mario. I'm also still surprised that they hadn't added the Skate or Die trilogy to the VC, as well.
  9. JN News


    Bumped, because I think this needs to be said. I dunno why these 4 titles haven't been added to the VC. -Golf from NES -Skate or Die from NES http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnvhUkU0gLo -Skate or Die 2 from NES Ski or Die from NES
  10. JN News

    RIP:Walter Cronkite

    http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30988078/ns/en...sion/?GT1=43001 Cronkite was known throughout American History as "the man who was there to report the infamous "Kennedy Assisnation" many moons ago". He was truely a legend.
  11. So, are you saying that you can't see the files? The files are there. Just right click, and save target as.
  12. Next one....... Four_Horsemen___Four_Horsemen_Theme__5BFull_5D__28DVD_Rip_29.mp3
  13. Next..... Line_In_The_Sand_V2__5BFULL_5D.mp3
  14. A couple of Evolution themes, and the true Four Horsemen theme. Evolution_3rd___Line_In_The_Sand__28Arena_V2_29.mp3
  15. JN News

    Best version of the Horsemen?

    I think I tried to block him out. Man, he simply could not wrestler. Killed me watching him flash the Horsemen sign. Me too, so I feel your pain. For me, my all-time favorite will always be...... Ric Flair Arn Anderson Brian Pillman Chris Benoit My favorite from the 80's was........ Ric Flair Tully Blanchard Arn Anderson Lex Luger With JJ Dillon managing the helm, it was awesome.