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JN News

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Everything posted by JN News

  1. JN News

    So now that JR & King are "gone". How well do you

    LOL, now that's fucking gold right there.
  2. JN News

    The One and Only Raw Thread (9.22.03)

    Here's how it's gonna happen. HHH comes out and talks about how Goldberg beat him, fair & square. He gives Goldberg his props, and even says he's earned his respect. Evolution comes out, and Orton tells Hunter that the group is dissappointed in their leader, and he thinks it's time for a change. HHH & Orton argue a little bit, and then they come to blows. Then, Batista returns and attacks HHH, leading to Flair, Orton, & Batista giving a beatdown to HHH, attacking his injured groin. Goldberg makes the save and runs off Evolution. Goldberg vs. Orton is signed for the main event while HHH is taken away in an ambulance, which sets up his time off & face turn.
  3. JN News

    Wrestlemania XX

    Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar or Chris Benoit or both in a triple threat match for the WWF Title. Triple H vs. Randy Orton for the World Title. The Rock vs. HBK.
  4. JN News

    Kurt Angle challenges Bret Hart

    I read on Crawthon's website that Kurt Angle DID wrestle Owen Hart in a dark match prior to Owen's death.
  5. JN News

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Wrestlemania 20.
  6. JN News

    Funniest WWE Moment This Year

    Joel "Electric Boogaloo" Gertner.
  7. JN News

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Somewhere, AngleSault is having a heart attack.
  8. JN News

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Eddie Guerrerro will probably be next in line.
  9. JN News

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Are you sure this is acurate?
  10. JN News

    BacHHHelor Party tonight

    Has RD Renoylds taught you nothing? DO NOT GIVE VINCE ANY IDEAS!
  11. JN News

    Absolutlely despicable

    You guys aren't gonna believe this. Some sicko has uploaded footage of Owen Hart's death onto Kazaa, making it available for download. Your thoughts.
  12. JN News

    Best ECW Card?

    Wrestlepalooza 1997 or Cyberslam 1999.
  13. EDIT:Nevermind, this post was irrelavent.
  14. Come on, now. Boring? Imagine the storyline, here. Triple H is the guy who loves to copy The Franchise. Shane could shoot on Hunter, saying that he ripped off his material & character. Then, they would go on to have some ECW style matches with Shane Douglas getting revenge on HHH for holding him down & burying him in the past. A feud like that would draw millions, at least.
  15. JN News

    The Raw Review 9/14 - 9/20

    Edge NC Gangrel:double countout. I remember that. That was the one feud that intrigued me, and the one feud that Vince decided to waste with the Brood thing.
  16. JN News

    current top 3 favorite wrestlers

    Edge Lesnar and I guess The Rock
  17. JN News

    Golberg steals HHH's movie roll

    Prince Paul, is that you again? OMG, BAN PLZ!
  18. JN News

    The One and Only 9/11 thread

    When I think of 9-11, I remember being so terrified on that day. I had never been so scared in all my life. I thought I was gonna die, even though I didn't live in New York.
  19. JN News

    SmackDown! Match Listing

    Wait a minute, who are you? Oh Dames.
  20. JN News

    Goldberg vs HHH

    Do you guys realize something, here? If HHH beats Goldturd at the RAW PPV, then HHH will be greater than Foley, Goldberg, and BRET HART!!!!!
  21. JN News

    My thoughts on RAW, 9/8/2003...

    Add sparks coming from her chest, and yes. Spoiler (Highlight to Read): Gail Kim and Molly's ass (WWE logic at work here) grow into some sort of super hosses, and Trish needs the Megazord to bring them down.
  22. JN News

    Unforgiven Theme Song

    I tried looking for "Enemy" by Sevendust on Kazaa, but I couldn't find it.
  23. JN News

    Ultimate Elimination Chmber

    Team RAW:HHH, Orton, Jericho, Christian, Kane vs. Team Smackdown:Lesnar, Angle, Edge, Benoit, Eddie