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Everything posted by Rawknight
/me used to be #2 heel heat every week
*lariats EVERYONE for not picking him among their favourite heels* JUSTICE AND RULE ARE ONE CHOICE PEOPLE!
I would like to point out that Va'aiga vs Janus is a Bledisoe Cup streetfight. Reason? That's what the big annual Aus vs NZ rugby game is called. Extra rules? None. THat is all.
As a random note i didn't write - in fact i couldn't get to my comp at ALL yesterday. If a triple threat dumpster match merited a frowny face i'd add a frowny face, but it doesn't.
A small boy sits on Santa’s lap. Dressed in blue wrestling tights, with a basin haircut and painted on sideburns he looks the picture of youth and innocence, and shockingly like an 8 year old Tom Flesher. The big jolly man laughs and asks… Santa: What do you want to be when you grow up, sonny? Boy: I want to be… WORLD CHAMPION! The boy stands and walks off as “The Superior One” Tom Flesher stands behind the scene, looking on, maybe thinking about his lost youth, maybe just watching as Santa gets hit firmly across the throat with the MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS MOTHERFUUUUUUUCKER, HO HO HO MY GOD IT’S THE NASTY EVIL MAORI LARIAAAAAAATOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Va’aiga: BOO-YAH! Meanwhile Dace Night, John Duran and Terrence Bailey unwrap their presents… a new Weedwhacker! A new glass light tube! A new Equalizer! All hell breaks loose! Wildchild leaps off the top branches of a Christmas Tree! Erek Taylor and The Boston Strangler fight in a stable, Erek smashing a manger on the wall aimed at the Strangler’s head! A huge whole roster brawl erupts, bodies and seasonal paraphernalia flying EVERYWHERE! Tom Flesher walks in front of the camera and shrugs his shoulders Tom Flesher: Well… ‘tis the season …and joins in the brawl! THE SWF NO SELLS CHRISTMAS… AGAIN! DECEMBER 15th Contact your cable operator for details.
three day haze of pot and booze over.. thanks guys 26! 26!
Solid promo Casey let's see you win some matches now...
Hmm i came in 2K short, running out of time cos of social life... and Johnny and I got our wires crossed about who and where the Janus run in went (he should have been there to stop Va'aiga chairshotting Johnny after the match) Oh well.. back to pressing issues
OK I won, I'd love to see what Danny wrote but MY GOD did I have to do my best. so far I've only skimmed the promos and the main event, and the finish of Janus vs Annie (Y). I'll post more deatiled comments when i'm done promoing ( promo won't be posted till US types get up though) And if YOU... YOU you miserable bastards... you didn't mark out like the bitches you are when Wildchild grabbed the big pin, I dunno what hope there is for you. I am your fairy Maorifather You WILL go to the main event. *sprinkles magic fairy dust over Wildchild* ... ... ... *it burns* BOO-YAH!
::yeah i got lazy and couldn't be arsed to finish it. no WAY i'm recapping that main event, and don't expect this outside PPVs if EVER again: The KmarT Rant on SWF Ashes 2 Ashes By Keith ScotT - live from the Sydney Super Dome in Australia. - your hosts are heroic and homosexual. I have to admit that beyond the main event I wasn’t looking forwards to this mutch. We open with a promo from X, who turns heel and announces he’s going to be world champion. Grand Slam comes out and tells Xstasy he’s going to have to work for it, and the X points out there’s five titles in the main event, not being defended. Touché. X bitches about earning what he has and wanting to earn more and Grand Slam is stuck for answers. Wait, maybe he didn’t turn heel. Tweener maybe. Umm.. this is all setting up other stuff, on with the fun. Hype Hype Hype. Terrence Bailey comes out for a cheap hometown pop. Must. Not. Write. Janus. Opening Match: Terrence Bailey vs Annie Onita. Annie is an Onita now. This bodes ill from a wrestling standpoint. Weapon. Weapon. Weapon. Dropkick with a weapon and we get, shock horror, some blood. If you were a deathmatch vampirey type you’d be loving this. Annie misses a shining wizard as Bobby Riley goes nuts, praying for Annie’s death. Annie gets chokeslammed through a table… for two. Daybreak Pedigree gets two. Terrence goes foe the big finish, but Annie counters with a chair, beats the crap out of Bailey and… gets whipped into something big and head dropping for the three. (9:16) ADF II the commentators call it. I call it *1/2, but this wasn’t my cup of tea. ::OOC Note just cos *I* like a match it doesn’t mean Keith Scott will:: National anthem and… Funyon gets SPE-YAHd by The Maori Badass. Va’aiga rips on the Australians, their rugby team, Russell Crowe, Nicole Kidman, Steve Irwin (NO!) and finally their manhoods. Va’aiga says he can’t be beat by any Australian. Solid if monumentally cheap promo. An Australian questions this. Dace Swearing Night vs John Duran. Lockup to start and a MEMPHIS ROPE RAKE from Duran. Dace proves that Sydney is Flair country and Duran gets to stomping after a shoulder. Duran fails on a Double Arm DDT but hits a piledriver for a SHORT two count. Hmmm. Duran gets a scissored sleeper and Dace needs the ropes to break. My GOD Duran is busting out hoss 101 tonight. SPE-YAH. DDT. They brawl around the rings steps then come back in. Duran. Is. Slow. Break Point countered into some shocking Dace offense. Dace gets a couple more back suplexes and takes over, but Duran gets the set up for the Ultimate Sin, it fails and we’re all about brawling again. Low blow, Danny elbow and we’re all on the mat writhing. Duran gets two. Top Rope Double Arm DDT gets…two. Way to kill a possible finisher, guys. Two count again. No. And again. No. OK maybe I rescind that last comment. Whip reversal sets up Da Boot, which sets up Defenstration… for two. Ultimate sin… for two. Second rope Defensetration for… three. OK Duran can’t do it with that move but Dace can, cos it’s normally a finisher. I THINK I get the logic. Solid brawl, at least both guys sold but the insane kick outs sort of drag it down a touch. **1/2. Grappler Matthews is back. And he’s brought James Matheson. Wheeeeee. Va’aiga vs Danny Williams: OK here we go. Backstory – Va’aiga went nuts and blamed Danny. I’m not sure the “why” is clear, because Va’aiga IS nuts. Va’aiga hardcore matches are usually the bad kind of brutal, but fingers crossed for the good kind. Punch. Shout. Punch. Shout. ELBOW! OK this is good, but I’m not QUITE sure my PBP does it justice. Va’aiga goes nuts and goes for the Lariat early, but it misses. Danny goes for the Misawa combo and gets backdrop suplexed. Va’aiga hits a shoulderblock and jaws with the crowd, getting himself rolled up for two. Va’aiga brawls away and hits a granite headbutt, busting Danny open hardway. Ouch. Lariat attempt #2 has more conviction, but misses. Danny comes back with more elbows and an elbow suicida. Danny breaks a chair over Va’aiga’s head out in the crowd, which Va’aiga cheerfully no sells. Note to the SWF. But Maori-proof chairs. Va’aiga spears Danny into the guardrail and hits the ring. Lariat attempt #3 meets… Lariat(!) That’s a sick spot. Va’aiga sells it less than Danny does cos he’s better at the lariat. That rules in more ways than you can ever imagine. Punch, and Va’aiga flips Danny off. Elbow and Danny flips VA’AIGA off. More guts than brains… Va’aiga goes for the German-German-Dragon sequence, but Danny counters with the Dangerous German, dropping Va’aiga RIGHT ON HIS FUCKING HEAD. Ouch. Danny gets a headlock and uses the ropes legally. It’s all in the detail folks. Danny calls for the powerbomb and Va’aiga NO SELLS IT?? LARIAT! Oh wait, it’s the All Japan sell thing. It’s still odd. Double KO and Va’aiga goes walkies, rolling under the ring. Danny like an idiot checks where Va’aiga went, and Va’aiga comes out the other side… AND SETS HIS FUCKING WRIST TAPE ON FIRE. Lariat FINALLY hits and the pin is academic. ***3/4 Less is more taken to it’s highest level, finish excepted. I really dug this, showing that Va’aiga CAN be carried to a decent match. Sort of Steiner vs Goldberg in the “two big freaks who can work with each other through force of willpower” thing. Post match Va’aiga gets crap rained on him, and goes for extra licks on Danny, but Terrancenus makes the save. Va’aiga vs Janus. Ewwwwwwwww. Bastion vs Xstasy video package Bastion vs Xstasy: Well one big lug got carried to a damn fine match, let’s try to make it two with X bumping all over for the brick wall. Bunch of cool stuff for the X gets no sold. RANA gets no sold. You know I’m not sure Bastion could take a rana properly. Bastion keeps hitting stuff for X to flip out of. You know, this is pretty visually cooll, but there’s NOT MUCH HITTING. Brawling on the outside. Brawl. Brawl. Finshers. Brawl. HEEEEEEEEEREEES THUGG. Well at least this random carnage may well descend into a non random carnage. Untamed by Thugg sets up the Xclusion for the three. Hardcore with giants. Bleh. ½* Main Event: Tom Flesher, The Boston Strangler and Wild & Dangerous vs Erek Taylor, Michael Craven and Justice & Rule. And heeeeeeere we go. At least five world class workers in this match, this CAN’T suck. Craven and Flesher to start. FAST start, Railgun Suplex and Yakuza kick from Tom, and the pair tag out to Judge and Johnny Dangerous. Johnny takes over with a fun springboard elbow and poses. Judge comes back and Sydney is STILL Flair country. Tag out to… Ejiro and Wildchild. And now things are about to REALLY pick up, these two gel so well it’s scary. Wrestling abounds. Holy shit chant earned with a BIIIG bodypress to the outside. Tags to Taylor and Strangler. This match has so many fueds in. Erek bumps all over the place for Strangler, as ever. Erek makes a comeback and Strangler takes the Randy Savage patent MAN SIZED BUMP over the turnbuckle to the floor off a leg lariat. Craven and Wildchild next. Wildchild takes over with speed, of course. There’s just TOO MUCH going on for me to PBP. Craven slows things down for a few seconds and this reporters typing fingers fall off as Wildchild takes over again. Craven takes back over with some evil Japanese double teams, and Erek comes in for some more fun. Tons of heat on Wildchild now, as Erek takes over… Holy fuck PBPing this is boring the life out of me. Loads of guys get eliminated. Wildchild pins Ejiro ***** and not far off SIX stars, if that rating existed. Just watch it. Thumbs WAAAAAAY up.
Promo: This Is What I Live For
Rawknight replied to Crippler Crossface's topic in Smarks Wrestling Federation
Cool promo.. good way to cap hitting the 1K mark of posts -
And i will be always remembered as the guy you won the belt off
OK the story... I did some T-shirt graphics in the SWF (join up! we need bodies! it rules!) and the Unfuckwithable one himself left a message saying "If that Justice and Rule shirt was real, i'd buy it" and it is. And Dames... well he didn't, but I couldn't find a place that does black T-shirts like cafepress does white ones. But lots of other people did. "Get to the point!" I hear you cry... Well OK.. Patience my careful readers... 1) These shirts are cool. And you can wear them in public without awkward questions cos there aren't any wrestlers names or federation names on the shirts. 2) These shirts are good quality. Cafepress do a sound job, and the JnR hoodie is particularly good. 3) All profits from these shirts go back to the boards. The checks aren't sent to me, they're sent to Thoth who handles our donations account. and HE sorts out sending money to Dames or whoever to keep us in the SWF on the boards, and contribute to the boards staying happy and free for all us smarks. So click the link below SWF Stuff \m/ >_< \m/ Fitted T-shirt w00t! Baseball shirt Justice and Rule T-Shirt Sin To Win T-Shirt (Back: Pride Envy Gluttony Lust Wrath Avarice Sloth) Team Horrorcore Golf Shirt Superior One Logo shirt (Back: I AM SUPERIOR) Justice And Rule Hoodie Oh and I *DO* have permission from the Dames for this semi adverty thing
But we here at SWF Confidential did get an EXCLUSIVE Interview with Bastion... What is your real name? ... Ummm... Mr Bastion... What is your real name? .... OK let's give that a miss. Where do you live. *grunts* OK... you don't like that... how about... what are you doing? *lifts up interviewer* WOULD YOU PLEASE PUT ME DOWN?!?! *hits the interviewer with THE THIRD OFFENSE* ::Interview Terminated::
Chris Candido?
why did we never teach Danny Williams rugby. at his size and shape he's be a FANTASTIC prop or hooker (yes that IS a position in rugby)
^ [pimpfed] could make the jump like Superstar and Rando [/pimpfed] < just realised that Thor/Tarakanov of the SJL started this thread
^ makes me think of WWE Hazing by having Bradshaw and baby oil in the same post.
TWO DISC SET! Includes... Early unrelased matches Maori Warrior vs Steven Graham (Va'aiga's debut!) Maori Warrior vs Judo Miura Rob Williams/Chris Card/Va'aiga vs Judo Mirua/Shin'ichi Gotoh/Takeshi Go The Haka Boyz vs Rob Williams/Chris Card GFWA Era The Haka Boyz vs T2SF The Haka Boyz vs The Devilz Darkside The Haka Boyz vs The Gatekeepers Va'iga vs Hellsbane (Shark Tank Match) Va'iga vs Chaos (GFWA Extreme Title) Va'iga vs Livewire Sean Casey (GFWA Extreme Title) Va'iga vs Awesome Adam King SJL Era Va'aiga vs Spike Jenkins Va'aiga vs Spike Jenkins (No-DQ) Va'aiga vs Manson Va'aiga vs Tryst (Ladder) Va'aiga vs Crow (Chairshot Deathmatch, SJL Title) Va'aiga vs Crow (No Escape Cage Match, SJL Title) SWF Era Va'aiga vs Jay Dawg (Falls count anywhere) Va'aiga vs CIA (Falls count anywhere, SWF HCG Title) Va'aiga/Dace Night vs Justice and Rule (SWF Tag Titles) Va'aiga/Dace Night/The Boston Strangler vs Tom Flesher/Double Jeapordy Va'aiga vs Bastion Va'aiga vs Danny Williams and for all of you.. here's the preview... The scene fades back into the Joe Louis Arena, and all the lights in the building cut out at once. Complete blackness is seen all around, until a crack of thunder startles everyone. White and Silver lights flash across the massive G-Tron, with thunder striking along with the sequence of the streaks. Finally, a massive wall of pyro erupts from the entrance way alongside the loudest boom of thunder. When the smoke clears, the word "Aegis" has faded onto the G-Tron, and the fans explode at the mention of the GFWA super-stable. "For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Metallica hits, and the fans erupt again, as the man known as Thorn walks out onto the ramp. Thorn is again wearing the business suit, and after playing for his fans a while, he pulls the microphone from the back pocket. He calls for silence, and gets some from the jampacked crowd. Thorn: G-F-W-A... are you ready to get EXTREME?!?!?!?! The fans respond with a resounding "HELL YEAH!!!" followed by cheers. Thorn smiles and nods at the response. Thorn: That's what I thought... That's what I thought. First off, I have a few things to say to the man known as... Chaos. The fans let out a large chorus of boo's at the mention of Chaos's name. Boggs: Chaos isn't all that liked here in Detroit, King... Royce: You're telling me!! Thorn: I feel the same way as you fans. The little bastard broke up one of the best Extreme matches this fed has seen in a while. Chaos, I CAN punish you through my position, but I'm going to LET you walk away this time. You stay out of my business, and leave my wrestlers alone when hey're in the middle of a match!!! Oh, and you might wanna think twice before laying your hands on me again.... Accidents can and DO happen when your as powerful as I can be, my friend... Now, ONTO TONIGHT!!! The fans cheer for the coming Extreme Title match. Thorn: I'm sure the damn snooping camera's of the GFWA saw me exiting the basement just a little while ago. And I'm also pretty sure that everyone able to hear anything just heard Casey and Va'iga getting called down to the basement. There's a reason for that, people... in the spirit of Halloween, we're going to have ourselves and old fashioned BOILER ROOM BRAWL!!!! The fans pop again at the announcement of the stipualtion. Royce: A BOILER ROOM BRAWL?!?! RIGHT HERE TONIGHT!!!! Boggs: THIS IS AMAZING KING!!!! CASEY AND VA'IGA IN THE BOILER ROOM OF THE JOE LOUIS ARENA!!! The fans continue to cheer, as the G-Tron shows up with a split screen of both wrestlers, one at the East entrance, the other at the West entrance. Both Va'iga and Casey look at the screen, as Thorn faces them, and starts the match. Thorn: There's a door all the way in the back end of the boiler room. Make it out that door and to the outside of the arena and you will be THE GFWA EXTREME CHAMPION!!!! Any questions?!?! Both wrestlers shake their heads, ready to plunge into the doors. Thorn: THEN WAHT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!! GET GOING!!! Casey and Va'iga jump down the steps at the same time, as Thorn still stands in the ring. The G-Tron shot cuts out till they find each other, but is black for now. Thorn: See... what they don't know is... I've set up the Basement Haunted-house style.... so tonight... it's not only a Boiler Room Brawl... it's a CHAMBER OF HORRORS MATCH!!!! Thorn slams down the mic to the fans approval, as the shot comes back. Thorn walks into the locker room, as we see both men entering seperate parts of the Arena's massive boiler room. The camera first focuses on each man seperately, as they walk into the hallway's leading into the depths of the Boiler room. Va'iga is shwon walking down, running his hands along the walls of fake spider webbing with a look of contempt. From a few feet in front of him, a blazing strobe light sets off, nearly blinding him. He lets out a loud swear rubbing his eyes, when from the sides, a smoke machine blasts him with a pillar of smoke. After coughing for a while and some more swearing. Va'iga goes postal. He tears all the decoration down from the wall in 2 or 3 tears, he puts his boot through the strobe light, and then throws the smoke machine against the wall. When everythign is done, the hallway lokos normal, but the floor has rubble of Halloween decoration. Va'ga starightens himself out, before a halloween style music can be heard far away. He heads off in the direction of the music. Boggs: Hey, King? Royce: Yeah, Randy? Boggs: Remind to NEVER bring my kids trick or treating to Va'iga's house, ok?? Royce: Good idea... The shot switches over to Casey as Va'iga moves on, and Casey's is decorated much the same way. There are the spider webs, but instead of strobe lights or smoke machines, there are witches and ghosts strung from the ceiling. Casey, obviously liking the idea, runs his hands along the webbing, and laughs. He looks up at the witches and moves on, when all of a sudden, five spiders drop from the ceiling right in his face. Casey jumps a little bit, then realizes they're fake spiders. He picks up the one on the end a few feet into the air, then let's it go. It swings back and knocks all the other ones, causing the one on the oposite end to jump, it falls back, and they keep going in that same cycle. Casey starts to laugh at this, as does some of the audience. Royce: Hahaha... well at least one of them likes the holiday. Casey hears the music soon too, and moves on . Boggs: So King, what do you think of Thorn's cahmber of "horrors"?? Royce: It looks like a cheap haunted house. What a joke... Boggs: Well Thorn was always a prankster. The camera switches back to Va'iga, as he enters a huge room. Inside this room is deep "black light" lighting, with several pieces of equipment in it. There are spiderwebs from the ceiling, a lab table complete with lab instruments and bubbling formulas, and a dozen other pieces of equipment meant to make this area look like a mad scientists laboratory. It is successful at that task. Royce: So much for cheap... In the middle of the room is a stool with a tape player on it, putting out the wierd halloween music. Va'iga walks over and picks the machine up, taking a look at it. From behind, on the other side of the room, Casey runs behind Va'iga and clubs him across the neck. Va'iga goes down to his knees, and Casey keeps pounding on his neck and back. Casey bends down to try and pick him up, when Va'iga swings upward with the tape deck still in his hands. It connects squarely with Casey's forehead, and shatters upon ipact. Pieces of the player fly everywhere, as Casey goes down in a heap, bleeding from a huge gash in his forehead. Va'iga lifts the man to his knees, then rams him head first into that solid Lab Table, making the gash even worse. A few of the bottle topple over on the table from the force of the shot, and Casey stays on the floor. Boggs: Va'iga is taking all frustrations out onto Casey!! We're less than 5 minutes into the match, and Casey is already bleeding badly!!! Va'iga takesa a breather for a second, then grabs Casey by the neck. He picks the man up and tries to lay a punch into his hurt forehead. Casey somehow gets his hand up to block the shot, and come back with one of his own. Two more times of this, and Casey hits a haymaker punch that sends Va'iga to his knees. While the man is down, Casey grabs the stool the tape player was sitting on. In one swift motion, the stool is brought down and broken across Va'iga's back. The wooden pieces fly everywhere, as Va'iga goes down holding his back. Casey wastes no time in pciking Va'iga up by the shoulders. Royce: Well, Casey was able to gain back the upper hand here, Randy. Let's see what they try to break next!! Casey has Va'iga by the shoulders, backs him up a few feet, then runs him forward and slides him onto the top of the table. All the glass bottles and metal equipment fall on top of him, and all the glass shatters upon impact with him. Va'iga is now bleeding from all the cuts over his body, and he slowly rolls over onto his back. Casey reaches onto the table, and turns a knob. A spurt of gas is heard, and we a tube leading from the table. Boggs: Why did Casey just turn on the gas??? Royce: And what the hell is that in Casey's hands?!?! The tube leads all the way to an apparatus in Casey's hand... a Bunsen Burner. The gas is turned on full power, and Casey has the ignitor in his hands. Casey walks the few feet over to Va'iga, and lays the Bunsen Burner in between his legs. Boggs: Oh my lord.... don't tell me he's going to do this.... Royce: Were those chemicals flammable?!?! Boggs: I wouldn't doubt it King!!!!! Casey sets the burner up on the stunned Va'iga, drops the ignitor near the end of it, and within seconds, Va'iga's crotch and upper legs are on fire. Boggs: JESUS GOD ALMIGHTY!!!! THIS IS GOING TO FAR!!!!!!!! CASEY IS TRYING TO DESTROY VA'IGA'S ENTIRE FAMILY BLOODLINE!!!! Royce: SOMEONE GET A FIRE EXTINGUISHER DOWN THERE!!!!!! The fans erupt in chants of "Holy Sh*t!!" and "Oh My God!!" Casey is celebrating and taunting, as Va'iga rolls off the table and onto the concrete. He rolls on the floor trying to put the fire out, and letting out screams of pain. Royce: Va'iga is going through the worst pain in the HISTORY OF THE GFWA!!!! The fire is finally put out, and his crotch smolders as he still cries out in pain. Casey looks along the back wall, tearing down the decorations, and finds what he was looking for... the door out of the room. the fans cheer at the sight of the exit, and Casey wraps his hand around the doorknob. Boggs: This is it!! Casey's going to be the new Extreme Champion!!!!! ALL HE HAS TO DO IS OPEN THAT DOOR!!! Casey twists the knob, and pushes... to see a graveyard. he walks through and finds he is actually in the bottom level loading docs of the Joe Louis Arena. Off the 8 foot ceent ledge, lies a graveyard scene complete with open graves, tombstones, and coffins. Royce: NO!! Casey has NOT won!!! Ther loading docks are a connection of the Boiler Room Randy!!! Boggs: And there's the door Casey needs!! All the way in the back across that graveyard scene!! Casey stands there in the doorway, looking around at the scene. Suddenly, from behind, Va'iga is back up and he delivers a running double elbow to the back of Casey's head. Casey stumbles forward and is sent flipping head over heels off that ledge, hard to the graveyard ground below. Boggs: Va'iga has returned from the dead!!!! Royce: Yeah, but I still feel sorry for the poor bastard... his crotch is still smoking!!! Va'iga drops the gourn gingerly, and climbs off the ledge lightly. He is wobbling from the fire earlier, but has somehow regained his direction. All the air has been knocked out of Casey, and Va'iga takes advantage of this by picking him up. He grabs Casey's wrist, extends the arm, then swings Casey forward with an Irish Whip. Casey runs, and slams back first into a coffin leaning against the back wall. The force of the whip sends Casey wobbling forward and the coffin falling to the floor. Casey stumbles forward right into Va'iga's waiting arms. Va'iga uses the momentum to pick Casey up with both arms, lift him over his head, and then slam him hard, military press style into the nearby open grave. Dirt flies into the air, as Casey body lands with a sickening thump at the bottom of the grave. The fans begin to cheer again, as the camera looks out over the grave, and sees Casey crumpled up in the grave. Boggs: Casey is hurt inside of that Grave king!!! Royce: Thorn is one sadistic bastard to put these two psychos in this kind of match!!! Vai'ga tears the tombstone from the grave, and tosses it on top of Casey's stomach. The air again rushes from Casey's lungs, and Va'iga sets himself at the edge of the grave. With one huge leap, Va'iga jumps down into the grave, and shatter the tombstone on top of Casey's gut with a powerful Double foot stomp, ala Tajiri. The fans again begin to chant "Holy Sh*T!!" as Casey lays broken inside the grave. Royce: THESE TWO MEN ARE TRYING TO KILL EACH OTHER!!!! Boggs: BOTH MEN ARE BATTERED, BROKEN, AND BLEEDING!!! SOMEONE IS GOING HAVE TO STOP THIS MATCH!!! Va'iga is up first, and starts to climb out of the grave. He is severly limping now, as a result of the matches tolls. He jumps all the way out of the grave, and looks down at the broken Casey. He wipes his brow, and throws his sweat on the man. With a sigh of relief, he walks toward the back door leading to an extreme title victory. He has his hand around the knob and is about to turn, when something to the side catches his eye, and a lightbulb goes off in his head. Boggs: What the hell is he waiting for?!?! He could still be the Extreme Champion if he turns that knob!!! After a second of looking, he removes his hand from the doorknob. Royce: NO!!! YOU DAMN IDIOT!!! Don't go back into the match!!! Va'iga walks away from the door, and the camera shifts to see what the man is looking at... The coffin knocked over earlier. Va'iga grabs the end handle of the coffing, and startes dragging the heavy wooden case towards the open grave. Boggs: I think Va'iga wants a little revenge for the crotch fire, King!!! Royce: What's he going to do though?!?! He could be winning the title right now!!! Vai'ga bends down and grabs Casey's limp arm. With a mighty tug, Casey is pulled from the grave, and dragged limp onto the ground. Va'iga grabs Casey's head, lifts him up, and prepares him for a suplex into the open coffin. Royce: Oh no, he's going to suplex Casey into that coffing and make sure he's done!! Boggs: The lid is open, lets see what happens!!! Va'iga gives a grunt of strength, and lifts Casey high into the air. This is where the counter happens. Casey gains his bearings somehow, rolls out from the suplex, and lands on his feet. In a split second, the arm hooking Casey is stuck between Va'iga's legs, and is caught in a writslock. With another head and arm lock, Casey lifts Va'iga into the air, And then down hard on the back of his head, hitting his Patented T-bone Exploder into the open coffin. The fans erupt at the sight and begin to chant Casey's name. Boggs: OH MY GOD!!!! THAT'S THE INNOVATION!!!! CASEY'S INNOVATION HAS CLAIMED ANOTHER VICTIM HERE TONIGHT!!!! Royce: The most devastating suprise manuever in the history of wrestling has shown up once again, and Va'iga is out cold!!! The fans continue to chant, as Casey slams the lid on the coffin. He looks over at the loading dock ledge, and smiles. He runs for it, and in a leap and a climb is up to the top of the 8-foot ledge. Royce: Oh, DO NOT TELL ME he's gonna do what I think he is!!! Boggs: Casey is eight feet in the air, and Va'iga is 12 feet across the graveyard!!! Can he possibly hit this!!! Casey signals for the end, and then leaps high into the air. Travelling nearly the entire distance of the graveyard from the ledge, he delivers his sitilating "Shockwave" Guillatine Leg drop to Va'iga inside that closed coffin. The fans explode out of their seats with chants of "Live~Wire!!", "Oh My God!!! and "HOLY SH*T!!" Casey rolls off the coffin, and we see the top of it, where Va'iga's head is, has been dented in at least a foot. When Casey rolls off, the coffin tips on it's side, and out spills Va'iga, with a broken nose, and bleeding from all over his face. The man is now completely unconsious and may have a consussion... or four. Boggs: GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY!!!! SEAN CASEY HAS JUST DECIMATED THE ENTIRE FACE OF VA'IGA!!!! Royce: THIS MATCH IS OVER NOW!! CASEY IS HEADING FOR THE DOOR!!! Casey is indeed limping hard towards the backdoor. He wraps his hand around the doorknob, and then looks back at Va'iga. Boggs: WHAT THE HELL?!?! Casey is about to do the same thing as Va'iga did!!! Instead of going back though, Casey just looks back at Va'iga, and flips him off. The fans erupt, as Casey opens the door out of the boiler room, and walks through it. The bell rings, and a referee there raises his hand in victory. Royce: WE HAVE A NEW GFWA EXTREME CHAMPION!!!! Boggs: IT IS THE "LIVE~WIRE" SEAN CASEY!!!! SEAN CASEY IS YOUR EXTREME CHAMPION!!!! Casey is bent over, trying to get some air, when Thorn walks in from off-screen. He is holding the exrteme title in his hands. Casey looks up, and sees Thorn there. Casey looks up at the man curiously. After a few moments of tension, Thorn looks at the belt, and extends it into Casey's hands. Casey takes the belt from the man, and stands up with the help of the referee. Casey takes in the sight of the belt in his hands, and Thorn extends his hand. The two shake hands, and the shot goes back to the commentators as the fans erupt yet again. Boggs: Casey has earned the approval of the Extreme Director Thorn!!! Royce: He has also earned the Extreme Title in the most brutal match we've seen here in GFWA for a long time!!! Boggs: Va'iga may have lost the match, but I have no reason to believe that he is out of the Extreme Title picture!! Thorn has to have a huge amount of respect for both of these men!! Royce: I can't believe this!!
What is your real name? Va'aiga Tui'poluotu ya say it like it's spelt, excet for the whole ng thing Where do you live? Sunnyvale, California, but still got a house in Christchurch in NZ too. What's your marital satatus and do you have kids? Long term relationship with a nice Maori girl Who's your best friend outside of kayfabe? Former tag partner and long term friend Stephen Va'a Who's your favourite WWE Wrestler BROCK LESNAR Who's you fafourite Other wrestler (US Indies or Japan) hmmm... Vader What's your favourite match to watch? Steve Williams vs Kenta Kobashi, with the sick finish Who's your favourite Band or singer? The Wu Tang Clan What's your favourite album? 36 Chambers What's your favourite song? Woo Hah by Busta Rhymes What's your favourite film? La Haine Which sporting teams/franchises do you support? Canterbury in the rugby. NOt much else What sports do you play? Rugby (second row)... cricket occasionally (fast bowler, shit batsman) and finally... if you weren't a wrestler what WOULD you be? A professional Rugby Player!
I know.. mainly cos our sigs and banners don't make ANY sense to those outside the fed. I'd still reccomend anyone to go read Ashes 2 Ashes though, I've seen NON WRESTLING PEOPLE read the damn thing and enjoy it. *pimp pimp pimp* I really SHOULD contribute more to the discussion forums though.
OPENING PROMO: Alan Clark - The real winners are the fans! ROOKIE MATCH Sean Casey vs. Dominic Korgath - I dunno what Casey is like as a matchwriter, but I can't back against the guy who i've been pimping. Besides... BWO Tag Team Champions baby And YES My gimmick used to be dead similar to King's. The coincidence shocked me as much as it shocked you. TRIPLE THREAT SUBWAY MATCH "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins vs. Manson vs. Unknown Warrior - Unknown Warrior. Gut feeling here. SJL EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix © vs. Alan Clark - Oooh two future SWF stars for sure! Umm... I'll go with Rando. SJL WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Aecas © vs. Todd Royal - National pride says Aecas. I can't wait to lariat both of these people after they get bumped BUY SHIRTS!
I'd like to add it was a promo i've been waiting about 4 years to cut, too
Don't worry about it, my best match(against Jay Dawg) won by default as well. It doesn't take away anything from your match, because it was very good. The beginning was excellent with the brawling in the crowd. Though it was 6000, the match did feel short, and seemed to lack a middle as the match just kind of jumps to the ending with the Germans. Still this was suppose to be a quick intense brawl so it works for what it is. I was also impressed with how you kept the whole match low key(with the exception of the ending of course), something I also planned on doing. - yeah compare it to Va'aiga vs Jay Dawg which was an insane WWE 99 harcore belt style brawl... including the shampoo spot in the women's showers. There WAS supposed to be more technical stuff in the middle, i was going for the all japan Strikes, Holds, Crazy finish structure, but i got carried away with the brawling in the crowd and ran out of time to do 2K of holds, so it ended a little imbalanced. I didn't like the delayed selling bit with the Powerbomb, in fact I don't like delayed selling at all. It's just something that Kobashi started doing in 95, because he totally lost his fucking mind, and forgot to put together a match. Misawa followed in 97, because he was too lazy to work brilliant 5 minute transition sequences anymore. - I do like them, but it's a deadly game putting them in the SWF, cos not all the markers do. I've lost a match doing that before to Thor in the JL You could have easily accomplished the same thing by just having Va'aiga escape the Powerbomb, land in front of Danny, and than blast him. Still, I was very impressed with your match, and you deserved the win. - I don't know about escape. That sounds vaguely technical. Besides it was important to set up the double KO spot so i could escape, roll under the ring (like Muta) and set my arm on fire (Like Shadow WX).. channeling THREE Japanese feds in one sequence, that's Smark and a half. Oh, and I like long fueds, I just never had the opportunity to be in one. I also like long fueds... and the blowoff to Va'aiga vs Danny will be at Genesis V *is kidding, has other plans but WILL be setting up Va'aiga vs Danny II at some stage*
Yeah but just go down to the SWF... the link's in my signature... and go read Ashes 2 Ashes, and then you... like Sean Casey will join straight away oh and BUY THE SHIRTS TOO! you can wear them in public without people giggling at you.. especially deisgned for neutral wear! All profits go to the boards donation fund! http://www.cafepress.com/swfshirts