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Mecha Mummy

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Everything posted by Mecha Mummy

  1. Mecha Mummy

    New Japan news

    Tenzan really hasn't been relevant at all this year outside of teaming with Chono. There's no way he isn't making it past the group stage of the G1, anyway, because the only other top guy in his block is Nagata (as opposed to, say, Tanahashi, Bernard, Nakanishi and Kojima in Block A).
  2. Mecha Mummy

    Scanner Darkly

    The movie's worth seeing just for the dialogue any time Robert Downey Jr.'s character is on the screen. Brilliant stuff there.
  3. Mecha Mummy

    Is Jack Evans High-Flying?

    You are the wind beneath my wings.
  4. Mecha Mummy

    Decent Wrestling T-Shirts

    I have one of those too. Truly a wonderful shirt and competely worth the $40 or so it cost to get it. I also still want one of those Kaientai "EVIL" shirts from 2001, but I know that by now that's never going to happen.
  5. Mecha Mummy

    Best match you saw in person

    Either Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho from Wrestlemania XIX or Samoa Joe vs. Kenta Kobashi.
  6. Mecha Mummy

    the shittest album cover in recent memory

    The winner. That is just hysterically bad. And yeah, I've never seen the cover of Soviet Kitsch before but that's pretty weak. I still want to give the album itself a listen though since I'm rather fond of "Us."
  7. Mecha Mummy

    Rank albums by ________

    Weezer 1. Pinkerton 2. The Blue Album 3. Maladroit 4. The Green Album 5. That shitty one they released last year.
  8. Mecha Mummy

    PWTorch notes on TNA

    First Ron "The Truth" Killings in a decent feud and then AJ Styles in a saga that went something like this: - Joe E. Legend gets in Jarrett's way of the title. Jarrett squashes him for a month. - Christopher Daniels gets in Jarrett's way of the title. Jarrett squashes him for a month. - ?????? - Jarrett wins title.
  9. Mecha Mummy

    Favourite Weird Al song and video

    "This Song is Just Six Words Long." Actually, considering it's Al it's surprisingly vicious since it's more or less calling "Got My Mind Set On You" by George Harrison absolutely pointless and poorly-written.
  10. Mecha Mummy

    24: Season 5

    He also ousted Lynn McGill from power, which was pretty important as well.
  11. Mecha Mummy

    24: Season 5

    Man, I want a screenshot of Martha and Novick with those smirks on their faces. That shit was AWESOME.
  12. Mecha Mummy

    Grand Slam Champions

    When was Angle Hardcore Champion? Scroll up the thread.
  13. Mecha Mummy

    E3 2006: The Thread

    Personally speaking, all the Sony conference did was confirm to me that I will be buying a Wii first. $500 - $600 is way too much for me.
  14. Mecha Mummy

    Box Office Report...

    Well, War of the Worlds also had Steven Spielberg's name attached to it. I mean, personally, I went to see it due to that rather than having anything to do with Cruise, and I haven't bothered with MI3 because... well, Tom's crazy and all. So there may be truth to that logic.
  15. Mecha Mummy

    Casino Royale Trailer

    And here it is. Looks more interesting than any Bond film since Goldeneye, but I suppose that's not really saying much.
  16. Mecha Mummy

    The OAO "Who's Actually Excited" thread

    I like Umaga for what he is, though the "Samoan Smashing Machine" nickname is cringeworthy since it's such a blatant knock-off. Having Osama as his manager certainly doesn't hurt either. As far as WWE goes, I couldn't care less about Smackdown anymore outside of the London/Kendrick vs. MNM feud. But Raw isn't bad at all; the Carlito/Masters feud was fun, the Trish/Mickie feud, much as it dies live, entertained me, and the Spirit Squad is all sorts of hysterical. Plus I too am cautiously optimistic about ECW, though taping shows before Smackdown is seventeen flavors of dumb. So I'm borderline with WWE right now; it's certainly not great, but it's been worse at the same time, as recently as just three or four months ago.
  17. Mecha Mummy

    Superman Returns Trailer

    Well, to be fair, Gene Hackman wasn't exactly giving what you'd describe as a serious, dignified performance as Luthor either back in the day.
  18. Mecha Mummy

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    As far as I know, Estrada is a manager only, and is NOT trained for in-ring physicality. Edit: I have been corrected. Apparently Estrada CAN wrestle. I thought I remembered reading at some point that we wasn't a trained wrestler and was a manager only. He's a trained wrestler, but supposedly not a good one.
  19. Mecha Mummy


    I really want the Fantastic Four and Avengers ones. There are so many runs that I'd love to read in both of those.
  20. Mecha Mummy

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Oh man, I love Todd Grisham. He's such a prick.
  21. Mecha Mummy

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    I actually think season 3 was Ranma 1/2's best season. The original episodes in that one were generally very funny. Unfortunately, Seasons 4 - 7 are for the most part not very good to put it lightly with the occasional great episode here and there (I did like when they finally introduced my board namesake in Season 6). But Maison Ikkoku is far and away Rumiko Takahashi's best work.
  22. Mecha Mummy

    Ring of Honor 4.28.06

    Indeed. Jack's touring full-time with DG for at least another month or two; he's even in the new version of Blood Generation (there was a split between CIMA's guys and Doi's sort of youngblood group, with CIMA turning BloodGen into a face group as a result whilst Doi is leading a new rudo faction).
  23. Mecha Mummy

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    I'm currently watching Samurai Champloo and Bleach and reading the Naruto manga as it comes out (I'll probably start watching the anime again once the fillers are done as the only ones that were really any good at all were the first one, the Bikouchu arc, and perhaps the one with Anko's flashbacks). Plus I'm starting to get into the Rurouni Kenshin manga.
  24. Mecha Mummy

    U2's One has been named the greatest lyric of all-time

    Redemption Song at #4 is good. "Hey Ya" even being in the list... not so much.
  25. Mecha Mummy

    Box Office Report 4/21-4/23

    It's pretty lame that Scary Movie 4 has made nearly seventy million and Lucky Number Slevin (which I saw today and was great) hasn't cracked twenty mil yet.