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Mecha Mummy

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Everything posted by Mecha Mummy

  1. Mecha Mummy

    Hooters no longer airing WWE PPV

    EXACTLY. Well, there WAS one cute girl, but honestly, I've encountered girls just as attractive at Red Robin and there's no sleazy feeling there. And the food is way too expensive. I would never buy Hooters food with my own money.
  2. Mecha Mummy

    Best Album Openers.

    Nirvana - Serve the Servants (Mostly for the first line; "Teenage angst has paid off well, but now I'm bored and old.") The Pixies - Debaser Weezer - My Name is Jonas Blur - Girls and Boys EDIT: Oh, and if "3030" from Deltron 3030 does count, it's worthy too.
  3. Mecha Mummy

    Hooters no longer airing WWE PPV

    I went to Hooters for the first (and maybe last now) time ever last year to watch Wrestlemania. It was a really cool atmosphere and I was planning to head there with a couple friends to see the Rumble. Bloody hell.
  4. Mecha Mummy

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    "Whoooooooooo has a called me H-A-G-E?" ~ Genki Horiguchi, Toryumon (Explanation; "Hage" means "bald" in Japanese, and Genki had a major receding hairline.)
  5. Mecha Mummy

    Albums Listened to Today

    Deltron 3030 Cowboy Bebop - Blue
  6. Mecha Mummy

    WWF Heat spoilers

    Never going to happen. That ship sailed a long time ago.
  7. Mecha Mummy

    A question about some ROH themes?

    Does anyone actually have Callin' Out? I really like that theme but I can't find it anywhere.
  8. Mecha Mummy

    Randy Orton's theme music

    Ignore these lame jokes. It's "American Gigolo" by Weezer.
  9. Mecha Mummy

    "Be Cool"

    I read somewhere that Elmore Leonard dropped a hint in the book that he had The Rock in mind for the part when he wrote it, so that explains some of it. 'Course, I haven't read the book so I can't tell you what that hint WAS, exactly.
  10. Mecha Mummy


    Carnage hasn't been a perfectly decent character in ages.
  11. Mecha Mummy

    The RAW Midcard Disaster

    I still think Christian is more entertaining on the mic than Edge, and he has a better entrance/finisher. The problem is he spends too much of his offense finding new ways to choke his opponent. Occasionally that works in the context of the match (such as in the beat the clock match when he was trying to draw the match out), but much of the time it's just bad.
  12. Mecha Mummy

    Box Office Report...

    1. Elektra 2. Meet the Fockers 3. Coach Carter 4. White Noise 5. The Aviator I think Coach Carter will get at least 14 mil.
  13. Mecha Mummy

    New Networks coming in 2005

    My dad's black and he watches it, but only the stand-up comedy stuff. Everything else he tends to ignore.
  14. Mecha Mummy

    Averagest wrestlers of all time?

    That IS a good one. Jarrett is incredibly average.
  15. Mecha Mummy

    Averagest wrestlers of all time?

    I'd say he was a bit above average in 2003, but in 2004 he slipped straight into mediocrity. David Young is really average also.
  16. Mecha Mummy

    Averagest wrestlers of all time?

    El Samurai, from what I've seen of him, strikes me as rather average.
  17. Mecha Mummy

    What's Shipping

    Ultimates 2 #2, maybe, if I come into some money. As for Gotham Central; tried it and I wasn't too huge on it, but I tend to dislike things coming out of the police drama genre.
  18. Why Milanito Collection AT? I don't quite get why that guy is working Northeast Indy dates as opposed to the Toryumon X trainees who are assumedly still in Mexico and much better, like Hiromi Horiguchi and Kanjyouro Matsuyama.
  19. Mecha Mummy

    New Networks coming in 2005

    I know the South Park references are getting old, but if they play "Yakety Sax" at any point on the Puppy Channel the ratings will SOAR, I say.
  20. Mecha Mummy

    Frank Miller. Jim Lee. Batman

    Not if they've read Dark Knight Strikes Again. Despite the fact that I liked DKR and Miller's Daredevil run, I will always keep my standards for him low just in case he pulls out something that bad ever again.
  21. Mecha Mummy

    Which Hit Song of 2004 are You?

    "Float On" by Modest Mouse.
  22. Mecha Mummy

    1/2/05 Heat Topic

    I tried to watch Heat last night but I couldn't stand Ivory's commentary for more than a couple minutes. She made Lita's stint on Heat seem amazing in comparison.
  23. Mecha Mummy

    This is pathetic, but kind of funny.

    Age 8: Will Smith, Weird Al, TLC, to the best of my memory. Outside of Weird Al... *Shudder.*
  24. Mecha Mummy

    What new film are you most looking

    Batman Begins and Fantastic Four.
  25. Mecha Mummy

    Ugliest band in rock.

    Jack White, Rivers Cuomo sans beard, and Brian Bell are okay. Nowhere near the level of ugly of some people in rock.