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Mecha Mummy

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Everything posted by Mecha Mummy

  1. Mecha Mummy


    Uhm, what? It's a comic book. A comic book that's selling well and is critically acclaimed. I have no idea where the "doomed" part comes in, because somehow I don't think the dissenting opinion of a guy on a message board is going to lead to the fiery death of Rebirth.
  2. Mecha Mummy

    Nicknames for wrestlers that you came up with

    I'm a dork and call Tajiri Yoshi sometimes.
  3. Mecha Mummy

    Name the most average band you've ever heard

    "Baba O' Riley" "Pictures of Lily" "The Substitue" "The Real me" "Overture" There's four. Actually, that's five, but nitpicking aside, I've heard Baba O'Riley and pretty much hate it. I'll give the other songs a listen, though. Wow. That does sum it up perfectly. I've heard like two songs by Paul McCartney post-Beatles that I've really liked, and then one that is "Meh, it isn't bad."
  4. Mecha Mummy

    Name the most average band you've ever heard

    Oh, right, "My Generation." I keep forgetting about "My Generation," which IS good even if I don't think it's that great. So there's one.
  5. Mecha Mummy

    Name the most average band you've ever heard

    All right. Point me to any song by The Who that's above average, because I have yet to hear one.
  6. Mecha Mummy

    Name the most average band you've ever heard

    The Who. I have not heard a single song for them that ever sounded like anything but average. EDIT: Come to think of it, Bush and U2 are pretty average too.
  7. Mecha Mummy

    Your wrestler biases

    I'm biased against Ric Flair post-1989. I think it's his signature spots that piss me off more than anything.
  8. Mecha Mummy

    Sin City trailer

    The only movie I've seen Leo in and really enjoyed him in was Catch Me If You Can, but then again, I REALLY enjoyed him there.
  9. Mecha Mummy


    Started out very good and just sort of decreased in quality as the movie progressed. I enjoyed it, but not overwhelmingly so.
  10. Mecha Mummy


    ... So why the fuck is this thread still being posted in again?
  11. Mecha Mummy

    20 wrestlers you would have in your

    Jumbo Tsuruta Bret Hart Mick Foley Raven Stan Hansen Toshiaki Kawada Mitsuharu Misawa Dynamite Kid The Rock Owen Hart Jushin Thunder Liger Harley Race Chris Benoit Ric Flair CIMA Kenta Kobashi Steve Austin Brian Pillman Spanky Bryan Danielson
  12. Mecha Mummy

    DC's answer to Ultimate Marvel;

    Wow. Grant Morrison writes Superman and people complain. Good show.
  13. Mecha Mummy

    Ring of Honor Final Battle 2004

    "There is no telling what you are going to get here." Indy sleaze. Lots of indy sleaze.
  14. Mecha Mummy

    Dead Like Me Cancelled?

    DAMN IT. I don't have Showtime so I watched the first season on DVD and it fucking ruled. This really, really sucks.
  15. Mecha Mummy

    What's Shipping

    Argh. Identity Crisis, Plastic Man, and Madrox, plus a couple other things from the past couple weeks.
  16. Mecha Mummy

    Arab gimmick praised by Mensa member

    But nothing came out of that, did it? She made that comment and that was just sort of it. I mean, nobody watches Heat to begin with.
  17. Mecha Mummy


    I... uhm... read New Avengers #1. I liked it. Disassembled was total crap but this wasn't bad outside of one too many exclamation points here and there. So... yeah.
  18. Mecha Mummy

    Hilarious Wrestling Moments

    Toryumon, El Numero Uno 2003 - Stalker Ichikawa vs. Yoshihiro Takayama Stalker looks to do a test of strength with Takayama, but this doesn't quite work since Stalker's like a foot or two smaller than him and can't reach his hands. So Stalker DEMANDS that Takayama gets on his knees so they can do the test of strength, Takayama complies, and... Stalker pokes his eye and puts him in a side headlock, which Takayama sells for a milisecond. Stalker then works over Takayama's arm triumphantly, thinking he's in control as he goes up to the top rope and starts a slow, ridiculous backwards ropewalk while still having Takayama's arm twisted a bit, and finally after all this, jumps off the ropes, apparently trying an armdrag or SOMETHING, but Takayama, tired of all this bullshit, casually lets go and Stalker crashes to the mat. Stalker would go on to try this again against the Great Sasuke two months later, and when he failed that he bribed the referee so that Stalker could do it to him and failed AGAIN. God bless you, Stalker Ichikawa.
  19. Mecha Mummy

    Top Five Funniest Wrestlers

    2000s: Ebessan Kuishinbo Kamen Stalker Ichikawa Colt Cabana Christian 1990s: Chris Jericho The Rock La Parka Owen Hart Stevie Richards
  20. Mecha Mummy

    Final Tough Enough spoiler

    If I were Miz, I'd be making sure I have a guaranteed contract after the shoot fight/boxing match/whatever. Because if not, what the hell is the point?
  21. Mecha Mummy

    Wrestlecrap Archives?

    There used to be, but it vanished two years ago.
  22. Mecha Mummy

    Best And Worst Comic Stories

    Best: Kingdom Come, Watchmen Worst: The Clone Saga of Spider-Man, Get Kraven, Chuck Austen's X-Men: The Draco.
  23. Mecha Mummy

    Most Disappointing Movie(s)

    I thought Van Helsing could've been cool for some reason.
  24. Mecha Mummy

    Best ignored movie(s) of the year

    That was ignored by moviegoers for the most part, it seemed, but not by critics.
  25. Mecha Mummy

    Okay, this is pretty God damn funny

    The credits rule. "Ace Steele as THE MAN"