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Mecha Mummy

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Everything posted by Mecha Mummy

  1. Mecha Mummy

    Trish as a heel, is it working for you?

    I enjoy her to some extent in the role. She's definitely way better than she was when she started the gimmick in April. *Still remembers that horrible Highlight Reel she was on.*
  2. Mecha Mummy

    Smackdown Spoilers 10.26.04

    ... *Facepalm.* What a great crop we've got here.
  3. Mecha Mummy

    Ashlee Simpson on SNL

    As either one of the overly horny Greek guys or the Sensitive Naked Man, most likely. Yeah, the Sensitive Naked Man.
  4. Mecha Mummy

    Ashlee Simpson on SNL

    Shortest. Episode. Ever. Shorter than "Best of Rob Schnider"? Yes. Rob Schneider had two characters who people who watched SNL during that period tend to remember. Horatio Sanz... uh... he was in Wake Up Wakefield... and... yeah.
  5. Mecha Mummy

    The RAW mid-card scene

    I would like to see Morley with a gimmick that doesn't completely suck, myself.
  6. Mecha Mummy

    Ashlee Simpson on SNL

    My god. I just watched the video. That is hysterical.
  7. Mecha Mummy

    Ashlee Simpson on SNL

    She was lip-syncing? YESSSSSSSSSSS. SNL starts in a bit under an hour, I can't wait.
  8. Mecha Mummy

    When Did This Happen...

    the best part though was that Bull was thugged out also and was called B2, while he supplied some dance moves as Cena rapped. Plus he said "BOOYAH." Then they released him. Y'know, because after keeping Bull around for like half a decade and FINALLY finding a role he was somewhat entertaining in, WWE logic stated that he must go.
  9. Mecha Mummy

    Apprentice 2

    Damn, I got lazy and missed Midget Stacy getting the boot?
  10. Mecha Mummy

    What's Shipping

    JLA #107 $2.25 GREEN LANTERN REBIRTH #1 (OF 6) $2.95
  11. Mecha Mummy

    The ALCS: New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox

    Believe it, baby. ... Erm, wait... *Runs for it and prays to not be banned.*
  12. Mecha Mummy

    So when did the XWF officially die?

    The results of this seem to insinuate that Josh Matthews was the most talented of the Tough Enough alumni... and so of course he's announcing instead of wrestling. *Facepalm.*
  13. Mecha Mummy

    The OAO Taboo Tuesday thread

    And Kane is now a joke. I mean, yay new people being pushed, but what the HELL...?
  14. Mecha Mummy

    The Storm win the WNBA Title...

    Hunh. Well, I live in Seattle so this is cool, I guess. We won something, yay.
  15. Mecha Mummy

    Something I've noticed about Trish.

    If you mean of North American descent, Debbie Malenko.
  16. Mecha Mummy

    Something I've noticed about Trish.

    The problem is that there are, to my knowledge, two Smackdown women, and neither of them can wrestle a lick. Say what you will about Nidia, but at least she's capable of hitting a move or two, unlike Torrie Wilson or Dawn Marie. And regarding * ratings of women's matches in WWE, there was one that I can clearly remember that I thought approached ***; the Molly/Jazz match from last year when Molly was a face for no apparent reason.
  17. Mecha Mummy

    Apprentice 2

    Raj didn't seem to particularly like Pamela judging from confessionals from him, primarily from the ice cream episode where he mocked her terrible ability at selling the ice cream, so I think he was telling the truth.
  18. Mecha Mummy

    What's Shipping

    Argh! Too... many... titles...! In order of importance when it comes to me buying them: Plastic Man, Madrox, Identity Crisis, Teen Titans.
  19. Mecha Mummy

    Best Ben Folds/Ben Folds Five songs....

    "Rockin the Suburbs" is my favorite song he's made. Any song where the vocalist sings about how he shouldn't be discriminated against because he's white due to the fact that racism wasn't his idea is wonderful.
  20. Mecha Mummy

    Smackdown SPOILERS Thread

    Kenzo Suzuki: YOUR poor man's Florida Express since July 2004.
  21. Mecha Mummy

    Who is the killer or killers in Identity Crisis?

    Regarding the spoiler death, I'm pretty certain it's... Stephanie Brown AKA the Spoiler dying in the Batman War Games arc.
  22. Mecha Mummy

    Best near falls ever?

    I can't remember what exactly it was, but Chris Benoit breaking up a pinfall after either a Sweet Chin Music or a Pedigree (I think it was the Pedigree) after being put through a table a couple minutes earlier at WMXX. The Hooters I was at watching the show frickin' exploded when he broke up the pin.
  23. Mecha Mummy

    SNL last night..

    Yup, even when they apparently cut out the best line of the entire sketch it's still been the best thing on either SNL or MADtv so far.
  24. Mecha Mummy

    SNL last night..

    I thought it was far superior to the season premiere. Not very good at ALL, but it doesn't take much to top the terrible season premiere. Oh, and as for "Worst SNL Ever"... uhm, have you seen the Halle Berry one from last year? THAT was the worst SNL ever.
  25. Mecha Mummy

    Smackdown Rating

    I watched the first segment, and I'm actually not quite hating the approach to Smackdown right now. The idea of making it a total old-school thing with cartoony gimmicks and whatnot seems like a bad ideas and in many ways it is, but it has this perverse "My god, this show is totally nuts and it embraces that." factor to it. I mean, the WWE Champ is an evil conservative stockbroker, the US Champ is an obnoxious Puerto Rican (that's what he is, right?) with an afro who spits chewed up apples on people, and the tag champs are a stereotypical Frenchman and a Japanese guy who fawns over the United States. That is just pure full-on insanity and it's hilarious. Raw, meanwhile, is beginning to grow old, because it feels like the same product each and every week. So, yeah, either Smackdown is becoming a much more interesting show to watch or the fact that it's 3:35 AM as I write this is working against me.