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Mecha Mummy

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Everything posted by Mecha Mummy

  1. Mecha Mummy

    TSM Poster Tournament III FINALS

  2. Mecha Mummy

    Impact Spoilers

    Irritatingly, it looks like FSN Northwest isn't fucking airing the show today in lieu of I, Max and some other crap. First time I get a chance to watch it and this happens.
  3. Mecha Mummy

    Impact Spoilers

    Miomoto? Is that Kazushi Miyamoto? Oh, and is it just me or has every Impact so far featured Triple J El Kabonging various people?
  4. Mecha Mummy

    First Impact Rating

    So that's more or less half of what Velocity does? That's a good number for TNA seeing as they have nowhere near the exposure that WWE does. Good for TNA.
  5. Mecha Mummy

    Favourite Opening Credits

    Ranma 1/2: Big Trouble in Nekonron, China had a very good opening sequence that perfectly illustrated how huge and insane the Ranma 1/2 cast is. I liked it very much.
  6. Mecha Mummy

    TSM Poster Tournament III

    Kotz Agent Of Oblivion
  7. Mecha Mummy

    Bradshaw To Be Fired?

    55. JBL. That's catchier than HHH. I guess. Maybe.
  8. Mecha Mummy

    Jimmy Rave done with ROH...

    What the hell? I heard that Rave's performances were picking up and everything. Ugh.
  9. Mecha Mummy

    Phenomenal: A.J. Styles DVD

    Good lineup, but what's with the total lack of Styles vs. Raven?
  10. Mecha Mummy

    More WWE Gimmick News

    .... Th... They have the son of JIMMY SNUKA, a WWE Legend who is ALWAYS showing up on WWE programming... and they want to make him a MIDDLE EASTERN HEEL. I... wow. Just... wow.
  11. Mecha Mummy

    MTV Movie Awards

    Fuck Bubbleboy. Dude's Donnie fucking Darko. Get Bubbleboy out of here.
  12. Mecha Mummy

    TNA News From The Powell Report 6/12

    Goddamn it.
  13. Mecha Mummy


    Holy shit. I can't believe it took me that long to realize that Anna Farris' character in Lost in Translation was TOTALLY a spoof of Cameron Diaz, another actress who annoys the heck out of me. Julia Roberts is also someone I can't stand. She almost single-handedly ruined Ocean's Eleven for me because she was so bad in it.
  14. Mecha Mummy

    Old Gail Kim training video up for download

    They're good armdrags, but that's all they are. Gail has some nice moves in her arsenal but she's still not good at making them count.
  15. Mecha Mummy

    Last Comic Standing 2!

    Tess always came off to me as being just as limited as Dat and even less funny. Perhaps charismatic or something, but not funny. Rich and Dave were the two best and I wish they would've been the final two.
  16. Mecha Mummy


    Halle Berry strikes me as being rather overrated in every way.
  17. Mecha Mummy

    A.J. Styles vs Amazing Red Freeview

    If it's the one Red won, I loved that match. AJ and Plumtree's commentary during the next match made it even better.
  18. Mecha Mummy

    Last Comic Standing 2!

    I liked Dat until he started repeating his jokes and relying on talking about his parents a too much. The Mortal Kombat joke he did was awesome.
  19. Mecha Mummy

    Last Comic Standing 2!

    Dat Phan was okay. He had his moments, anyway. Of course, watching his Comedy Central special pretty much reveals how little material he has. Rich Vos or Dave Mordal should have won, though.
  20. Mecha Mummy

    References that have revealed you

    I'll occasionally say "mark out" or "no-sell." People in my clique have more or less figured out the meaning by now.
  21. Mecha Mummy

    Catchphrases that never caught on

    That catchphrase ruled, especially when it had no place in the freestyle Cena had previously done.
  22. Mecha Mummy

    Eddie Guerrero snaps on fans at Germany show

    Eddy needs to fucking chill. Losing it over fans who dislike him isn't the best testament to his temper.
  23. Mecha Mummy

    TSM Poster Tournament III~!

    Kotz Lord Of The Curry Ripper Thumbtack
  24. Mecha Mummy

    Catchphrases that never caught on

    My GOD is it weird remembering happy-go-lucky Molly now. That looks like it was a great segment, though.