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Everything posted by Yuna_Firerose

  1. Yuna_Firerose

    One and Only Velocidential Thread

    And the crowd cheers.... another nice surprise. *sigh* Now we get another full recap. The Cat is...*really*...annoying.
  2. Yuna_Firerose

    WWE Stars Work Benefit Show

    Credit: wrestlingobserver.com
  3. Yuna_Firerose

    One and Only Velocidential Thread

    She looks to be in the '27-30' range to me
  4. Yuna_Firerose

    One and Only Velocidential Thread

    Cena's raps are still funny...
  5. Yuna_Firerose

    "X-Pac sucks" sign makes it to an unlikely place

    Bomb, er, X-Pac my house, please!!
  6. Yuna_Firerose

    Trish Stratus in a movie?

    Trish Stratus is rumored to be interested in a role in an upcoming movie based on the Fantastic Four comic series. The movie is being produced by Chris Columbus and will be directed by Peyton Reed. Credit: cinecon.com and darkhorizons.com
  7. Yuna_Firerose

    Recap of Al/Torrie/Dawn angle

    Dreamer, if you want to know more about the Torrie and Dawn saga, just read the always-kayfabe WWE mag. Although it does have a Guerrero article, so the mag isn't all bad.
  8. Yuna_Firerose

    Recap of Al/Torrie/Dawn angle

    Dawn and Al...don't care about. A 'preacher' who could be Shane Helms...I care about. Eh, the bad outweigh the good. Still wished I had taped it, though.
  9. Yuna_Firerose

    Hunter Hearst Helmsley, the Racist

    You know, I sometimes think that HHH wouldn't have half as much heel heat if it wasn't for the 'net. He's the most hated of the net fans/smarks.....and yet people take the time to make joke sites about him, banners, rumors... (and I mean the rumors that aren't confirmed). Side note...the site doesn't work for me.
  10. No, there isn't. Just a really, REALLY, creative and talented 13-yr old.
  11. Yuna_Firerose

    Nicest smart? Rudest smark?

    Dames quoting Goldmember.......:lol: And..the page drags over. *checks her sig* Well, it's not me anymore!
  12. Hey Kotz, I'm sure my gal could make a banner of Kylie....she's the one that has made basically every banner I've had on here, as well as JHawk's banner and avatar. Problem is, I have no clue where to find any pics....
  13. Fine, fine...... Is this better?
  14. Aw, FUCK! There is *no* way my twink-ish Hurricane is getting near Bradshaw!!
  15. ::puts in SD4:: Sure, I'm up to your challenge... :picks Hurricane:
  16. ::puts in BloodRayne on the now-available PS2 and fucken' KILLIFIES~! a shitload of Nazis::
  17. Okay, that is *so* going in my ever-changing sig
  18. Grr... X-Box. :is a PS2 fangirl:
  19. PS2??? Fuck DDR...put in BloodRayne!
  20. My Kane muse is busy getting his nails painted.
  21. ::brings in Goldust to show Superstar how the REAL Spinaroonie is done.:: Yuna: *raises a brow at the dildo* Okay, that thing is *sooo* not get anywhere near me.
  22. I'm sorry Kotzy-----uh..I mean..Kotz Hey, if this is turning into an rp thread, I could always bring in some of my muses. If it isn't....then just forget I said that.
  23. ::turns on some Beethoven techno::
  24. Awww, thanks for the flowers! *puts the stems in some water* Seanny...leather jacket...tight-ass jeans...Not to mention Roaddy and Billy being their usual hot selves.... Yup, I'll definetly love it. Fine, fine, I'll sit between the Poet and the Superstar.....and watch Kotzy's glowsticking skills.
  25. Yuna_Firerose


    Isn't it like when Judas, or whoever it was, betrayed Jesus with a kiss? IE, Jesus was the 'marked man' for the soldiers?