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Everything posted by Yuna_Firerose

  1. I haven't even started it yet. So...feel free to share anything.
  2. All we need is more of the Psycho-Hotness to solve all of Raw's problems.
  3. Ooooh, more company! *doubles the amount of spaghetti*
  4. *chuckles* Okay, I'll wear the flame outfit
  5. Yuna_Firerose

    Big Show has a bad back

    Probably made a sloppy joe, which made a mess on the floor, which he tripped on.
  6. Yuna_Firerose

    Name that quote!

    That one quote wasn't from Mulan. Mulan's is.. "Would you like to stay for dinner?"-Mulan to Captain "Would you like to stay forever?"-Grandma yellng
  7. Yuna_Firerose

    D'lo Brown Being Released

    D'Lo gets four pages? :lol:
  8. Yuna_Firerose

    Big Show has a bad back

    Well, when you look at it *that* way....then I guess Slow gone isn't a bad thing.... It's.....a GOOD THING! *cheesy smile*
  9. Yuna_Firerose

    What was the point

    Peeps said the same thing about Kendrick. Sooo, perhaps they're going to do something with Kanyon and O'Haire.... *shrug*
  10. Yuna_Firerose

    South Park

    Yes, but you gotta wonder just what the drill instructor does to them. In most of these shows, they have like fifteen minutes to summarize a whole 'vist' with the instructor.
  11. Yuna_Firerose

    Tank_Abbott 200th Post Celebration

    What is the point of these threads? I mean, seriously.... you reached your ___th post. Yippity-skippity. You have a mini-celebration in the __th post then move on with your life...no need to make a whole thread about it.
  12. Yuna_Firerose

    Intense McZone

    Happy V-Day to all. See SpiderPoet's thread in NHB for Stacy ICONAGE~! as well as oddness.
  13. Hmmm...what should I wear? Decisions, decisions
  14. Ummmm...if you want to....
  15. Or we can just watch the bWo tape....that's better ;D
  16. Yuna_Firerose

    South Park

    But after the boot camp, you notice they are all 'oh I'm so sorry, please forgive me, I'll be good from now on!' *sob sob sob* Riiiiiiiight
  17. Okay then... only Kinetic will be getting drunk off his ass, and thus, making a complete fool of himself....which wouldn't be too different from when he's sober.
  18. Frolicing is not my forte either. No...us three can just make some spaghetti, you two can drink wine (hmmm...) and we can some good ol' rasslin' tapes. K + YF + SP = C&L Kinetic + Yuna Firerose + Spider Poet = Chemistry & Love
  19. Yuna_Firerose

    Originality Is DEAD~! at TSM

    What about this one? How about this one? Naw, better yet, use this one.
  20. Hmmmm...this can best be summed up with a Mattamatic: K + YF + SP = C&L Adding chicken? Hmm...I'll have to try that sometime. And, of course you'd have to drink all the wine, Kinetic. I'm underage, ya know ;D <-- Not made by my chica, but still a good Stacy icon.
  21. Sure... want some more? Or some Stacy icons? Trust me, I have lots of 'em. Stacy is my chica's Banner/Icon muse. And Kinetic, I'll cook ya something. Ever tried spaghetti with just butter and parmasean cheese?
  22. Yuna_Firerose


    TSM....Slashy?? :lol::lol:
  23. Noone? Alright, fine... And, because I'm feeling nice.....