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Everything posted by Yuna_Firerose

  1. Yuna_Firerose

    Jeff Hardy's Heel Turn

    How so?
  2. Yuna_Firerose

    Jeff Hardy's Heel Turn

    So, because Jericho's a heel now, he has zero fans?
  3. Yuna_Firerose

    Jeff Hardy's Heel Turn

    I know I would! :wub: Just because he's a heel, doesn't mean he'll lose his fanbase.
  4. Yuna_Firerose


    Ladies and gentleman, the world's most intelligent post is above...
  5. Yuna_Firerose


    More on the battle system.... Credit: http://www.ffinsider.net/ Need I mention that these might be **possible** Spoilers? Oh, wait, I just did. Final Fantasy X-2 uses an enhanced version of the classic Active Time Battle system, in which each action will require variable length of time to complete. For example, using an item takes very little time comparing to casting a spell, some special skills also take more time to execute than regular attacks. In addition, the battle order panel from Final Fantasy X (located in the top right hand corner) will return as well, which lists the order of action between your party and the enemies. A new Attack Chain System is also included in Final Fantasy X-2, which allows multiple characters to chain attacks. The chain attack usually initiates by Yuna's Quick Trigger command. During the battles, each character can use the Dress Up system to change into different outfits and job classes by pressing L1. Confirmed job classes include Gunner (Yuna), Thief (Rikku), and Knight (Pine). Also, you can find some more info 'bout the Mission System here: http://www.ffinsider.net/ffx2/mission.php
  6. Yuna_Firerose

    Something New:

    1A, 2A, 3A, 4B....I can't really vote for the 5th group, since they're way before my time.
  7. Yuna_Firerose

    B2 Talks About.....

    Curse you to JR's hell. Just curious....Why do most workers head to Japan?
  8. Yuna_Firerose

    FF7, FF8, and FF9 PS2 remakes?

    If they do make PS2 remakes of FF7/FF8, I don't think add anything to it....just better graphics. Most all in-game music isn't worth remembering. Not the key words 'most' folks..that doesn't mean all. Still, I was dumb enough to by the FF8 Soundtrack.... well, it's good for BG music. Kinda side note here....Just what is the translation for FFX's "Hymn of the Faith"? And is that Latin, like Liberali Fatali, or Japanese?
  9. Yuna_Firerose

    Best of Stevie Richards?

    I've never seen any of the bWo, or anything he did in WCW, and I missed most of his WWF days.........so, is there a comp. tape out there for Stevie? I looked for it on eBay, but that brought zero results.
  10. Yuna_Firerose

    Ya'll motherfuckers need to chill!

    What's with some of the newbies pretending to be "friends" of other posters?
  11. Yuna_Firerose

    Full Velocity And Smackdown Spoilers

    Ditto here. That way they could continue whatever feud they were having. But that'd be....... *GASP* ....continuity for the midcards!!
  12. Yuna_Firerose

    OMG GOD!

    Hey! Did anyone know.......... ...........I like Stevie Richards?
  13. Yuna_Firerose

    FF7, FF8, and FF9 PS2 remakes?

    How is 7 better than 8? I played both, but got bored with 7 quickly. Besides that, Eyes on Me almost brought tears to my eyes at the end movie when we thought Squall was dead. *sniffle* I'm guessing it's the too-romantic theme that annoyed most. Or the Junction? The Junction is like the Blitzball game in X...once you get the hang of it, it's fun.
  14. Yuna_Firerose


    Hmmm...well, actually, she's quite different from Lara. The flowy blue sash or whatever it is that's tied to her belt, is like Tidus's pants in the first FFX...he always had one leg longer than the other. So, Yuna wears the opposite side longer. Also, if anyone hadn't noticed, the black symbol on her shirt is Tidus's blitzball symbol. But I know what you mean about the Lara comparison.
  15. Yuna_Firerose


    FF8, in my opinion, was the best FF on PS1. I tried playing FF7, tried to see what everyone saw in it...but I just couldn't do it. Of course, Squall and Seifer being *sooo* hot had nothing to do with it FF9 was a fun, silly lil game, but it wasn't as in-depth as FF8. FE2 was awesome! I loved the anime characters, the violence, and...the adult themes. Do you remember that, um, gadget that Rayne was attached to on the first disk, CV? It was........interesting. And I think FFX-2 is coming out in Sept. '03. *lets out a string of curses*
  16. Yuna_Firerose

    Full Velocity And Smackdown Spoilers

    Edge...on Velocity? Ouchkabibbles! SD looks friggin' awesome, with more than half, no doubt, going on my tape. I gotta agree with RavishingRickRudo's Pro/Con/??? list on this show. And would it kill them to let Moore win every now and then?!
  17. Yuna_Firerose

    Sunday Night Heat Spoilers

    A question all of the Stevie fans, myself included, are wondering...
  18. Yuna_Firerose

    Invader Zim

    Also, for anyone who cares, the voice of Zim is the dark brown beaver from "The Angry Beavers". Whatever happened to Angry Beavers anyways?
  19. Yuna_Firerose

    Originality Is DEAD~! at TSM

    I take it that wasn't a good thing...
  20. Yuna_Firerose

    Originality Is DEAD~! at TSM

    Well, I always recognize you by the sorta-kinda-maybe hottie in your sig and the whatever-the-hell-it-is in your avatar...
  21. Yuna_Firerose

    Originality Is DEAD~! at TSM

    Huh??? Okay, who all am I going to be "with" tomorrow? So far as I know, it's only you and Kotzy... and perhaps a few appearances by my musies Soooo, how did Rando get into the mix?
  22. Yuna_Firerose

    Best of Stevie Richards?

    How much Corey? And Rob Van Dam, is yours the same thing?
  23. Yuna_Firerose

    Originality Is DEAD~! at TSM

    Rando, I always found your posts to be entertaining, and I don't see any problem with "RandoTV". But, hey, I'm just a slash supporter, a fag hag, so what do I know?
  24. Yuna_Firerose

    Sunday Night Heat Spoilers

    Why the fuck is Stevie jobbing to a NON-WRESTLER?!?!?!??!?! :angry::angry:
  25. Yuna_Firerose

    Triple H wants to kill me

    Rando, your "gimmick is amusing, imo. Of course, I doubt my opinion means much, but still... Back on topic, what are the Heat spoilers?