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Everything posted by Yuna_Firerose

  1. Yuna_Firerose

    JR: More senile by the day

    Yeah. Although I've been doing my best to rent as much PPVs as possible. So, unfortunately, I can only see the best things (E & C, DX, etc) in clips/video packages. I think the first PPV I rented was Invasion, and the first video I bought was DX.
  2. Yuna_Firerose

    JR: More senile by the day

    It was Vince that drew me in with his "Kiss My Ass Club". The first one I saw, thank God, was when he ordered Steve Austin to kiss his ass. Of course, we all know how THAT went. I wanted to see what Vince would do to get his revenge...and slowly I became hooked.
  3. Yuna_Firerose

    Worst Movies of 2002

    There's two good things about that movie... 1)Heyman on commentary 2)Shane-O'Mac. Also, was "See Spot Run" or whatever it's called, a '02 flick? If it was, then it's definately the worst movie.
  4. Yuna_Firerose

    JR: More senile by the day

    I know what you mean about the mark thing. I used to be a SC mark. Hell, even in my 'newbie' stage, I could tell how bad HHH's wrestling was. I especially remember a match of his with Angle...I think it was during SD. H's punches were the biggest 'air' punches I've ever seen. That would be just too funny. But what would be even funnier is JR trying to correct himself.
  5. Yuna_Firerose

    Worst Movies of 2002

    I didn't see that many, but my mom is into those sappy romances that make a HHH promo beautiful in comparison. Pumpkin Blue Crush Queen of the Damned I'm pretty much brain dead right now, so that's all I can think of.
  6. Yuna_Firerose

    WWE not happy

    You say it like it's a bad thing. But seriously though... In terms of that pic, 'slashy goodness' means that it could be insperational for a fanfic.
  7. Yuna_Firerose

    WWE not happy

    Okay then, I'll clarify it for you. That DEFINETLY is some slashy goodness right there. Hell, everything Matt and Shanny do just screams slash. Edit: Sorry pinjockey....didn't know it'd be offensive.
  8. Yuna_Firerose

    austin return

    I'm honestly curious as to how old 'saiyan prince' is.
  9. Yuna_Firerose

    Velocity & Confidential Previews

    Perhaps he isn't, but he is boring.
  10. Yuna_Firerose

    WWE not happy

    Slashy goodness? Ummm...am I supposed to know? I just say it instead of saying "I swear to god". Why did I call him Jay? Honestly, I can't think of a reason. I guess it was the clothes and the glasses...it was just so different from what we usually see him in. *shrugs* But, of course, that doesn't make sense. So, yeah, just accept AS's explanation.
  11. Yuna_Firerose

    WWE not happy

    Dude! That'd like so TOTALLY real the known world! Like, OMG! You just like KNOW I'd just DIE if Seanny and Shawnny kissed! Then Jay could join in! Then Rob! It'd b like soooo awesome! *shudder* I swear to slashy goodness that was a one-time thing.
  12. Yuna_Firerose

    Who'd you vote for in Tough Enough?

    The two I hated on the show were Jamie and Eric. Jamie has the most votes, obviously, so I voted off my second choice: Eric. Simple enough? DeMott/Albert? That....is....just....DISGUSTING!!!
  13. Yuna_Firerose

    WWE not happy

    Ummm...no. The reason I called him by his real name is because he wasn't really in character.
  14. Yuna_Firerose

    Who'd you vote for in Tough Enough?

    Buffybeast, your sig is....creepy. You're the only one I know of that would Albert or DeMott in your sig. *shudder* Back on topic, though. Since about everyone and their neighbor voted for Jamie, I voted for Eric. Any of the three (John, Matt, and Jonah) could win it, with the third one getting a secondary contract. Although since they got three winners from TE1, why don't they just do that here?
  15. Yuna_Firerose

    Velocity & Confidential Previews

    Yes it did...but not the way they wanted it to!
  16. Confidential goes "behind the scenes" of Raw X. Heh...interesting. Wonder if Gene will even mention Heenan?
  17. Yuna_Firerose

    A reason to watch Tough Enough tonight

    That was him??? Whoah... That was a funny moment. His clueless "what's a spinaroonie?" was hilarious.
  18. Yuna_Firerose

    WWE not happy

    I agree with everyone about the bad awards. Still, the show *did* have it's entertaining moments. Plus, it was interesting to see Jay Reso in glasses, and RVD in a suit.
  19. Yuna_Firerose

    A reason to watch Tough Enough tonight

    Internet is what happened. *shudder* Why do people *insist* on destroying our english language?
  20. Yuna_Firerose

    Everyone, you can calm down, CALM DOWN...

    I was speaking only in terms of decent physical shape. And in that regard, Seanny is in definite shape. "Corny formula"? I was using Mattamatics.
  21. Yuna_Firerose

    A reason to watch Tough Enough tonight

    To me, the move isn't that played out, since I haven't seen it that many times. That standing SSP, combined with his charisma and other in-ring talents, and I think John will at least be one of the winners. Since I figured everyone would mostly vote for Jamie, I voted for Eric. Kotz is doing another TE recap??? YAY FOR THE WORLD!!
  22. Yuna_Firerose

    Everyone, you can calm down, CALM DOWN...

    When did I EVER say I liked Tazz? The only reason Tazz was in my sig was because of Cole, who yes, is quite the hotty, especially in his leather jacket, and Nida's a damn lucky gal. Not just for giving a lap dance to Cole, though, I mean, the gal's kissed most of the midcards on Smackdown! Cole and Tazz aside, what are the other names? Seanny and Stevie. Compare those two to Albert. Yeah, notice the difference? Say what you want 'bout Seanny//Stevie, but at least they are in decent shape, physically, not walking around looking like a goddamned forest. To sum it up: GR + NC + PH > A (Grease Rat, Nerdy Commentator, Psycho Hotness, and at the end, Albert.)
  23. No, the chips and pizza is his friend, which is why he's eager to hurry the promo up. Now that I think about it, the results of the "fans's voting" will most likely be rigged...just like the Raw 10th anniversary was
  24. "Let's see if it's any easier for you" *looks at everyone voting for Jamie to be cut* Yup...seems it's easier. "I am Big the Robot....I have more charisma than Triple H. Fear me"
  25. We didn't see their promo skills? Heh...that sucks.