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Everything posted by Yuna_Firerose

  1. Yuna_Firerose

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread for 1/9/03

    Sorry about the cutesy names...I'm just used to it from RPing so much. Must they repeat themselves so much in these tobacco commericials?!
  2. Yuna_Firerose

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread for 1/9/03

    Besides that...I like Matty! Bob is just jealous that he's not as hot as Matty...that's why he's being such a meanie!
  3. Yuna_Firerose

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread for 1/9/03

    For his skills, Shanny shouldn't be squashed. At the very least, they can him cheat to win, or have Matt interfere in his matches.
  4. Yuna_Firerose

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread for 1/9/03

    If they must throw in backstage segments, then hopefully we'll get an Eddy/Chavo one. Or at the very least...MATTITUDE~! Hopefully, we won't have Torrie, Dawn and Al (I refuse to put a slash in there....eewwww!!) taking up more than 20 minutes.
  5. Yuna_Firerose

    Best Of Confidential Vol. 1 on DVD

    You know Paully, one would almost think that you like me....in your own unique way Oh, and I swear to slashy goodness that the "Paully" above was a typo...honest!
  6. Yuna_Firerose

    Best Of Confidential Vol. 1 on DVD

    Ow.....what did I get smacked for? I wasn't comparing those two, I was just saying that it's more important than Trish or the "Spin-A-Roony Story". But if it eases your tortured, Paul Stanley loving soul, Bret Hart is better than HBK. Okay...end of discussion.
  7. Yuna_Firerose

    Best Of Confidential Vol. 1 on DVD

    Yeah, and look who gets the most space on the cover. I mean, don't you KNOW that Trish's house is more important than the Bret Hart/Survivor Series '97 story or DX invading WCW. [/sarcasm]
  8. Yuna_Firerose

    What happened to the Ross Report?

    Do they still have the Byte This with Stevie on the site? If not, would it be possible for anyone to send it to me?
  9. Back on topic, I think the Full House episode where Jesse moves away is a tear-jerker. That scene where him and Michelle are both crying...... *sniffle* Damn allergies...
  10. My mom and lil sis were hooked on Full House replays for a while. Ugh... now they're stuck on Sister, Sister replays, which is TWICE EVERY F'N NIGHT!! Pity me. Full House always wins the "stupidest saddest" award, hands down, because they are so many of those stupid moments. The Olsen twins couldn't act worth a crap back then. Although, Joey and Jesse saved that show. One episode that ALWAYS pissed me off was when DJ went to junior high. Gawd, can we say shallow?? She doesn't fit in with the "popular" kids, her outfit is the same as the Lunch Monitor's, so DJ goes in the phone booth and cries. Damn, I wanted to shoot her right then. The next day, she dresses up like a cheap whore just to fit in. Thankfully, though, she wasn't allowed to go to school like that. Then the ending where the nerds tell the preps off was LAME! Another thing that bothered me about sitcoms with teens in it is the "I GOT A ZIT! OH MY GAWD, MY LIFE IS OVER!" stoyline. It was just so annoying! Whoah...I really went off-topic here. By the way, does anyone know where the guy who played Jesse is?
  11. Yuna_Firerose

    The Masterpiece Worked Already

    Unfortunately, no. I started last year around December, but I was more of a casual fan then. I started making my "Greatest Moments" tapes with the Royal Rumble last year, and continued from there. Although I have been renting a ton of past WWF PPVs, if that counts for anything. As for WCW PPVs.....watching those, it's no wonder they failed. It was funny on one of them to compare Booker's pyro in WCW to now.
  12. Yuna_Firerose


    Exactly, Chris. RVD is already mega over as a face, and so is HBK. It'd make sense to pair them up.
  13. Yuna_Firerose

    Heat Spoilers

    Hell, this Heat looks better than Raw, in terms of matches anyway. Hurricane, Stevie, and Raven. Plus, I'm curious about the segment between Raven and Hurricane last week. Hopefully, it'll lead somewhere.
  14. Yuna_Firerose


    Why are the smarks so high on Crash? [/sarcasm] Still, it could happen....the dream rematch, I mean. Even without the title, HBK and Y2J's feud should be just awesome. Afterwards, HBK would make a great manager to either RVD or Y2J....or both....like what Flair does.
  15. Yuna_Firerose

    I'm going to Raw next week...

    Speak for yourself on that one. Molestomp, since you're going to see it live, why don't you co-write the raw report with JHawk? Just an idea... As for smarkish signs.... like someone else said, just bring a blank one, or write "HHH" on it. I think the reason we've never seen a smarkish sign saying something negative about HHH is because they've probably all been captured by the sign police.
  16. Yuna_Firerose


    Even if the two lose Rumble, I have no doubt they two will go a long time before being eliminated. Kinda like SC and Trips last year....beat everyone else up, then went back to each other. What if HBK wins the title, and Jericho gets his "dream rematch"? Just a thought...
  17. Yuna_Firerose

    The One and Only Raw Thread for 1/6/03

    So, you're psychic, and can tell that the first RAW of 2003 is the worst? Overall, I thought it was an okay show. Why is almost everyone "smarking out" for Orton? He doesn't even deserve to be in the same lockerroom as HBK and Y2J, let alone the same ring. YJ2 and HBK's mic work had completely drawn me in to their feud. Then...RNN....which is completely annoying. Not annoying as heel-heat, just annoying in a "get off my TV"/HHH heat. The women's match sucked, BUT, we got to see......... King STEVIE~! and Queen VICTORIA~!. That should be a banner... "I mark for the psychos". I may be the only chick who thinks this...but both HHH and Steiner are, in my mom's words, "fucking nasty". She said this during the close up of Steiner's arm and I must agree with her. Maybe I don't share the common muscle fetish that most gals have, but I stick by my opinion. Jericho and Christian exchanging childish insults.....most of the show could suck, but Jeri-Christian is always quality tv. I'm sure there's an argument somewhere about Jeri-Christian's insults vs Angle-Ben's. Hurricane, Raven, Stevie.... all down to Heat. Well, that really sucks. Considering whose on it, Heat will probably be better than Raw, no doubt about it. I know it's better than Velocity....at leat Heat doesn't have some unknown jobbers.
  18. Yuna_Firerose

    The Masterpiece Worked Already

    Ohhh. Thanks for the info, BoboBrazil.
  19. Yuna_Firerose

    The Masterpiece Worked Already

    It's WWE logic. I just added 1+2 and came up with three. And if the Flock isn't Raven's masterpiece, I'll be the first to admit I was wrong. Kinda off-topic here, but it's been bugging me for a while. I recognize Bret, Owen, and British Bulldog, but who are the other two in your sig, Dreamer? I swear one is Raven...but, that's probably me being wrong again.
  20. Yuna_Firerose

    The Masterpiece Worked Already

    Raven, Stevie, Victoria.....all on Raw. All are, to some degree, deemed as psycho. Anyone see where I"m going with this? Either way, all of Raven's "Masterpiece" segments are on my tape, so I'm happy.
  21. Yuna_Firerose

    The One and Only Raw Thread for 1/6/03

    Pardon my use of icons, but.... ...okay, I'm done. And that basically translates into "HHH will hog 90 minutes of every single show, twice that amount on Sundays, so you better learn to enjoy it".
  22. Yuna_Firerose

    The One and Only Raw Thread for 1/6/03

    But, Cole and Tazz are better to listen to, in my opinion. Still, that is an interesting point, considering the Rumble is an all-out brawl, also known to the general public as a clusterfuck. Back onto the subject of Raw.... they should continue the psycho hotness angle with King Stevie and Queen Victoria. Also Kotz, I shortened my sig, since you asked so kindly in the NHB thread.
  23. Ya gotta love these kinds of topics...so fun to debate. Anyway, who do you think is useful in the WWE, and who is just dead weight? Should anyone want to "fire" Stevie Richards I swear I'll............glare angrily at my computer screen! You feel threatened, you know you do.
  24. If I went by just what came out in '02, I would barely have a list. So, I just made a list of what I saw during '02.
  25. Yuna_Firerose

    "Positively Page" by DDP

    Since I'll be getting the book, I was wondering what everyone thinks of it. I've heard mostly good reviews, some bad reviews.... Confusing, but I like to read reviews and stuff. Yup, I have no life