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Everything posted by Yuna_Firerose

  1. Yuna_Firerose

    Monsters Inc...

    "Fellas"? Hey, don't forget the ladies! I'm a closet Monsters Inc. fan. And why did they have to make that lil girl so damned cute? You just CAN'T RESIST her cuteness....if she ever went for world domination, I'm sure she'd have no problems winning.
  2. Yuna_Firerose

    Huge, HUGE News from SD

    Can't exactly call it research, since I went to LoP out of boredom.
  3. Yuna_Firerose

    Huge, HUGE News from SD

    Interesting.... When you click on "undertaker.com" under the Superstars menu on WWE.com, it goes straight to his SD profile. Not only that, but UT now hails from "Death Valley" instead of "Houston, TX". Just figured I'd pass that along...
  4. Yuna_Firerose

    Best/Worst Movie Based on a Video Game

    Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within.....can you believe they took four years to make it? It had an interesting story, but I think the problem most had with it was the CG. It was so human...but it was so NOT human. Anyone know what I mean? It gave me a headache just watching. Perhaps it was the eyes....there's something not human there. Or maybe they're just blank. Did anyone check out the DVD? The bloopers outtakes are funny as hell, and so is the "Thriller" video. I think the CG artists had too much time on their hands... Since I haven't seen that many movies based on games, "Final Fantasy: TSW" wins by default.
  5. Yuna_Firerose

    One and Only Velocidential Thread

    King may be boring as all hell, but he won't take up the whole hour. That means there should at least be a few things that are interesting enough to go on my tape.
  6. Yuna_Firerose

    Get This...

    X-Pac haters, the whole lot of ya! Lucky! I was reading Kurt Angle's book during my Social Studies class during break and my teacher mentioned he used to go to school with Kurt. That was pretty interesting....doesn't help the fact that I'm getting a 'C' in that class, but still interesting...
  7. 4)Death to Smoochy -- Extremely funny movie, especially the goody-goody that plays Smoochy (Edward Norton? I'm not sure..). One of my fave funny moments is when the Smoocy guy is singing at that poor house. A kiddy song about crack.....go figure. 3)Not Another Teen Movie -- A masterpiece, it truly is. Main reason is I used to mock all the teen movies anyways... 2)The Mummy Ultimate Edition DVD -- I got this for XMas and it just freakin' rules. The commentarys are the best, with Kevin J. O'Connor (Beni), Arnold Vosloo (Imhotep), and Oded Fehr (Ardeth Bay) being the best, and Brendan Fraser's being a close second. I'm a huge fan of KJOC and the movie is one of my all-time faves. Now if only Kevvy did a commentary for Deep Rising.... 1)Goldmember DVD -- Only thing better than Dr. Evil is Goldmember. Of course, I'm one of those gals that like accents....yup, I'm weird that way.
  8. Yuna_Firerose

    Bill DeMott or Batista......

    Out of only those two, I'd say Batista, although I can assume 'Taker will last longer. Although RR is going to be extremely fun for me, since the Rumble last year was my second PPV, and the first one I kept (I was an idiot and threw Vengeance '01 away). So, it'll be fun to compare the two, considering how many changes have occured since last year.
  9. Yuna_Firerose

    Hey, if you hate me....

    Oh, okay. Just had to ask, ya know.
  10. Yuna_Firerose

    Hey, if you hate me....

    I don't capture pics of wrestler's crotches. But, yup, I am a strange duck! Fear my craziness! My site is mainly used for all the banners I make, and the banners that my gal pal makes. Compare some of my banners to hers, and you'll see why she is named "The Banner Goddess". SLASH is same-sex fics. So, yes, there are lesbian stories written. Gay stories are m/m, and lesbian are f/f. Begging? Jobber, I don't beg for anything. I saw that my name was mentioned quite a few times in the "Least Faveorite Poster" thread. Being my usual teeny-bopperish self, I was veering too much off-topic, so I made this thread. What does The Ring have to do with this thread or slash? I'm just curious...
  11. Yuna_Firerose

    Hey, if you hate me....

    Which story did you read, might I ask? If you read Cole/Sean, then yes, that was watered-down, seeing as how it was my FIRST, and so far, ONLY X-rated story. I never called slash an artform. For only 16 year olds? No, sorry, you're wrong. Many people write it, not just teens. What the hell are you talking about? And if Shanny and Matty were brothers? Ohhhh dear, that would seriously mess up my friend's stories. The name is Asian? Huh....I honestly didn't know. No, seriously, I didn't. My sister used "mystic firerose" so I just stole the "Firerose" and added "Yuna", which is my fave character from Final Fantasy X. Sorry, but I'll pass. Gee, and here I thought stories about gay men would appeal to the gay community who likes to read that stuff. Silly me...whatever was I thinking?
  12. Yuna_Firerose

    Austin Powers in Goldmember

    I think the movie is funny as hell, and I'd like to know what everyone else thinks of it.
  13. Yuna_Firerose

    Hey, if you hate me....

  14. When I get some more money (I'll be getting $200 soon), I'll buy Sex, Lies, and Headlocks. The 'Hart' book might be a bit too expensive right now, so I'll wait a while on that. DDP's book is boring? I hear a lot of people comment on great it is..... *sigh* Now I'm the "buyer stuck in the middle". Either way, I've already ordered it off eBay.
  15. Me...corrupting...Megan?!?!?!? That is the funniest joke I've ever heard. Seriously, if only you could compare some of her writings to mine... Since a few were complaining about sig size, I figured that I could make an exception to my vow and change mine. AM, if you want to think of my corrupting her, just think on this: SHE was the one who came up with the sig below. There was a last line at the end, but I don't think I'd be allowed to put it in....
  16. Yuna_Firerose

    The Owen Hart Tribute Tonight

    I wasn't affected by that at all, actually.....
  17. Yuna_Firerose

    Hey, if you hate me....

    I have the four episodes they played last night (3 replays, 1 new) on tape, and I'm almost done with my first recap. Once I'm done, I'll send a copy to both of you, Dr. Tom and Kotz.
  18. I don't mark out or "squeal" for Jeffy when he comes out. Now if it was Stevie we were discussing.....THEN it'd be a whole different story. I started talking to this girl around July. She has a habit of adding a 'y' to almost all the guy's names. As many RPs as I have done with her, it just got stuck in my head. Blasphemy?? Of what?? Mattitude isn't a religion.
  19. Yuna_Firerose

    Team Angle vs. Los Guerreros

    If I'm not mistaken, Brocky did attack some of the midcard faces before he officially "debuted". I know he attacked Hurricane and Molly Holly during their inter-gender match after WX8. He also attacked DDP and he F5ed Rikishi once. He attacked others, but those are about the only onces I have on my tape. Yup, I'm a bitch. And to Jobber.....yes, I like Gunn. Is there a problem with that? Anyway, I think that's all the further we need to discuss who I like. After all, this isn't the Sex & Dating forum.
  20. Shanny, Jeffy, Matty, and Shaney. There ya go. A crush? Hmmm...I'd say more like an obsession. She told me a few days ago that she has over 2,000 Shanny pics. I have no reason to doubt her, since she gets a two-hundred dollar allowance. 16. So you tell me about this when I'm all broke. *sigh* I have been reading some of the wrestling books, though. I bought "Heels and Heroes of Pro Wrestling", Chyna's book, Foley's first book, with the second one on it's way, and I've also ordered DDP's book. I'v read Kurty's book twice also. Post one of my stories? Considering most people don't like "that kind of stuff", I don't see that happening. But, hey, if someone requested my stories, then I'd send them some. Why is the post number so important? I don't give a damn about it.
  21. Yuna_Firerose

    Banner request...

    I was just going to ask the same thing, AM.... The only Hansen I know of is that boy band from WAY long ago. Two problems with that; 1)They are "Hanson", and 2)...I don't think that's the type of "badass" image he's looking for.
  22. Should I even try and argue that? Megan, the Banner Goddess~!, is a huge Shanny mark. Plus, she writes fics like me, and her main musies are the North Carolina 4 (Shanny, Matt, Jeffy, and Shaney). Honestly, some of the fics she writes are VERY mature for her age, which is 13. Not mature is in a porno way, but mature as in a very romantic way. Her Shanny musie is ALWAYS angsty with very romantic ideals. Trust me, I should know. Musies are our insperational characters for writing (I currently have about 20), and we usually Roleplay with/as them. And if noone got 'writes fics like me'...then don't ask. I don't need to bring up THAT discussion agayne.
  23. Yuna_Firerose

    Here's a use for Hogan

    Why must there be clear-cut "heels and faces" for GMs? For wrestlers...usually...but for the GMs, no. Really, I don't mind that Steph and Bischoff are both 'tweeners. *shrug* Perhaps I'm the only one...
  24. Yuna_Firerose

    Team Angle vs. Los Guerreros

    I was talking about "any guy" or even my preferances for how long a guy's hair should be. I was talking about the current Smackdown main-eventers. And, to be honest, I do like guys with long hair, although there are a few exceptions to the rule, ie, Stevie, Seanny, Billy Gunn, and HBK (did he HAVE to cut his hair? It was fine in his nWo stint....but shorter??) Yes, actually I have. Most likely it was a combo of me being a newbie, and the fact that I'm used to seeing him in a comedic role. I like the funny Angle, but I'm not complaining about the bad-ass image. As long as I see Angle in some type of talking role each show, then I'm happy.
  25. Yuna_Firerose

    Team Angle vs. Los Guerreros

    Ahh, but you're forgetting about the almighty GOD that is HHH. (That is sarcasm, obviously). Besides, I think you have it wrong. It's not a "WWE-ized" main eventer, it's a "Smackdown-ized" main eventer. All of their main eventers (Slow, Benoit, Brock, Rock) have those ugly hair cuts. An honorable mention goes to Angle...although he's bald.