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Everything posted by Yuna_Firerose

  1. Yuna_Firerose


    Is it just me, or are Ryan and Simon flirting tonight? I mean... majorly.
  2. Yuna_Firerose


    Lots of flashy lights, a less overflowing beat, jumpier camera angles, and did I forget to mention the lights? They're pushing him... and that's a good thing. At least for this show. He seems to be perfroming well enough, I suppose.
  3. Yuna_Firerose


    She hit a long note in the beginning, and it was so unbelievably off-key, as was most everything else of that song. I call it 'shrilly' as that is what I thought it was. Why that seems to be so confusing is....odd. Then again, most of the girls are off-key... In example, this Fantasia wannabe. Meanwhile. The judges are quite annoying. I know its been pointed out, but Simon never interrupts the other judges when they speak, and yet they do it constantly for him. Randy brings the ghetto talk, Paula brings the poetic/off-the-wall comments, and Simon keeps it real {well...usually. The praise of that one falsetto baldy still confounds me.}
  4. Yuna_Firerose


    But what about his charisma? He has charisma? All I see is icky-dorkyness that only preteens would enjoy and go insane over. And now, he's got this ego - the 'sex symbol' joke has really gone to his head. Look, just because you get a couple thousand fanmails, that doesn't make you good. Give it three months, and noone save for diehard fans will remember his name. He needs a good beating. Or ten. Why? Because I'm sharing my opinion in the same manner as everyone else?
  5. Yuna_Firerose


    Ick. Get rid of this shrilly bitch.
  6. Yuna_Firerose


    'I wasn't expecting much from you, anyways' What. The. Fuck?! Simon made the show you dumbfuck! Get this assclown off the show.
  7. Yuna_Firerose


    Okay, this? Terrible. The techno track is just OFF and completely drowns him out. Plus, he's getting quite the ego with his 'sex symbol' bit.
  8. Yuna_Firerose


    House has been picked up for Season 3. Thank you, that is all.
  9. Yuna_Firerose


    Gideon's performance > any of Kevin's.
  10. Yuna_Firerose


    Yay. Both dumb-blonde hicks got through.
  11. Yuna_Firerose


    He's got the granny and preteen votes. -shrug- All there is to it, I guess.
  12. Yuna_Firerose


    They're giving Kevin an ego -- let the guy GO already, for fuck's sake! He won't have a Clay transformation like they're wanting...
  13. Yuna_Firerose


    Ew. Ghetto trash. Paris will garner the Fantasia votes from the usual bout of pimps and whores.
  14. Yuna_Firerose


    Good call --- he was so out of it last night.
  15. Yuna_Firerose


    Glad she went...now if only Kevin/the dork could follow.
  16. Yuna_Firerose

    New X3: The Last Stand Trailer

    I also know little of the comics, save for Ultimate X-Men. I can say with certainty that he is not overrated there, because... I, for one, enjoy Ult's daring. Characters you think are safe because they're so well known are, well, not.
  17. Yuna_Firerose

    New X3: The Last Stand Trailer

    I would be interested to read such spoilers. Yeah, the plot was so -- well, not only was it trying to be a gazillion things at once, but it had more to do with Stephen Sommers in a complete frenzied state of orgasmic crazyness. Heck, just listen to the commentary. Every other minute he's all "Look at that? See that? That is ALL DIGITAL!" even going so far as to point out the digital breath after VH and Anna come through the ice-mirror-thingamajigger. As always is the case, the cast commentary - with Richard Roxbourg[Drac], Will Kemp[Wolfy], and Shuler Hensley[Frankenstein] is a lot more entertaining. See the first chapter... I think Shuler was discussing his makeup and Will commented, with a boyish grin so evident in his words, "Wow. A four-hour head job...." The problem with Hugh and Kate is not so much chemistry but rather the over-serious material they had to work with. Both seem to have a good sense of humor [from the bloopers] yet the movie essentially forced them into being really dramatic and over-the-top. There were jokes and such, of course, but it completely lacked inspiration or soul, in comparison to the similar [yet drastically more entertaining] The Mummy.
  18. Yuna_Firerose

    New X3: The Last Stand Trailer

    Goddamn, this trailer is good. Man, I got chills. Great emotion and great parallel of the "cure to supress the x-gene permenantly" to Logan's quote, "Sometimes when you cage the beast for too long, the beast fights back" -- either that or "the beast gets angry". Can't recall exactly. I do have some drawbacks, though -- Juggs' ubermuscles is laughable to me; the spiky mutant looks a bit too over-CG'ed; didn't they already do the use-mutant-power-against-other-mutant? ---Er, to clarify, the source of the x-gene "cure" (mentioned in the trailer; not a spoiler) is from a mutant--eerily similar to Jason in X2.
  19. Yuna_Firerose

    New X3: The Last Stand Trailer

    Well, I didn't say he had to be taken seriously, ja? Given all the stuff I've already deducted from the movie, that leaves ya with about... twenty minutes, if that, left to view. I hated the movie. Tore it up to hell and back in my LJ from the first viewing. Then, I don't know why, I...watched again. I think I had it from the library, thus, a week free, so... yeah, watched it again. Fast-forward through all the crap... Only thing good -at all- about the movie was the subtle, barely-touched-upon/squint-and-you'll-miss-'em references to a 'past'* between Vlad and Gabe -- one thing mentioned in the book (which I rec if you're, like, flying-off-your-tits-drunk; a pre-schooler could do better) was triangular scars on Gabe's back -- supposedly where he used to have wings. Something about the archangel comes into play... "You used to be my friend! My partner! A lover in my arms!" -- as Vlad so eloquently put it. Oh, wait, that's not what he said? Well, a lil improv never hurt. Hell, in a movie like VH, it could only help. Concerning QT, I installed the package from the site, then found QT7 on OldVersion.com -- saved that to a folder, uninstalled iTunes, then restarted as required. ...QT still seems to be here, with no sign of iTunes, so...I suppose that solves the problem well enough. Now, onto the trailer
  20. Yuna_Firerose

    New X3: The Last Stand Trailer

    I feel your pain. Well...if you take out the overly-grotesque CGI, Wolfman, Anna, Frankenstein -- and just focus on the sets, Gabriel and Vladislaus then ya have a decent movie. Well, -silent- moive anyway, as most of the dialogue is crap. Except for chapter 11. Chapter 11 being, of course, when Vlad and Gabe have their one and -only- scene which doesn't rely and shitty CGI. Is there any possible way to get it without iTunes? Opening up the installer from the site, it seems entirely geared towards that damn music program -- which I neither need nor want.
  21. Yuna_Firerose

    New X3: The Last Stand Trailer

    For those interested, there's quite a few X3 images here, here, and here. Spoilerish and non-spoilerish are in abundance. Of note on the first are the interesting 'Take a Stand' moody promo shots - very nice - and Colussu's metal make-up - which is...not so nice. Then again, its difficult to judge such a thing from an image alone... On the second, the Wolvie make-out pics are 'meh' -- the black colors with Storm's hair seem a good match. For the third---Pyro~! Meow. Interesting wrist-band-thingy he's wearing; certainly a lil touch from X2. Now, if I could only get the trailer to work... [Must be the morning-ness - or the positive comments - because, for some odd reason, I'm feeling a touch optimistic.]
  22. Yuna_Firerose


    Not only did they not think anything through - based on the comments I'm reading, that is; I don't plan to see it - but the title is a ripoff of a Brit series around '96 I believe starring Jack Davenport, aka Commodore Norrington in PotC. What's more, it's a tv series that featured vampires, albeit ones who were more medical than mythical. I first read about the film in Entertainment Weekly, in that section where they grade trailers. I thought 'Oh..okay..they're remaking Brit tv series now?' So, out of curiosity, I downloaded the trailer. Big mistake. Twenty second in, I'm disgusted. The whole tough-girl-rebel chic is SO played out; she's badass for no reason, and I believe she even ADMITS to killing without a cause. There's no point to any of it. Great editing with the trailer, an interesting song (what was it, by the by?), but overall pointless. With that in mind, I wonder how many millions were wasted on that piece of shit.
  23. Yuna_Firerose

    78th Academy Awards

    *goes back to check* I never knew that was PSH. "Red meat, we crave sustenance! " To me he will always be Scotty from Boogie Nights. I've only seen him in Red Dragon, so to see and hear the voice he used for Capote was really quite interesting. I'll have to rent the movie sometime. Or download it. Speaking of downloads, the jokes about piracy from Jon were quite amusing. 'Some of these actresses couldn't even afford clothes to cover their chests!' --- or some such. 'Go upstairs, talk to the kid who is downloading music illegally, and ask him to explain our next presenter to you'. The montage with the gay-cowboy was, of course, my fave. Is it up for download anywhere?
  24. Yuna_Firerose

    78th Academy Awards

    Ennis del Mar likes the HonkyTonkBadonkadonk ...That was lame. Really, really lame. For one, the song centers entirely around women's bums. For another, you spelled it wrong. 'Honky Tonk Badonkadonk'.
  25. Yuna_Firerose

    78th Academy Awards

    King Kong = LotRpt3. If its nommed...it's almost sure to win. Joy.