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Everything posted by Yuna_Firerose

  1. Yuna_Firerose

    The OAO Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Thread

    They call it a 'family' movie... meaning kids can watch it and zone out and be braindead yet... there are jokes for adults. Lame.
  2. Yuna_Firerose


    Hugh Laurie as House.
  3. Yuna_Firerose

    The OAO Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Thread

    ...This intrigues me. That always annoys me about family/kid's movies. To try and have something for all, it will have really, really tasteless humor. Aggravating.
  4. Yuna_Firerose

    The OAO Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Thread

    What pissed me off was the arrogant way in which he did it... Ebert, like a lot of other critics, are trying to fit Wonka into some mold. 'He's like [insert character/actor here] meets [insert other character/actor here]'. Very old each time it's used. Every other critic seems to have signed a contract dictating that they have to mention either Michael Jackson, Gene Wilder, or both, in their review.
  5. Yuna_Firerose

    'Cyclic Redundancy Check'

    Okay, so we ended up having to crash (destructive restore) and everything's working fine. I'm in the process of getting back all my stuff from the eight CD-Rs they're stored on and a few things can't be copied. For instance, 'The Great Wide Open' by Tom Petty and 'Once Upon a Time in Mexico' (whole movie). I thought it might be a size issue, yet I have other music videos larger than Tom Petty's. As for Mexico... I can't figure out a reason for that one, especially since the error occurs when it's nearly finished copying.
  6. Yuna_Firerose

    The OAO Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Thread

    At this point, any credit Ebert had at all fell down the drain. Arrogant, pompous, jackass. I love how Ebert thinks he is the voice of every 'moviegoer' out there.
  7. Yuna_Firerose

    Restarting in endless loop.

    Very, very similar to this thread with a key difference: no update caused the problem. The last major thing done to it was a week ago - well, eight days to be exact, but whatev - when we had to re-enable our internet connection. (storms did something to the ethernet cord; cableguy came in and connected the modem to comp via usb; works fine now. Or, at least it did until today.) Our computer will start up, get to the Windows XP loading screen, then a blip of a blue screen with text (I'm assuming with errors) and... restart itself. Tried booting up in Safe Mode, 'Last Configuration That Worked', Normal mode... nothing worked. I have so much stuff saved - like, for instance, all of my music videos that I've mae - that, literally, can not be found again. I'm on the computer at school and so I ask: would the non-desctructive recovery help at all? Or, at the very *least*, would it enable us to get into the computer to burn a few CD-Rs? (For saving data and such).
  8. Yuna_Firerose

    Restarting in endless loop.

    What causes this sort of shit to happen? Last night, nothing out of the ordinary occurred.. no viruses, spyware, errors, not a damn thing. This morning.. kablamo, it's all fucked. Would leaving the computer on help or is that asking for more damage? It seems, to me, to be something in the shut down/boot-up sequence that causes all to go awry. But... in any event, the non-destructive restore won't do shit?
  9. Yuna_Firerose

    The OAO Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Thread

    Picture of Charlie. Its from OutNow.CH so the use of the image tag would've been murder on the board.
  10. Yuna_Firerose

    The OAO Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Thread

    There is another movie clip added here, at yahoo. Found at the bottom, it is Vercua's father explaining how he found the Golden Ticket for her.
  11. Yuna_Firerose

    The OAO Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Thread

    Concerning the ReelViews review, perhaps someone might clear up a Python reference? I've not seen any of the Python movies, I'm afraid.
  12. Yuna_Firerose

    The OAO Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Thread

    If looking for more reviews, go here. 8 of 9 are fresh. From Three Movie Buffs Review
  13. Yuna_Firerose

    The OAO Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Thread

    "Oh, they're not for sale. She can't have one." Ah, I so love that... her glare afterwards. Brillaint. Also. I want toffee hair.
  14. Yuna_Firerose

    The OAO Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Thread

    Bob, my dear, the squirrels are indeed in the movie. You can see two previews of them here (along with nine other movie clips). I giggle with glee when the squirrels all tackle Veruca for the simple fact that it is too evil for a kids' movie. Also 'don't touch that squirrel's nuts' is horribly lame and bad, but... Depp saying it makes it seem so damn innocent. Giant ring of keys > Veruca.
  15. Yuna_Firerose

    The OAO Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Thread

    How'd they screw Matilda up? Not intending the question to sound defensive (not a fan of the movie, really) but I am curious of your perspective.
  16. Yuna_Firerose

    The OAO Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Thread

    1) Will people please stop comparing the two? They're entirely different... it is like comparing the TV version of Dead Zone to the 1983 movie adaption (starring Walken, I might add) of King's book. Okay, maybe the parallel is a bit extreme, but the point is that the two versions should stand on their own merits, good and bad. The 1971 movie with Wilder is one, and this 2005 is another. 2) Definetly, from what I have seen and heard in all the movie clips, interviews, and trailers. 4) From what I've seens...yes. 5) If they're close-minded and moronic, then yes. I keep reading and hearing Michael Jackson comparisons and I'm just all 'Wait, what?'. The illogicalities of that comparison are astounding. I enjoy hearing the creative process of Depp's (which, from all the CatCF previews/interviews I've downloaded, remain the same). Basically, he based the role on 'game show hosts put in a box and locked away somewhere' and how they're so outwardly polite and nice... yet underneath one knows there's something going on. The pasty-whiteness makes sense, as well. He's been in the factory for, what, fifteen years? Its doubtful he sees the sun, or even wants to see it. Also... brilliant casting of Freddie Highmore; he was amazing in 'Finding Neverland' and he sure as hell will be astounding here. Already he seems to have more acting ability and sincerity in those few teaser clips than Peter Ostrum did in the entire 1971 movie. Not to mention the former movie's version of Charlie seemed far too...healthy. An interesting aspect of the Burton's vision is how Charlie's clothes don't quite fit.
  17. Yuna_Firerose

    Get $1 if you don't laugh at Pauly Shore

    Of all the comments in the thread, this intrigued the most.
  18. Yuna_Firerose

    For those who love torture

    Wait, Fear Effect? That is not even possible to make a movie of. Same goes for BloodRayne, really. Why are these games at all popular in their respective fandoms? . . . Okay, T&A factor aside. . . Because of the interactivity. With BloodRayne, its all about the semi-erotic violence. (Semi-erotic referencing all the innuendo, ie, Rayne groping a chick whilst feeding). No movie adaption could compare to the amazing blade and fang action one can do. As for Fear Effect, well, I liked the game for its vocal acting, humor, anime-esque sequences, and the great story. The lesbian aspect, though certainly cheeky at times, did seem realistic, in terms of the characters themselves. (Of course, how realistic one can get given the typical vidoe-game-female model and such one can logically argue later) By the by, did they not release a Fear Effect for the PS2? I read previews of it but that is all.
  19. Yuna_Firerose

    Er. Que? o0;

    I am speechless. Although it is only listed as 'Announced' so hopefully soon... that status will be 'Cancelled'. First 'Son of the Mask 2', now this? (And do not get me started on 'Herbie: Fully Loaded'). I dare say, Hollywood has lost all sense of good ideas. We established that long ago.
  20. Yuna_Firerose

    Er. Que? o0;

    'Son of the Mask' is good for two things only: Alan Cumming and the commentary with Jamie Kennedy. Jamie even disses the producer, which was so amusing.
  21. Yuna_Firerose

    Er. Que? o0;

    No, you are not the only. I very much enjoyed it, thought it was a great family flick with wonderful humor. But.. a sequel? Nuh-uh, not happening.
  22. Yuna_Firerose

    Er. Que? o0;

    His main motivation for putting on all the drag in the first place is for his family. So now, twelve years later, when even the youngest child is college-age, why would he possibly put on such horrendous make up for? This is one of those movies that cannot, and should not, be sequealed. It just doesn't lend itself for such a thing.
  23. Yuna_Firerose

    Tomb Raider Legend preview

    Could be interesting, but she is certainly no Rayne. Doesn't even compare. Worth a $1 rental, perhaps.
  24. Yuna_Firerose

    Batman SE DVDs coming

    You're so not the only one. Of the four, Returns is my absolute fave. Walken, the score (by Elfman, correct?), the setting, Selena.. whats not to---er, wait, nevermind on that one ^^; Now, I'm no apologist either, nor a fangirl. I don't follow him as much as I do Walken, Depp, and Cumming, but I will say this. His character development is a subtle art. Not everything is spoken outright, and what is said can be interpreted so many ways. Just my two cents.
  25. Yuna_Firerose

    X3 could be in huge trouble

    Heh... yes, X-Men and X2 are full of TEH SUBTEXT~!. Bobby 'coming out' to his parents for instance. (Damn, if only that had been John.. then I could make a very bad flamer joke. Ah, well, such is life). I was speaking in terms of the main stream audience. With X-Men it was Mystique, then X2 added Kurt, and now X3 with Beast...lot of blue running throughout the series. I have nothing against Beast, the character. That, in fact, fits the quota of X2. Pyro and Kurt were the two new mutant charas, Stryker being the new 'normal'. Yes, Pyro was in X1, but only for a minute or so. ...Craft services? And I agree with you on Juggernaut and Shadowcat.