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Everything posted by Yuna_Firerose

  1. Yuna_Firerose

    Lyrics Sites... Are there *any* that don't have

    'We' meaning everyone that uses this compy. All of...three people. Me, mum, and mum's roomate.
  2. Yuna_Firerose

    Lyrics Sites... Are there *any* that don't have

    We can't even download/install HistoryKill, so...I doubt we'd get another browser. Don't use Winamp, sadly. I used to use that, but it's been taking longer to load, so...I panic, of course. With our computer, you have to. Fuck, we've had to crash/non-destructively reformat every month since March!
  3. Yuna_Firerose

    Movie Characters

    i'm with you on this...hell, i'm a straight man (no really!), and even i said "How the hell do you cheat on Johnny Fuckin' DEPP?! with Tim Fucking HUTTON, of all people?!?!" I like what the director said in one of the featurettes, "Then the audience is faced with a conflict. We want her to get away, and yet, there's that cute Johnny Depp.." I'm thinking, yeah, right. This came out soon after Pirates and OUaTiM, I believe. And, given that popularity boost, who honestly was voting against Depp? And there's no need to admit your heterosexuality, luv. I believe ya. Besides, women comment on other women's looks all the time; why can't men? Er, I mean, men comment on men's looks. They already comment on women's According to the director, we were supposed to be "conflicted". .....Riiight. I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't really *know* who Amy and Ted were played by. Well, from reading all the reviews, I know their names, but not much beyond that. The only movie I know Mario from is the not-so-great 'Coyote Ugly'. Whilst on the subject of Secret Window, who else enjoyed the scene where he learns that there is no John Shooter? I thought it was just brilliant how it all came together. And, for those that enjoyed it, I suggest renting the DVD. During 'Secrets Revealed', they show a cut that they didn't use. Depp did impersonations of Marlon Brando, Christopher Walken, *and* Roman Polanski [the last one being the most amusing, I think]. Dr. Royer-Collard in Quills is one I'd like to add to the list. Michael Cane was just *excellent* in this role, in my opinion. Seriously, I wanted to break the screen when he allowed Madeleine, Kate Winslet's character, to die. Plus, he was such a fuckin' hypocrite. Hating the Marquis de Sade's works, yet being just as evil. 'Course, the hate could be more of a 'The actor did such a good job' type of hate. Hell, there were so many good performances in this movie..it's just amazing.
  4. Yuna_Firerose

    Favorite Shakespeare productions or whatever

    Goddess, did that kid get annoying! For most of the movie, I'm all 'WTF?! Why is he here?'. Like..the intro. You prolly remember it, but if not, here's a recap: he goes friggin' crazy with his toys and food, and makes a complete MESS. Yet..we're supposed to care about him? Why?? This is the one aspect that I completely disagreed with the director; she says he's an example of how violence corrupts and all that [towards the end, he starts taking a more active role in the violence, and also, watches his father kill Saturninus]....but, I think that part was just pushed way too hard. According to her, she held back on the violence and deaths, and didn't reveal hardly any blood...well, until the end of course. Then, she said, it was time to not hold back any more. Hmm...I can see how the performances could all run together. Those that stood out for me [aside from the obvious, Alan Cumming ] are Harry Lennix and Anthony Hopkins. The two showed such emotion in their roles..really an awesome thing to see. Plus, it's always fun to watch Anthony Hopkins play a pschyo.
  5. Yuna_Firerose

    Movie Characters

    Amy in Secret Window. The first time I watched this movie, without hearing the director's comments at all, I was actually cheering for Mort Rainey to kill her. Honestly...how the *hell* could you cheat on a guy as hot as that with a guy like 'Ted'? Ick. Definetly. Then again, I go for the reclusive-creative types. Going along with the above... Ted. It was just funny when bad things happened to him. He was just so annoying. Then, after listening to the commentary, ya learn that everything was from Mort's point of view [the camera went *through* the mirror during the credits, indicating that we were entering his world. So, everything going on was objective. Then, at the end, we go out of the mirror and into a sane person's pov--Amy's]. But. Ah well. I still vote for him.
  6. Yuna_Firerose

    Favorite Shakespeare productions or whatever

    ...woof? o0 I haven't seen her stage work, so I can't really comment on that. And I, personally, don't think it's weak as far as Shakespeare was concerned. I don't know too many of his works, so I can't say that honestly. I was just quoting the critics of the play. Hmm. I totally respect that opinion. Care to elaborate? [i like reading people's differing opinions of things I enjoy. I'm just weird like that].
  7. Yuna_Firerose

    Favorite Shakespeare productions or whatever

    Titus, based on his play Titus Andronicous. After seeing the movie, I did a bit of research - trying to see what literary critics thought of the play - and found that a lot of them hated the play. After reading the play, I can see. But, there are some things that are better presented on screen/stage and I believe this is one of them. There's just *so* much subtext going on, especially when you see how the actors say the lines. Anthony Hopkins, of course, shines as the lead role. There's also a lot of visual [what are they called? I want to say clues, but that's not it. hm..go with subtext again, though I hate to do it]. Like, for instance, Titus Andronicous's clothes, throughout the length of the film go from warrior/black/tight,confined to chef/white/loose. [side note, on the IMDB page, a child star and a clown are listed before Hopkins. Um....wtf?] Jessica Lange plays Tamora, the Queen of Goths, and I think she's just wonderful in it. Harry J. Lennix just excels in the role of 'Aaron', the manipulator of all the schemes. But the reason I became interested in the movie to begin with was because my faveorite actor, Alan Cumming, stars in it. Usually, I just fastforward through boring movies to see the part I wanted to see, but for this one, there was no way one can fast forward and *still* know what the hell is going on. I, of course, love the way he plays Saturninus. He's a spoiled brat-emporer, yet very much a child. It's not just the characters that make this movie, but the visuals [Penny Arcade Nightmares, for instance] and the costumes. For those able to rent the DVD, I suggest doing so, as the director really adds all kinds of information. For instance, Tamora's costume was a 40s-ish type of garb, an adrogynous/masculine look. Yet Lavinia's costume is more of an innocent-50s, the type of gal that you want see defiled. The director's words, not mine. And indeed Lavinia does get defiled in a really, really horrible way. She gets raped by Tamora's two sons, Chiron and Demetrius. Then, her hands are cut off, replaced with twigs, and her tongue is cut out. Thus, she cannot reveal who did the deed to her at all. Well..not till later. This is also one of those moves that *really* make you think. When is violence justified? Tamora kills most of Titus's 20 sons, and her sons defile his daughter. So. For revenge, Titus has Tamora's two sons killed and baked into pies, which are then fed to Tamora and Emporer Saturninus And, how much of that violence affects teens? An old cliche, I know, but it's really well done in this movie, if you pick up on it. Chiron, the youngest of Tamora's two sons, probably, at first, never wanted to rape and main Lavinia. He was infatuated and wanted to love her. It wasn't actually love, just lust; a boyhood crush. Yet Aaron was able to manipulate that Wow. Long post. Well..uh..anyway, it's a good movie.
  8. Yuna_Firerose

    The OAO 'I Love the 90's" thread

    As someone that stopped watching the series, I have to ask: does that mean that they didn't even mention wrestling during the late 90's? It seems that people on this board were pretty certain that they would. If you consider Jesse Ventura a mention.... But as far as D-X, Stone Cold, Monday Night Wars and all that.. nope. Nothing at all.
  9. Yuna_Firerose

    Best Actor of All Time Tournament

    I haven't seen anything of his save for Don Juan DeMarco and The Score. Then again, I didn't vote.
  10. Yuna_Firerose

    Converting .wmv to .mpeg

    I downloaded a bunch of vids from BloodRayne 1, but there's one problem: they're .wmv's! The problem with that is that my DVD player [intervideo WinDVD] won't play them. Thus, I can't take screencaps. Thus, I can't make mini-movie icons, like the one above. If anyone can help with this, I'd be very much grateful. I have, by the way, made a mini-movie icon from the BRII trailer: http://pictures.greatestjournal.com/userimg/1507725/413283 Not my best, I'll admit, but sexy nonetheless.
  11. Yuna_Firerose

    The OAO 'I Love the 90's" thread

    "I'm masturbating my tamagachi.." - Hal Sparks That was just so insane.
  12. Yuna_Firerose

    The OAO 'I Love the 90's" thread

    Hal Sparks imitating an imagined conversation between Sling Blade and Forrest Gump ............. okay, that was just friggin' hilarious.
  13. Yuna_Firerose

    The OAO 'I Love the 90's" thread

    I can't wait for that. It seems like they're only teasing with these eps, like advertising for the 'strikes back' episodes. I thought he was quite hilarious. Especially the snappy-bracelets comments: "They're for pre-teens who are into pre-bondage." *snaps on a bracelet. pause* "Me likeeeey!"
  14. Yuna_Firerose

    Halle Berry Won't Return In X-Men 3

    Well, he was the one that started everything, actually. Stryker used him on to invade the White House and attack the president. Thus, the pres would agree to Stryker "questioning" the school. From the vids I saw over at Gamespot [soo recommended, luv] it looks quite awesome. Also, news has it that she'll be able to impale enemies. See here for more on that [scroll down till you get to 'new game feature revealed']. And the young Dante? One word: hot! I saw him on the cover of the June '04 issue of PSM and I'm all But, with that said, perhaps it's a bit too much skin for the male gamers. Well, some of them, anyway.
  15. Yuna_Firerose

    A boatload of games for $4.99 each.

    All my CC had was a few sports titles, some PS1 titles, and pretty much nothing else. No Bloodrayne! I was *so* pissed. But we stopped at CD Warehouse on the way home, and I picked up Don Juan Demarco for $6.99. So..that cheered me up.
  16. Yuna_Firerose

    Halle Berry Won't Return In X-Men 3

    I think there is something that sorta-kinda-maybe deals with that. The scene where Mystique hacks into Stryker's computer was, I believe, extended; and the extended version is in the deleted scenes. I haven't viewed it in a while, so no quoting. When Alan Cumming appeared on The Graham Norton Effect [which was quite the hilarious show; I suggest watching the repeat when it comes on] he said that he'll return to Vancouver in the spring to film X3. Just a useless trivia. I *hope* Nightcrawler will have a bigger role in the next movie. I'm not saying that as a Alan Cumming fan, but as a Nightcrawler fan. He was definetly my fave chara of the entire movie. And who doesn't love the BAMF! they made? ^.^
  17. Yuna_Firerose

    Halle Berry Won't Return In X-Men 3

    Hmm. I wonder if they'll reveal about Mystique being Kurt's mum? That could lead to something. see, that bothered me the most about X2: the fact that Mystique and Nightcrawler, who both have blue skin and yellow eyes, NEVER ACKNOWLEDGED THE FACT THAT THEY LOOK ALIKE!! jesus, you have this OBVIOUS plot device, and it wasn't touched on ONCE! the only scene they shared was when Kurt asked Mystique if she could turn into anyone she wanted, why didn't she do it all the time. not the obvious question "Hey, we look alot alike, what's the deal with that, fraulein?" i dunno, it just bothered me is all. It was probably another storyline that they weren't ready to get into yet. The directors and everyone else. After all, they had plenty enough to balance, if you think about all the characters *and* giving all those characters something to do. But the directors kind of put that scene together to please the comic-fans or something. They mentioned that in the commentary, I believe.
  18. Yuna_Firerose

    Halle Berry Won't Return In X-Men 3

    Thanks. I wasn't going to go with a sig at all, because the last times I did, it was *way* too flashy. But then I saw some of the glorious artwork for BloodRayne 2 and....sooo couldn't resist! BloodRayne is sexy as all fuck, and her game ain't half-bad either
  19. Yuna_Firerose

    Halle Berry Won't Return In X-Men 3

    That could work, and I can definetly see both actors pulling off such a scene beautifully. Hmm. I wonder if they'll reveal about Mystique being Kurt's mum? That could lead to something. 0.0; ....Oooookay. That was quirky.
  20. Yuna_Firerose

    Halle Berry Won't Return In X-Men 3

    At the news of no Berry in the X3, I'm torn between glad that such a bitch is gone from the cast, and sadness that the chara is fucked. On Eavesdropping [Alan Cumming's show] she seemed like an average down-to-earth actress. Then again, the keyword being 'actress'. Alan and Halle seemed to have such great chemistry on the show and, I've read, on the set of X2. Then again, if she's going to be that much of a bitch, then I'm glad to see the cunt gone. X-Men and X2 were both successful, yet she abadons it for shit like Catwoman. I opt for Storm to be just on vacation or some other shit. Yet. With that being said...where does that leave Nightcrawler's storyline? Ororo and Kurt seemed to have a good thing going in X2... And Ororo was really the only character that Kurt seemed to relate to. Kurt is definetly the character that got me hooked on Alan Cumming to begin with, so I'm definetly concerned for where his character could go in X3. Hmm. Then again. No Storm *could* mean more air-time for him...
  21. Yuna_Firerose

    A boatload of games for $4.99 each.

    Holy SHIT! Blood Rayne...$4.99?!?!? 0.0!!!! Oh, I'm *so* going!
  22. Yuna_Firerose

    Blood Rayne 2

    It's pretty easy to beat, but the fun of it lies in just slaughtering Nazis. It's especially fun to feed from them. "Get her off me!" Yeah...right. The answer to *that* is to jump of that guy, kick him down, use the chain to lure his partner over, kick him down, shoot his ass dead within five seconds, then go back to near-sensual feeding. Watching the blood splatter is also a fun thing to do. But that could be just me. Oh, I also forget to mention..her comments. When in the midst of a slaughter, and all the soldiers are screaming, she'll randomly say stuff. One of my faves is, "Quiet, baby, what will the neighbors think?". Just the way she says it...it's just so humurous. Course, it gets annoying after you hear it too many times. A fun thing to do is to go on God mode. Amazingly, after not renting the game for quite a few months, and then renting it again, I still remembered the God-code: Tri Assassin Don't Die.
  23. Yuna_Firerose

    Blood Rayne 2

    I watched some vids the other day at GameSpot and it was just..wow. Amazing! Her moves are vastly improved and, judging by the vids, a lot more bloody. Hell, the sequeal makes the first look G-rated in comparison. Well..okay..that's prolly an exaggeration, but still! I encourage everyone to check out the violent vids. Personally, I can't wait till this is released! [This pic was so awesome, it made me break my no-sig rule] Hands-On Preview from Gamespot:
  24. Yuna_Firerose

    Blood Rayne 2

    For those interested, you can view a high-quality trailer here. All you have to do is register - free of charge - and then you're able to see the lovely pics and vids. Registering is quite simple, fill in a name, get password w/ email, and that's it.
  25. Yuna_Firerose

    Blood Rayne 2

    It's fun for what it is, at least. ^.^ Definetly better than, in my opinion, Medal of Honor: Rising Sun. Frontline was the better of the pair...I liked the city-maps better than the forests, I guess. Or maybe it's because I have this weird thing for Germans. *shrug* Whatever ^.^