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Everything posted by Yuna_Firerose

  1. Yuna_Firerose

    Who Needs To Stop Posting?

    Why does everyone keep making this allegation? I swear this running gag grows to be quite tiresome. Because all of your lame sigs and shit are the same. Plus you both sucked. And as I stated before, I pray that you are a gimmick poster. Its not like anyone could be this pathetic. Well that was, uh, interesting. So, if a poster sucks, and has a bad sig, then they're made in comparison to me. Whatever. Noone can be compared to me unless they start talking about slash...and not jokingly, either. Umm...last I checked, they weren't accepting any new members. Besides that, I have more important issues to deal with; like, for instance, modding my own RPG. No point in supplying a link, since everyone would be all 'omG!!111 A link from Yuna!!! Must be slash!!!!! Quick, flame it!!' And said flames are used to toast marshmallows. Fat-free, of course. Watching my weight and all. Da man knows his shit, yo
  2. Yuna_Firerose

    X-Men comics

    I'm really interested in reading some of the comics, as I think they have some great storylines [i have read a few]. But, the problem is, my library's issues are so..confuddled. They have Uncanny, New, X-Treme, and some others, but the issues are so scrambled, that I have trouble keeping up with the series. Most recently, I read a four-parter and a three parter; 'Assault on Weapon X' and a series-I-forget-the-name-of. It was about Quentin Quire on this drug called 'Kick'. Anyway...what's a good series to start with? Or, perhaps a better question would be...what's a good series with a lot of Kurt? He is, of course, my fave chara.
  3. Yuna_Firerose

    X-Men comics

    I want to keep reading; the whole 'Kurt, I'm Satan and I'm your fatherrrrr [cue Darth breating]' was a total 'wait....huh?!' moment. It was interesting, though, to say the least. Isn't 'Uncanny' where he's trying to be a priest or something? I remember reading an issue about that [the order of my issues is all messed up ^.^]. I love the subplot between Caine and Sammy. He's this [too] HUGE muscle guy and he's caring for this lil fish-boy. I liked how he totally lost control over seeing Sammy so beat up. The art of him is nice; I just groan and roll my eyes whenever I see some too-huge muscle-bound guy. Yeah, it's to be expected because it's a comic book, but still... Still, in a book about prejuidice and not judging others based on their appearance, I find the character of Northstar to be almost a contradict to that. [This is the first time I've read about him. Finding out he was gay was another 'wait...what??' moment]. It's like, okay, you've pointed out that he's gay...no need to point it out in every scene [him saying the Alpha Flight's outfits were 'chic'].
  4. Yuna_Firerose

    X-Men comics

    I finished reading this 'Draco' series in Uncanny...well, up to part 4 at least. And it's revealed that Satan is Kurt's father?! Wait...WTF? That part totally lost me.
  5. Yuna_Firerose

    American Idol 3

    I half-expected him to press charges...he's just cool like that. Ooooh, someone sided with me. That'd be a first in.......well, a long time. But, honestly, when someone like me is getting sick of the gays and gay-wannabes, then it's probably time to stop.
  6. Yuna_Firerose

    American Idol 3

    Two words: Clay Aiken. Eh...I didn't even see the first/second AIs. Heh...I love these challenges of Simon's. And this chick is scaring the fuck outta me.
  7. Yuna_Firerose

    American Idol 3

    You'd think so, wouldn't you? Running down the checklist... - chick with wild coloured hair? Check - guy with giant smile? Check - singing beefcake for the ladies and non-traditional males? Check - people who stand a chance of winning the competition? Maybe a couple. Then again, if these kids are dumb enough to think they have a good voice, then they're probably dumb enough to believe that the judge's laughter was celebrating them...or something. What's with all the gay dudes? Now, I obvioulsy love gay bois, but I know they're not the only guys that can sing. So, either straight guys are too afraid to sign up, or they think they have to act 'gay' to win, or...they just didn't feel like showing all the straight guys. Whatever the case, even I was getting sick of all femmales. EDIT: Oh, and that 'singing beefcake' didn't impress me one bit. My mom is practically drooling and I'm just like 'what..the fuck..ever'.
  8. Yuna_Firerose

    American Idol 3

    When the judges are laughing insanely during your singing...I think that'd be a hint to, oh I dunno, stop.
  9. Yuna_Firerose

    The Goodbye Girl

    I only started watching because Alan Cumming is in it, but honestly, so far, it's quite funny. Plus, it stars the Pepsi girl. She's quite funny as the 'get-real' teen daughter.
  10. Yuna_Firerose

    American Idol 3

    GAH! A MONTAGE OF BAD VERSIONS OF 'A WHOLE NEW WORLD'.........my ears are bleeding!
  11. Yuna_Firerose

    American Idol 3

    ....This 'Simon' scares me. ...Great. More cleavage. Ugh. Scratch that, this chick scares me too. I'm not watching this willingly, for anyone cares....compy is in the same room as the TV, unfortunately.
  12. Yuna_Firerose

    The Goodbye Girl

    Then my point has been made....they're both past their first razor
  13. Yuna_Firerose

    God, The Devil, and Bob

    I managed to snag one ep [Guess who plays the Devil....go on, guess ] and it was friggin' hilarious! It was the ep where God lives as a 'normal' person. I think it got pulled because religious pricks can't stand to see a cartoon version of their precious 'God'. Bleh.
  14. Yuna_Firerose

    American Idol 3

    Why do people get so hooked on this show? Seriously, it sucked more than 'Daddy Day Care'. ....And the show after it is worse. Ugh. I'd rather watch Lizzie Mcguire the whole day.
  15. Yuna_Firerose

    The Goodbye Girl

    That was cute. I don't really watch anime, though, and the guys I like are over 30 [Johnny Depp, Alan Cumming]
  16. Yuna_Firerose

    The Goodbye Girl

    A gay man trapped in a chick's body. Ja, sounds like a soap opera plot. Right, so I'm dumb that I didn't know? Please...like I keep up with 70s movies.
  17. Yuna_Firerose

    UPN to make...

    He wasn't blowing him; not yet anyway. Just licking Kurt's stomach while Kurt was, umm...all tied up And, trust me, there's a really naughty Kurt-Todd pic that I could've added, but decided not to. Actually, two. One where they're all wrapped up for X-Mas and another where they're...well, gettin' it on R-rated style.
  18. Yuna_Firerose

    GTA3 Morale Question

    Nah, I think the hot-tub pic got a lot more run Oh, really? I'll keep that in mind for later sigs Oh, but of course. Since guys seem to like lesbians, and this board is mostly made up guys, then anything homosexual besides lesbians is considered 'creepy'.
  19. Yuna_Firerose

    The Goodbye Girl

    I am obsessed with gay men. Yes, I admit that, and I don't give a fuck. I totally agree. Jeff Daniels really surprised me here; his comedic lines were delivered so greatly. And the young girl was played very well; very realistic and all that....for some reason, I kept thinking of 'Curly Sue'. And, of course, Alan was great But the woman....she really got on my nerves. It seemed like she'd cry at the drop of a hat. It got annoying after a while, to see her cry so much. Basically, once the movie stopped being comedy and cared only for mushy-sappy-romance, it was just boring.
  20. Yuna_Firerose

    UPN to make...

    That pertains to this topic of discussion.....how? Because, UPN is going to make a crap show, and you have a crap sig. Seriously, it's disturbing. You need help. Or friends. One or the other. I have friends, thank you very much. Obsession is fun, yo. And what you see in my sig isn't the only I'm obsessed with, ya know. Edward Scissorhands is my second all-time fave movie [X2 being first, PotC being third] and it's not in my sig...used to be, but not now. Am I obsessed with Edward-slash? Ugh..hell no. I just think the movie is sweet and very charming. It totally makes me chuckle anytime I see a 'change your sig/it's disgusting!' comment.
  21. Yuna_Firerose

    GTA3 Morale Question

    May I just inquire what is wrong with it? What's not wrong with it!? God there's got to be some rule against having guys making out in your sig....... They're kissing. Not making out. Ya know, I think this is my most controversial sig yet. Cute.
  22. Yuna_Firerose

    The Goodbye Girl

    Not really....just boys kissing. She made a site of .gifs of various fandoms smooching by manips. I don't know this girl [if it is a girl] personally, so I can't defend, or offend, her. Speaking of gay........Jeff Daniels acting all foppish was just hilarious. And Alan acting all 'straight' as the director...just too amusing.
  23. Yuna_Firerose

    GTA3 Morale Question

    Good work, you fell into Yuna's trap Tool ...................I have a trap set? It's such a good trap even you don't realize it's there Ok... Is it just me... Or are we all not getting what he's trying to point at? I'm always lost, so....nothing new here.
  24. Yuna_Firerose

    The Goodbye Girl

    I think it shows dedication and effort
  25. Yuna_Firerose

    The Goodbye Girl

    Gee, ya think? And he appears 41 minutes in the feature. But, oddly enough, I don't even mind. His prescence only enhances an already great movie. Unlike the lame piece of shit known as Romy and Michele's High School Reunion. That movie was just.........ugh. Alan's dance sequence at the end with Romy and Michele was worth the wait, though.