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Everything posted by Yuna_Firerose

  1. Yuna_Firerose

    Your Most Hated Enemies

    I haven't played that game in a while, so which battle do you mean?
  2. Yuna_Firerose

    Hopeless Marks

    Bastard! A bastard, an idiot, *and* a mark.
  3. Yuna_Firerose

    Your Most Hated Enemies

    Can we say 'bitter'?
  4. Yuna_Firerose

    Rate my banner

    Well, in the program I use, it's called 'soft 'edge'. It's how I eliminate that annoying white line from a cut pic when I paste it.
  5. That would freakin' own to see. Hmm... any mist/stealth kill in Blood Omen 2 is cool. Listening to the villagers conversations is also cool..... no, fuck that, doing a stealth kill on them WHILE listening to their conversations is cooler. I'm just devious that way
  6. Yuna_Firerose

    Need Some Game ?s Answered

    Is it possible for you to explain this a little better? I posted a huge topic about those two systems a while back. It should be quite informative for ya.
  7. Yuna_Firerose

    Angle and Lesnar=Billy and Chuck 2K3?

    They were doing these stretches that produced the obvious grunts when Jazz walked in. Then, they stretched out their groins.
  8. Yuna_Firerose

    Rate my banner

    Before pasting, I'd suggest taking the eraser tool and erasing all the excess blocks around the images. For the ones that are *really* close to the image I want, I use the soft edge tool... not sure if you have that in PSP, though.
  9. Yuna_Firerose

    Angle and Lesnar=Billy and Chuck 2K3?

    Creepy.... I clicked on this thread and "Ass Man" on the Attitude Anthology disc starts playing. I don't think Kurt and Brock are the first to go 'gayfabe' at a house show. I remember reading a while back that Raven kissed Justin Credible. ....Doubly creepy.
  10. Yuna_Firerose

    The person above you thread!

    ^Seems to like Panama
  11. Yuna_Firerose

    Final Fantasy VII-2

    Credit: Official Playstation Magazine
  12. Yuna_Firerose

    Lion King 1 1/2

    From IMDB: http://us.imdb.com/Title?0318403 This obviously shows that Disney (among others) are pretty much out of any new, original ideas for movies, so they're going to keep adding onto classics until the viewers are all nauseated from a storyline that just doesn't seem to end. Half-assed sequels, imo, do more damage to a series then anything else.
  13. Yuna_Firerose

    The One Heat Thread

    Curse you and your logic. Logic has no place in WWE...right? RIGHT?! Glad they put the good stuff on the at the beginning, so I don't have to watch the whole shitty show.
  14. Yuna_Firerose

    The One Heat Thread

    Can't comment on the jobber, but I must say... your avatar owns
  15. Yuna_Firerose

    The One Heat Thread

    So they don't even mention Stevie will be on the show?? Bastards! From the spoilers thread [does it even matter if I spoil the matches? I mean, honestly...it's not like anyone watches. Oh, wait, I do on occasion...] 1) Val Venis vs Mike Netto Steven Richards and Goldust have a backstage confrontation. Pyro to open the show. (2) Goldust vd Mike Phoenix. Steven Richards came out to the announce table for the match and then went to the ring as the match was ending and Stevie-kicked Goldust. (3) Garrison Cade vs Mike Bell. (4) The Dudleys vs Rodney Mack & Rosey (w/Teddy Long, Chris Nowinski)
  16. Yuna_Firerose


    Wait a minute.... Dames, you trusted everyone with a key to your house? What The Fuck is wrong with you?! The only people you need to trust with aforementioned key is myself and IDRM And about the X2 pics/posters in your room....umm, it wasn't me!
  17. Yuna_Firerose

    New tag team?

    Seven's kinda-sorta-maybe cute, but mainly due to the whole gothy image. If he's any good at promos, he could be with Sean O'Haire. SOH isn't that good of a wrestler, though, just the generic hoss. How come most, if not all, the OVW guys have an over-abundance of tattoos? Brock, Batista, Randy, Bane... it's quite disgusting, really.
  18. Yuna_Firerose

    What game have you played last?

    Is that any good? I was thinking about getting it when I was at Family Video, then decided not to save my money.
  19. Yuna_Firerose


    I downloaded X2 to mainly tide me over till the DVD comes out [sEPTEMBER 17TH!!! *squee*] and to see if I could screencap from it. The damn thing is too poor of quality, though {}. Although, it seems others haven't had the same problem, as there are *tons* of screencaps already out there, as well as icons.
  20. Yuna_Firerose

    There is no topic

    I'm not sure if there was... I just got those pics from Project Mayhem [check the Properties of the pics...ya should find the link easily].
  21. Yuna_Firerose

    There is no topic

    Am I the only one who noticed the intentional blips of certain scenes in FC? The reason: And, because it's so gosh-darned cool:
  22. Yuna_Firerose

    There is no topic

    ..... Slide.
  23. Spy Kids 3-D? Grr.. the only reason the original was so good was because of Floop, dammit!
  24. *yawn* Stacy did that to Stevie a few months back.. and I should know
  25. WTF happened to FBI's music? ...Well, at least Nunzio doesn't look like a jobber bitch like he usually does in the red tights. .........Nevermind, he ruined that.