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Everything posted by Yuna_Firerose

  1. Yuna_Firerose

    Picture Needed!

    Since he faced Stevie, I found those at StevieLand
  2. Yuna_Firerose

    A banner request

    I hate to do this, Rendclaw, but.... I don't think I'll have the time. The X-Men RPG I'm in is *really* active, and plus, I recently discovered my DVD-ROM player could screencap. Damn...I went fuckin' crazy when it came to Toad images, as you can tell by my first icon of him.
  3. Yuna_Firerose

    A banner request

    Heh, I'll have to tell Shawn that the next time I see him. On second thought, maybe I won't! Only movie characters, though? Honestly, I'd probably join if I could choose Archangel. Well.... we *are* allowing original characters, so I don't see why Archangel, I'm assuming a char from the comics, wouldn't be accepted.
  4. Yuna_Firerose

    Just thought I'd pass this along...

    http://mywebpage.netscape.com/ gives you 20MB worth of storage space. The catch? Ya gotta have AIM. The max upload size is 1MB.
  5. Yuna_Firerose

    The person above you thread!

    ^Not really. He may be sexy, but there's NO WAY he can match the hotness of Nightcrawler, Toad, Pyro... etc, etc
  6. Yuna_Firerose

    The person above you thread!

    ^Brought back the CHYNA~! [who is/was with Seanny...]
  7. Yuna_Firerose

    A banner request

    Unfortunately, my dear, two efeds [participating in the OAOAST and running the GPWA] keeps me more than busy. I will keep it in mind, though. As long as it's not slash themed. I have no problems with gays, but I have no interest in pretending to live their lives. EDIT: after checking out that link, I have two things to say. 1) I'm surprised no one has chosen Warren Worthington III/Archangel! 2) That site really ripped off Livejournal! Or is it the other way around? *dun-dun-dunnnnn!* All journal sites are the same... blurty, aboutmylife.net, livejournal, weedweb, needlesspanic....the list goes on. I only have journals at the first two.. the rest I've heard about. Slash? Why would you think of slash? There's only three male characters in the community [Logan, Nightcrawler, Pyro] and the last two are played by me, sooo... there's not much room for slash. Hopefully we'll get a slashy Iceman soon... Okay, I'll cut that thought off. To my knowledge, the group is only for the movie characters. [Dammit, we need a Toad!!! ] Hell, I'm surprised noone has picked Magneto or Mystique.
  8. Yuna_Firerose

    A banner request

    I see. That said, I now understand why 99% of your sig's don't make any sense to me whatsoever. Hey... I gotta advertise Wanna join?
  9. Yuna_Firerose

    Summer Movies you want to see most

    Other: The Italian Job. You can never have enough of Norton in a leather jacket... and the fact that he's evil just makes it better
  10. Yuna_Firerose

    A banner request

    And this goes into the topic how? ................... I'm still trying to figure out what Christina Ricci has to do with "The X-Men School" ..... It's an RPG, of course. I RP as both Nightcrawler and Pyro, the mod RPs as Rogue, and we have a Wolverine. The Christina Ricci pic is from the original character 'Korib', who has the ability to alter others emotions, and she's also a flamethrower. The 'Wish' icons are from an original character of the mod's creation, 'Wish Star', who can get anything she wishes. http://www.blurty.com/userinfo.bml?user=th...the_xmen_school
  11. *applauds* We're of the same mind. Matt's choice of feuds are limited, since they've all been done. Hmm... if Christian can say he's the new People's Champ, why not have Matt say he's replaced Edge... or something. *shrug*
  12. Yuna_Firerose

    A banner request

    To you, definetly. I've just been more active in the RolePlaying community, so of course I'm going to be more busy. As for your petty insults about my banners not being interesting? Well, considering the source, I don't think you'd know interesting if it came and bit you on the ass. If you want a goddamned lame as hell, MadTV-themed banner then go and fuckin' make it your damn self. On a nicer note, I'll see what I can do about your latest request, Rendclaw. My computer time is limited these days and quite busy.
  13. Remember when... SD used to be good? It seems like such a long time ago. I missed SD last week and barely noticed it. All this Mr. America bullshit is just too stupid to be worth a comment. It's funny how HHH has been kinda low-profile and easily ignorable, but people still complain. And yet, shit like "Is Mr. America Hulk Hogan?" is considered entertaining. The only things I'll probably pay attention to and tape are Eddy/Tajiri, Rey/Matt, and the FBI. Was there anything else good? Doubtful, since those are the only things that stick out in my mind as being worth watching.
  14. Yuna_Firerose

    I'm watching Garbage Kids the Movie

    Ah, the powers of technology.... *goes back to watching X2*
  15. Yuna_Firerose

    A banner request

    Sometimes Icons say things better
  16. Yuna_Firerose

    Now We Have A Gay Reality Show

    That help? Hmm... I must admit, the show sounds interesting. *shrug* If I happen to watch it, I will, if not...eh, I won't lose sleep over it.
  17. Yuna_Firerose

    25th hour......

    You're not the only one that feels that way. Of the "rotten" reviews I've read at rottentomatoes, most complained about three things: the focus of Ground Zero [which can be seen outside the window when Monty's friends are talking...hell, I didn't even know what it was], the music [which can be a bit annoying and distracting at times], and the narrative. To me, it was a bit dull at times....not a complaint on any of the actor's, simply the pacing. Although I'm now officially dubbing Anna Paquin the luckiest chick alive. Not only did she get to be around the hotties of X2 [Alan Cumming, Aaron Stanford, etc etc] but then she was in a film with Edward freakin' Norton. Nope, I'm not jealous...not jealous at all. .........................okay, maybe just a little.
  18. Yuna_Firerose

    Oh Yuna.....

    I agree that Silver Star Story was quite a fun game. 'Course I'm a fan of anime games in general.
  19. Yuna_Firerose

    A banner request

    Hate what?
  20. Yuna_Firerose


    You seem to doubt he'll make it that far... ...Gee, I wonder why.
  21. Yuna_Firerose

    Oh Yuna.....

    You're kidding...right? How in the hell could Kingdom Hearts ever be considered a greater game than any FF? To me, Kingdom Hearts was only good for a few rentals, and after that, it's playability just dwindled away. Sure it was fun seeing some of the Disney villains, but the game was just too.....kiddy for me. Not to mention the battle system was annoying as hell. Good for a few rentals? Bullshit! Unless you can clock in a good 10 hours per rental since the game has a 30 hour length and thats excluding the secrets. The battle system is the best and most creative thing that square have done with their lazy asses since Vagrant story. How does the playability "dwindle away" exactly? Was the ability to use new moves in a 3D battle field too confusing? Too kiddy? I guess it is to some extent, but the game manages to brilliantly handle and deliver its simplistic disney driven story, supported by some of the finest voice acting to grace any game. The battle system is creative, I'll admit, and the voice acting is/was tremendous. The problem I had with the battle system is that, during those heavy battles within the first few hours of the game, it became mindless button mashing. Like the boss battle in the first town...I forget the name of the town, but it was the boss that spun around a lot. I'm sure you know what I mean. Anyway, there was just so much going on during that, that it became very confusing. Plus, it's hard to keep track of your teammates during battle.
  22. Yuna_Firerose

    New FFX-2 Artwork and Info

    Dress Spheres: Gunner - This dress is a dress which fight with the use of guns. The dress allow the person to attack without going near to the target. It has special abilities like "Quick Trigger" which damage one target continuously and "Gun Play" which could deal instant damage. Image: http://www.ffinsider.net/ffx2/pix/gunner.jpg Thief - This dress allow the person to steal item from any target. Despite the fact that physical and magical attacks are low, this dress has the highest agility among any other dresses. It is also the only dress that can attack two times with one attack command. Image: http://www.ffinsider.net/ffx2/pix/thief.jpg Warrior - Dress that fight with the use of sword. This dress has high physical attack and defense but low in magical attack and defense. Anyone wearing this dress would have the ability of "Sword Skill" which has skills like "Armor Break" that reduces enemy's physical defense. Image: http://www.ffinsider.net/ffx2/pix/warrior.jpg Songstress - Dress that takes the role of supporting the party during battle. What makes this dress so special is that the person with this dress will sing and dance joyfully during battle. Image: http://www.ffinsider.net/ffx2/pix/songstress.jpg White Mage - This dress uses special ability called "White Magic" which recover or support party members during battle. Has lower HP but high magical defense. Image: http://www.ffinsider.net/ffx2/pix/whitemage.jpg Black Mage - Dress that fight with the use of 4 types of elemental magical attack ability called "Black Magic". Image: http://www.ffinsider.net/ffx2/pix/blackmage.jpg Dark Gunner - Dress that fight with the use of special gun. This dress has the specialty of remembering "Enemy Skill" which you would acquire when target cast the skill on you during battle. Image: http://www.ffinsider.net/ffx2/pix/darkgunner.jpg Item Shooter - Supportive dress that uses items during battle. Has special ability called "Synthetic Bullet" which could deal great damage to enemy during battle. Image: None Available Dark Knight - Besides the use of sword, this dress has a special ability called "Witchcraft". This dress has the highest physical defense among all other dresses. As a sacrifice, the person's agility is greatly reduced. Image: http://www.ffinsider.net/ffx2/pix/dknight.jpg Samurai - Dress which will allow your character to fight with the use of samurai sword. Image: http://www.ffinsider.net/ffx2/pix/samurai.jpg Gambler - Dress that depend highly on luck. Anyone wearing this would fight with the use of abilities like "Slot" and "Dice". This dress is not suitable for battle hence it takes supportive role during battle. Image: http://www.ffinsider.net/ffx2/pix/gambler.jpg Berserker - Dress that has very high physical defense and agility. Most of the special ability that this dress has increases the efficiency of physical attack. E.g. "Berserk" and counter abilities. Image: None Available Trainer - Trainer uses their pet to fight in battles. All 3 characters has different pet. Special ability called "Fall In" which calls their pet to use their specialties during battle. Image: http://www.ffinsider.net/ffx2/pix/trainer.jpg Mascot - The Ultimate Dress of all. Each character wears different mascot dress and fight the monsters. Yuna in moogle suit, Rikku in Cait Sith and Paine in Tonberry suit. Image: None Available Special Dress: Floraful - Yuna's Special Dress. Attacks multiple times with it's special skills. Image: None Available Machina Muzzle - Special Dress for Rikku. Uses the power of machina to attack. Has various status effect attack skills. Image: None Available Zankio - Paine's Special Dress is the Zankio, the great warrior that uses various elemental attacks against enemies. Image: None Available
  23. Yuna_Firerose

    A banner request

    Last time I ask for a banner from you............ Give me something interesting to work with, and I'll do it.
  24. Yuna_Firerose

    Oh Yuna.....

    You're kidding...right? How in the hell could Kingdom Hearts ever be considered a greater game than any FF? To me, Kingdom Hearts was only good for a few rentals, and after that, it's playability just dwindled away. Sure it was fun seeing some of the Disney villains, but the game was just too.....kiddy for me. Not to mention the battle system was annoying as hell. A while back I so wanted to get Persona 2: Eternal Punishment but it was just too expensive. From the clips I saw, which weren't many, the J-Pop in there was totally kick-ass.