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Everything posted by Yuna_Firerose

  1. Red Dragon was the one that pulled me into the series [Damn Hopkins and damn Norton for being so great], Hopkins just freakin' OWNED in Silence of the Lambs [the scene where he pulled off the face mask was just scary to me because I didn't expect it...plus I was watching it in the dark], and I loved the scenes with him and Foster. But, personally, I must say my faveorite was Hannibal. I guess it's because he plays such a big role in it, and the underlying romantic tones between the characters Hannibal and Starling is really interesting. I'm curious as to what everyone's fave is.
  2. Yuna_Firerose

    Heat Spoilers

    She'll prolly join their "held down black" stable soon. Why don't they just make her a ref? That's all she's good for.
  3. Yuna_Firerose

    Heat Spoilers

    The "Masterpiece" angle was the only entertaining part of Heat. Now it's back to random matches that mean nothing *sigh*
  4. Uh....when does this happen?
  5. Yuna_Firerose

    Heat Spoilers

    Stevie didn't get a match, not even against a jobber, yet Am-I-Still-Employed-Jacqueline does?!?!?
  6. Yuna_Firerose

    The Real Cancun

    Bulemic bitches acting like total sluts mixed with guys that also act like sluts...on a beach...minimal clothing.... equals a total YAWN.
  7. Rando didn't invent slash, he just inspired it from his total gayness. He's still kinda hot, though.
  8. Yuna_Firerose

    What's your fave 'Hannibal' flick?

    In my opinion, you should watch in order of release.
  9. Speaking of the sex god, Shannon Moore has moved on. You'll have to find another pretty boy to screw with at my hotel.
  10. Yuna_Firerose

    The One and Only Raw Thread (4/14/03)

    If we're lucky, we'll get a Stevie/Victoria segment! Then some crappy segments that will take up the rest of the show, along with some boring matches, OR some exciting, yet meaningless, matches.
  11. Yuna_Firerose

    What's your fave 'Hannibal' flick?

    Since this has turned into a Red Dragon vs Manhunter, I figured I'd post an essay, or whatever it is I found, about the topic. 'Manhunter' vs. 'Red Dragon', IMHO... The first time I saw 'Manhunter' was at university. We'd threaded the film reels on wrongly and no one noticed until the credits started to run one third into the film. I'm a very big fan of Michael Mann. I loved 'Miami Vice' from the moment I laid eyes on it. 'Heat' and 'LA Takedown' are incredible films. 'LA Takedown' has in it the most heartbreaking piece of music ever written, by Tim Truman. But I'm also a fan of Thomas Harris. And 'Manhunter' simply isn't even close to the novel 'Red Dragon' on which it was supposed to be set. Since seeing the remake, 'Red Dragon', very recently, I've bought and watched 'Manhunter', this time in the right order! I've read many arguments on the internet about which one's better. Only one, to my surprise, has so far said that 'Red Dragon' is the superior film. I can't understand this. Soundtrack, so important to 'Miami Vice', overpowers the film. Expansive sunsets and elegant settings detract from the plot and the almost completely expressionless acting. 'Red Dragon' may introduce the much-loved cannibal, Dr Hannibal Lecter, but the novel is about Will Graham, his constant fight with his own nature, and his inability to get over the injuries - both physical and mental - inflicted upon him by the two serial killers he has previously caught. A good comparison is the (only) interview between Graham and Lecter in 'Manhunter', and the (first) interview between them in 'Red Dragon'. The scenes are played out word for word, scripts practically the same in both films, but the execution is wildly different. William Petersen and Brian Cox race through the scene with no more chemistry than a children's science toy. Norton and Hopkins have a chemistry between them that seems to ignite their scenes together. Petersen's playing a cop, Norton's playing an unwilling protégé. At the end of the scene in 'Manhunter', their conversation is cut short when Lecter asks Graham how he caught him. Petersen's Graham runs for it, where are Norton's character stops, and finally turns, acknowledging the past friendship created between them by the new scenes added to the start of the 2002 movie. Edward Norton brings to the screen a heart-wrenching portrayal of a highly intelligent yet tortured man. In his eyes is written everything - from his agony at Crawford's emotional blackmail with the photographs of the two families at the start, to his almost desperate need to accept Lecter's help in coping with the scars and fears he's been left with. William Petersen did a good job with the material and the setting he worked with. But he looked to be simply going through the motions, and rising to the challenge of Mann's need for 'art deco' shots (for example, the extraordinarily long run from the prison after speaking to Lecter). Cox, who has accused the remake of being 'Hollywood greed', had one scene and one phone call to prove himself as Dr Lecter. We're used to Anthony Hopkins' classy portrayal of the forensic psychologist turned cannibal. Cox's Lecter is just another loon. 'Red Dragon' obviously has more of a part for Hannibal Lecter than the actual novel does. It brings him into sharp focus, and in turn, brings his relationship with Will Graham to the forefront. Not just another killer, in 'Red Dragon', Graham has been working closely with Lecter for several months if not longer when the doctor tries to kill him. He's been betrayed, as he tells Riba at the end, "You didn't draw a freak, you drew a man with a freak on his back." "I should have known...." "Oh no, sometimes you don't, trust me, I've been there myself." Norton does a stunning job of putting the fear and pain in his eyes, in his expressions and reactions, and puts his strength into coping. It's an incredible piece of acting, compared to which, Petersen is simply going through the motions. Tom Noonan as Dolarhyde is simply weird. And when he bit off Lounds' tongue, he wasn't biting, he was kissing. Despite spending much of his screen time naked, or maybe because of it, Ralph Fiennes does an amazing job of making the audience see and understand his struggle with the dragon, and his fight against its control of him. Ted Tally, writing the screenplay, and Brett Ratner, directing, give us a more disturbing, personal view of these characters and of their demons. I will say this, although it got his name wrong, 'Manhunter' did have Dr Bloom in it. I'd have loved to have seen 'Red Dragon' deal with him and with his close friendship with Will. At least that way, Lecter might not have come over as the only one to give a damn about Graham's mental state. As for the supporting cast, both Stephen Lang and Philip Seymour Hoffman were great as Freddy Lounds, but in 'Manhunter', I counted no less than eight 'Miami Vice' cast and extras, and then spotted Bonnie Timmerman's name listed as Casting Director. It did screen like a long episode of 'Miami Vice', and with Don Johnson at the helm it would have been a stunner. But 'Red Dragon' is a complex book, and most of Thomas Harris' plot seems to have been replaced in 'Manhunter' with sunsets, shots of white and glass buildings, and a very dodgy soundtrack. So much is either missing or wrong - Dolarhyde's saving relationship with Riba McClane, his eating the painting, his transformation into the dragon, the old folks' home he was supposed to live in. Why did they change Dr Alan Bloom's name to Sidney?! And the ending, although not completely loyal to the novel in the 'Red Dragon' remake, is utterly unrecognisable and very predictable in 'Manhunter'. I do have one unanswered question. In the novel, Molly's son is called Willy and Will Graham is not his father. In 'Manhunter', he is Will's son, but he's called Kevin. In 'Red Dragon', he is still the son, but he's called Josh. What's with this? Anyway, questions aside, to summarise, I'm a big fan of Edward Norton, I love Anthony Hopkins, I sing praises to Michael Mann. But I intensely dislike 'Manhunter'. And I have it on video if anyone needs a copy.... elfin Nov 2002 Site: http://www.sundive.co.uk/reddragon/essay.htm
  12. This thread is quite amusing. And by the way Rando, my Lita muse has forgotten all about you, in fact, I got rid of her.
  13. Yuna_Firerose

    Wrestling Link Game....

    Who used to be with the slightly attractive ESSA RIOS.
  14. Yuna_Firerose

    The One and Only Raw Thread (4/14/03)

    When did "shocked" come to mean "overjoyed"? JR was okay when a)he was by himself and b)he wasn't being Austin's lil bitch. Christ, now I know why I don't pay attention to previews. WWE seriously needs to stop acting like everyone's a dumb mark. I'm surprised noone made a joke about THAT statement.
  15. Yuna_Firerose

    WWE Raw in Roanoke, VA

    Lucky bastard, you. I hope for Victoria's sake, they are NOT trying to split them up.
  16. Yuna_Firerose

    What's your fave 'Hannibal' flick?

    Well, actually I didn't want them to hook up. I just meant that those were also two characters that could get together, if Francis wasn't insane and all that. Well....at least that's what the director's said in their commentary. In fact, they mentioned how Francis was the heart of the story. How was his performance bad? He was the second reason that got me interested in the movie.
  17. Yuna_Firerose

    What's your fave 'Hannibal' flick?

    Yeah, I'm going to try and find the book to read it. Just curious, are all three movies made from one book? Why the hate for 'Hannibal'? Perhaps the violence was a bit over the top, but the thing that drew me in was Moore and Hopkins. Like Francis and Reba in Red Dragon, Lecter and Starling are two characters that you want to see get together....but you know it's impossible.
  18. I recently came across the Flair/Stevie promo on Raw. I had forgotten all about it, so I was eager to listen to it..........but I didn't tape the whole thing! Sometimes I hate myself. And for those that found ECW on their tapes.........anything Stevie/Raven? I would say to send some to me, but I'm flat-out broke.
  19. Yuna_Firerose

    Sequals thread

    Peter Pan 2 pissed me off. I mean, the bratty kid gets freakin' YELLED AT for saying pretend is dumb? That's one mom that needs therapy. Speaking of sequels, I heard on Entertainment Tonight yesterday that they're making "Legally Blonde 2" *shudder*. Oh, and Shrek 2, which could be good.
  20. Well I meant you could use it in your sig, not your avatar....but oh well. Just whorin' my iconage around, I suppose.
  21. Insane Bump Machine, if you'd like to minimize your sig, I could make an icon of the Vince pic. A few weeks ago I made an icon of the Y2J pic if you'd like to use it.
  22. No Way Out '03. I was supposed to order Royal Rumble, but our f'n cable box broke down! At least I was able to hook up our cable to another VCR and watch Heat.
  23. Yuna_Firerose

    Anyone else make a bWo t-shirt, and wear it out...

    I didn't wear the same clothes two days in a row, just the shirt, which was washed before I wore it the second time.
  24. I hope I'm not the only one who did this. Of course, I'm probably the only one who would wear it at a church dinner... And if the bWo logo doesn't raise a few brows, I'm sure the too strong marker smell did, which is still there two days after making it. I wore it to school today, and probably will tomorrow.
  25. Yuna_Firerose

    When will the HHH-Steph regime be toppled?

    Mr. Tito mentioned how it took 3 Rock Bottoms to defeat SC, 3 legdrops to beat Vince, yet only took one pedigree to put away Booker. I'm not sure if that's exact, since I can't find the article. Yes it has. And it gets more and more pathetic each time.