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Everything posted by Yuna_Firerose

  1. Yuna_Firerose

    The One and Only Velocidential Thread

    False, but funny.
  2. Yuna_Firerose

    Best Wrestler Autobiography

    Of those that I've read: 1. Have a Nice Day 2. Foley is Good 3. Positively Page 4. If They Only Knew
  3. Yuna_Firerose

    The One and Only Velocidential Thread

    Chris Kanyon vs. Aaron Stevens - Watchable. Shannon Moore vs. Billy Kidman - Tapeable. Xavier vs. Bill DeMott - Ignorable. Nidia vs. Dawn Marie - Ignorable. Funaki vs. Nunzio - Debateable. Confidential airs every Saturday night at 11/10 CT on the new TNN. Trish Stratus will become the latest WWE Superstar to guest star on MADtv next week, but you can see a glimpse of what happened during her visit to the set this Saturday night. Get an exclusive first look at her appearance on this week's episode of Confidential! Check it out this Saturday night at 11/10 CT on TNN!
  4. Yuna_Firerose

    The person above you thread!

    If only ^ knew...
  5. Yuna_Firerose

    The person above you thread!

    ^Has a big, but cool, sig.
  6. Yuna_Firerose

    Youth N Asia hates me

    Indeed. Yep. Fo real. Fo sheez.
  7. Yuna_Firerose

    'Cocky' by Kid Rock

    Did WWE edit this song for Rumble '02, or is there an edited version available? Because I think the song is a good listen, but I could really do without all the 'fucks'.
  8. Yuna_Firerose

    Shane Helms Diary Entry

    Entry #49 Thursday, Febuary 27th, 2003. Injuries suck. And begin! First off, I want to thank everyone that sent their thoughts and get well wishes to me during my little down time. The injuries were pretty basic ones in the wrestling business. Basically, during a match I came down on the back of my neck and head and suffered a concussion, and slight neck injury. Also, when I landed, my jaw clenched shut and I bit my tongue very badly, so bad in fact, that I almost had to have minor surgery to relieve the swelling. Luckily the swelling went down on its own. Whew! Then, to top it off, while doing a dive to the outside, I rolled my ankle and gave myself a Grade 2 sprain which put me on crutches for about 10 days LOL All that in one match! But the weirdest part of it all was that after I landed on my head, I was out on my feet for the rest of the match. And by out, I mean that I don't remember anything I did after the attempted Frankensteiner. So the fact that I completed the match was news to me. I didn't "come to" until I was in the back lying on the trainer's table. So for anyone that's never been knocked silly, it's a very strange sensation. I will attempt to explain: You feel as if you are at home in bed sleeping soundly. Then you wake up, and upon realizing that you aren't where you feel you should be, you get just a little scared for a couple seconds. Now imagine waking up thinking you are at home, and then you see some Doctor hovering over you, with his hands on you trying to hold you down. Needless to say, a couple of Hurra-explicitives were sounding off! *QUICK* From the Gregory Helms' File "People Are Stupid" comes a funny story from my time on crutches. Even though I couldn't walk I still wanted to complete my commitment to an autograph signing in Howard Beach, NY at VideoGameCentral. So anyway, I'm in the airport trying to get through security and after emptying my pockets of anything metal I go to pass through the metal detector, which of course is going to go off, because of the crutches. So the genius that is in charge realizes that this is gonna be a problem, and his solution is to ask me (now get ready for this) . . . "Can you walk without the crutches?" Now after hopping my ass around this airport for about 15 minutes just to get to this point, I'm really not in the mood for this level of dumbassness, so I'm just staring at the guy not saying anything. And he asks again, "Can you walk without the crutches." My response: "Dude, if I could walk without the crutches, I probably wouldn't need them!" So they had me to walk around the detector and then they searched me silly! I'm over here now! But I did make it to the signing and I had a great time so everything turned out just fine. The people at VGC are very cool and have posted some pics of my time there on their website, VideoGameCentral, check 'em out! Now, after a couple of weeks at home doing nothing but playing PlayStation2, watching TV and surfing Jamie Pressley websites, I finally got back on the road for last week's edition of RAW. My comeback match with Chris Ican'twinski was a real test for my neck and ankle which "I think" turned out pretty well. I'm still doing therapy on both but to be honest I feel okay. Especially after my confrontation with The Rock this past Monday! The backstage skit was just a blast! And I was doing pretty well in the Battle Royal too, that is until The People's Boot met The Hurra-Jewels! And once again, the fans in Toronto were very good to me and I want to thank them for that! And for the record, there is no way that Aquaman could beat me! No Way Out was a great PPV in my opinion. It was awesome to see both The Rock and Austin's return. I think that I mentioned in a previous Diary Entry about going out on the floor in WrestleMania 18 to watch Hulk vs. Rock. That match was one of the all-time greats and the match this past Sunday, while certainly having a different dynamic, did not disappoint me at all. The crowd reaction to both guys was amazing. And how loud did the crowd get for Austin? That was NUTS! It was good to see him again as well as he was one of the first people to befriend me from the WWE locker room when us WCW'ers came over. And congrats to my good friend Matt Hardy on his win for the Cruiserweight Title. A group of us went to a local karaoke bar in Montreal after the show and I had one of best times ever in my life. Lilian Garcia was by far the most talented of the group but the award for best entertainer had to go to Kanyon whose rendition of "Suspicious Minds" by Elvis is something that needs to be seen to be believed. People, myself included, were laughing until tears rolled! I honestly laughed so hard that I almost got sick! Devon pulled off a very impressive rendition of "When Doves Cry" and Maven's persistence eventually won the crowd while singing "Mack the Knife" and dodging lemon's being tossed at him. I did "Just a Friend" by Biz Markie with Jamal pulling back up duties to great response and then Shannon and I did a couple numbers that were more entertaining than talent oriented. LOL And of course we had to pull out a few steps from our 3Count days (shirtless of course) which Shannon had nearly forgotten, but if memory serves me correctly, we rarely got them right back in WCW anyway. But all in all, we all had an awesome time! And thanks to everyone that put up with our countless shenanigans! Next order of business, it seems that my desire to give Avril Lavigne a VerteBreaker has spawned some response from a bunch of her fans. Okay, it was only one fan, (and begin!) but anyway, this person suggested that I actually try and meet Avril in a match. LOL, I'm over here now. But to be honest, if I wanted to fight Skeletor I would just get out my old He-Man toys. Hmm, maybe I should have used a thought bubble on that one. I took a beautiful young lady out to see "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" last week and I thought that the movie was bad enough that it almost turned into "How to Lose a Hurricane in 1 Night!" Not that it was terrible; it just wasn't very imaginative or creative in my opinion. And the joke got old about half way in. But it did do good business, so there ya go. Another movie that I went to see was Daredevil, of course. And I have to say that I was pretty disappointed in that one as well. There were just too many liberties taken in the movie that (I felt) took away from a character that has been a successful title for Marvel for over 30 years. But again it made a lot of money, and that is what makes Hollywood go round, so there ya ago again! Now, a few quick thank you's to some friends of mine. First of all to one of my closest friends Mike Norris who wrestles as Mikael Yamaha in the CWF and other popular indies down south for all the help he gave me during my down time. To Marty "Cham Pain" Garner for the pull-over Oklahoma roll that I used on Raw a few weeks ago. To comic artist Andy Smith, best known for his work on Quasar (Hell Yeah!) for the comic hook-ups that he helped me with. And to Mike Borkowski for his work on my new T-Shirt which is just freaking awesome, not to mention being the best looking shirt in the WWE right now! Thanks guys! SOAPBOX TIME! I was in New York the week that a bunch of people were protesting the war effort by marching up and down Times Square and various other areas of New York City. While I do agree that everyone is entitled to an opinion and the right to express said opinion I find it strange that "peace" protesters often get arrested for disorderly or violent conduct. But anyway, while in NY I was reading the signs that they were holding up, and I noticed a curious trend, there were a lot of Anti-Bush signs but not one single Anti-Saddam sign or one Anti-Osama sign. I wonder why that was. And I along with most of everyone else in NY noticed that they kind of stayed away from Ground Zero. I guess in their defense of innocent people getting killed ACCIDENTALLY in war they forgot about all the innocent people (children included) that were killed ON PURPOSE on Sept. 11th, 2001. Well I haven't forgotten and I don't think the rest of America has either. Another big problem I have is that the ones that I talked to seemed to assume that everyone else is Pro-War. They acted like everyone that doesn't agree with them is just sitting at home with a finger on a trigger waiting to pounce into action. That's ridiculous! I don't think that anyone actually WANTS to go to war, I certainly don't! But in defense of our nation and the freedoms we possess, one of those freedoms being the right to march around and protest, sometimes wars are going to be fought, and if my country is going to war and people are risking their lives to protect me and my freedoms, you can bet your last dollar that I'm going to support them! END OF SOAPBOX And once again it seems that I have to end on a bad note, but I'm just going to have to include my thoughts on Curt Hennig. I thought that Curt was awesome in the ring and that he was just a really, really great person outside of it. I didn't know him all that well but of what I did know, I really liked. I have two stories to tell about Curt, one as a fan and the other as someone who knew him. The fan story is that I was a huge fan of Curt in his AWA days. You could just tell that he was moving up to bigger things. And there came a time, a brief shining moment in late 1988 or early 1989 that Randy Savage and Ric Flair (2 of my all-time favorites) were the WWF and NWA World Champions respectively and Curt was the AWA World Champion; and everything was just "perfect" in my little wrestling world! The friend story, was that during my early days in WCW when Shannon, Evan, and I were just starting up as 3Count (it may have even been our debut night), I was standing around getting myself ready for the show when Curt walks behind me with a spray bottle filled with water which he used to wet his hair before his matches. So as he passes by me he sneezes real loud and sprays water on the back of my neck, and just keeps going. Now I couldn't see the water bottle, and I'm thinking that he just sneezed all over me! And I have to be honest I was a little hot about it, but I didn't know what to do. Cause one side of me was thinking that maybe it was an accident because he did say "Excuse me," (LOL) but the other side of me was still thinking, "That guy just sneezed all over me." I didn't know what to do. I mean this was someone that I really respected and he just sneezed on me. But as fate would have it, I caught him pulling the same rib on someone else just a few minutes later. And when he saw that I had seen him, he just smiled and laughed which made me laugh too and that is how my friendship with Curt Hennig began. God Bless you Curt, I'll miss you! Well, that's all for now, until next time, Stay cool. Shane
  9. Yuna_Firerose

    Undertaker shoots on Austin, Hogan

    Awwww! Sorry...couldn't resist. *cheers* Preach on
  10. Yuna_Firerose

    Orton injured for rest of his life

    Translation: If he doesn't come back soon, he'll lose whatever spot he has now. I don't think any guy in the business is completely 100%.
  11. Amanda is only 16?! Damn, she looks at least 18. Well, she would, if she wasn't so anemic-looking.
  12. Yuna_Firerose

    My first C on a paper...

    Lucky you. It's probably Math (D at the moment) and Science (solid, undeniable F) that's bring my grade down. 'Course, I'm not good at averages.
  13. Yuna_Firerose

    Post #666

    Being photoshop-less is no excuse. You can download Slowview which opens PSDs (PhotoShop Documents aka already cut pics on most sites) and then use paint to copy and paste pics onto a premade BG. Hell, it's what I still do, even though I have 'PhotoSmart'.
  14. *wonders who that is* Need any help? Geez, those chicks annoy the fuck out of me. I'd probably rob a few banks, kidnap Sean Waltman so papacita could have his dream woman, and probably kidnap Stevie while I'm at it. ......no, wait, I'd be too shy.
  15. Yuna_Firerose

    My first C on a paper...

    A C??? Damn, if I got a 'C' on my reports/papers, I'd be happy as fuck. Well, I'm in high school so perhaps the grades differ. I'd read the paper if you posted it, by the way.
  16. Yuna_Firerose

    TSM is an EWR Sponsor!

    That'd certainly be interesting. But Stevie's taken, so everyone else just back off! :lol:
  17. Yuna_Firerose

    Give me a Gimmick

    That sounds oddly familiar......'cept I'm not pretending.
  18. Yuna_Firerose

    Necrophilia angle

    In my journalistic class, we're writing 'feature stories' on whatever topic we choose. And for this type of paper, we need to get 4 "sources" to supply comments, which I'll write into my paper. We also need comments from an "expert" as our 5th source. Since I know everyone here has an opinion, I figured I could get comments from here (we are allowed to do that). The paper has to be a thousand words long, so, for some reason, the first thing that came to mind was that necrophilia angle. *shrug* Sooo, can I get everyone's comments on it?
  19. Yuna_Firerose

    Give me a Gimmick

    "He can be our Bisch, meng!" - The Blue Guy
  20. I'm surprised there wasn't a 'paging Yuna Firerose' type of post when Tazz asked Cole to flash him, jokingly of course, and even tugged on his shirt.
  21. Yuna_Firerose

    Edge at SD

    An...interesting conversation with buddy just now on YM. [not Meg] Her: Story one. I've been talking to this guy for a few years now. He was claiming to be Stone Cold. I've always taken it with a grain of salt, and last night, he proved that he is Steve. yuna_firerose: How? Her: He told me that he was going to give Edge my screename. Well, I had mentioned that I was going to Smackdown, and he asked my seating area/ row number. Now, Edge wasn't supposed to be there last night. 'Taker and Nathan Jones were in the ring warming up, and I happened to look down (my seat was 9 rows back from the ramp). And there's Edge, (He was in the techie area by the titantron. He slipped out from behind that curtain thingy that they put up so the fans can't see backstage), looking up at the crowd. Counting seats. Her: He looks at me, grins, and waves. Then he walks backstage. Well, today I had an offline message. "Ha ha! So that's what you look like! Now we're even, lol." Her: The message was from Edge. yuna_firerose: How do you know it was from Edge? Her: He claimed he was, and looked at me and waved, and Steve asked for my seat number. How much would that have to be coincidence? That's a damn big coincidence if it is one. yuna_firerose: Okay, because I know the board will ask this........how was Edge there if he has a broken neck? Her: 1 min... Her: He went there because he wanted the see the girl that Steve is friend's with. He was curious. And he left right after he waved to me. Her: He waved, went to his car, caught his flight. Her: Alright, he just told me that his wife is yelling at him to get off of the compy Her: I just told him that he is so whipped.... HA! He just said "Dude, she *is* the one who's taking care of me after this surgery... I don't want her pissed off..." yuna_firerose: Aww! But, he still didn't answer the smarks question....... Her : Sorry, I spazed and didn't ask him... my god, we are both so blonde.... yuna_firerose: What does he think of the fans on the internet...the ones who "know" stuff backstage, analyze storylines, etc Her: He'd rather not awnser that, as his wife is about to pull the phone cord from the wall yuna_firerose: I wish him the best of luck in his surgery, as I'm sure you do too Her: Yeah. He says to say thanks. -----Doubt anyone will believe, buuut, I figured I'd post it anyways. EDIT: She talks about the Kurt/Cage door incident... Her: Anywho.... So the Lesnar/ Heyman match comes up Her: Our wonderful friend Kurt Angle was supposed to stop Brock from F-5ing Heyman Her: Kurt couldn't get the cage door open Her: He literally stood there for five minutes, trying to open the door and swearing at it at the top of his lungs yuna_firerose: *giggles* Yeah...some peeps mentioned that on the board Her: He tried everything, as Brock is wandering around with Heyman on his shoulders, waiting for Kurt to get his ass into the ring Her: I mean, Kurt was pulling on the door, pushing the door... I think at one point, he tried kicking the door but I don't remember. Finally he climbed over the top of the cage. It was too funny
  22. Yuna_Firerose

    Edge at SD

    Okay...well, there goes my argument.
  23. Yuna_Firerose

    Edge at SD

    Okay, if she's lying then how did my friend know the date of Edge's surgery when it was just announced TONIGHT?
  24. Yuna_Firerose

    Jazz sig

    9/10...but why would you WANT a sig of Jazz?!?
  25. Yuna_Firerose

    Edge at SD

    Yes, because everyone knows wrestlers aren't normal people who can sign onto AIM.