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Everything posted by Yuna_Firerose

  1. Yuna_Firerose

    Goldust's change of character

    Why can't anyone watch a show, be it WWE or something else, without wondering what their friends think? I know that if one of Mom's friends was over, I'd act like I always do and just ignore said friend....at least during the show. Then I'd say a few words of greeting before going upstairs to play PS2. Back to the topic...it's just an uncomftorable situation for all involved. It's kinda like racism. If Goldy portrays this as comedy, and the audience finds it amusing...does that mean they're making fun of people with the disease? And I completely agree with notJames. Hell, I don't even think the creative team (if you want to call them 'creative') could answer those questions.
  2. Yuna_Firerose

    Free pic hosting

    itsmysite.com you can use FREE till April. Then they want you to pay (the fuckers! That's the only free site I know of that has enough space to support all my banners!)
  3. Yuna_Firerose

    System Recovery on WindowsXP Not Working!!

    Got a question: Since the damned thing sometimes messes up when we turn it on (we joke that it's PMSing), would it be okay to just use 'sleep/stand by' instead of turning it off?
  4. Yuna_Firerose

    Smackdown Spoilers for 02/27/03

    Yes! More VIVA LA RAZA~! Why does *every* SD thread become "Brock-Team Angle"? Brock bores me. Team Angle bores me. Thus, I can probably turn the show before the main event. Geez, from now on, why doesn't the person who posts the spoilers make one thread for anything related to Kurt-Brock, and another thread for everything else?
  5. Yuna_Firerose

    Just Watched Tomorrow Night's Smackdown

    Yes I do like Matt...so what? Just because I'm a chick, does that make me any different than the other MFers on the board? Oh, and it's Yuna, thank you.
  6. Yuna_Firerose

    New Shopzone shirts...

    Oh I didn't forget about Spanky. He's a rookie, so I figured I wouldn't point any slashyness from him....like the fact he streaked right by Shannon Moore, or the fact that he told O'Haire that he'd "do anything to make it in the WWE". I'll give him a month before I point out anything ;D :huh:
  7. Yuna_Firerose

    Need Stevie Richards psds

    I'm thinking of making a banner for Yuna and her, ahem, 'managers' (Sean and Stevie). Problem is, I can't find any Stevie PSDs!! Anyone know any good PSD sites? There was a site called PSD Universe or something like that, but I can't remember the addy, and Hot Boy Designz doesn't have any of Stevie.
  8. Yuna_Firerose

    More News on FFX-2

    Credit: http://www.ffinsider.net/ Chocobo breeding? Sounds interesting. I never got that far in FF7, so....what's it like?
  9. Yuna_Firerose

    New Shopzone shirts...

    And if they do get old...which will prolly never happen....I'm sure the smarks will find some other pretty boy to make fun of :coughShannycough:
  10. Yuna_Firerose

    Banner Help

    Ummm.....I think 'interesting' is putting it mildly....
  11. Yuna_Firerose

    New Shopzone shirts...

    RVD's - Very shibby. I'd buy it if I wasn't broke. Tajiri's - Eh...not that bad. Jeff's - Good on the front, not so good on the back. I'm sure one of his poems would've been better. Hell, I think the picture is fine without the text.
  12. Yuna_Firerose

    Need Stevie Richards psds

    Is your email address the nfwa374 one? I don't want to send a pic of Stevie to the wrong person
  13. Yuna_Firerose

    Game everyone liked........

    The new one for PS2 looks interesting. Good for a rental at least.
  14. Yuna_Firerose

    More News on FFX-2

    Well, personally, I think Seymour is cuter, but.........Oh. You didn't want Tidus like *that*. Nevermind then.
  15. We already compared, Game. Jeff > Show > Train. And 'What', I'll ask her, but I'm not sure she'll know who they are.
  16. Yuna_Firerose

    Game everyone liked........

    I completely agree with Scarlet. I got my PS1 from a bunch of old buddies who were, I think, stoned at the time, so I got the PS1, controller, memory card, and FF7 for free. They weren't going to give me the mem. card, but all I did was slip it in the bag when they weren't looking. Pfft...like they noticed it was gone? I think the only reason FF7 is so popular is because one of the main characters actually, GASP, died.
  17. Yuna_Firerose

    Most Irritating Poster

    Shaney....which I don't use much, if at all, thank you. And I prefer Stevie...looks better. 'Jeffy', like Shanny, is a habit. Megan says them like that all the time, so it's just stuck in my head. And 'Matty'? Nope, Matt is better.
  18. Twink....that's some term for gayish-looking guys. At least I think it is.
  19. Yuna_Firerose

    Worst Video Games

    It turns out it's not called 'Dead or Alive'. The one I meant was 'Dead to Rights'.
  20. Hold on, you're comparing JEFF HARDY to Albert and Big Show??? Okay, let's compare. Jeff: Total hotty. XTREME-ly twinkish looking. ( Every smark, mark, and non-wrestling fan noticed, I'm sure.) Albert: Hairy. Big. Ugly. Show: Big. Fat. Ugly.
  21. Yuna_Firerose

    Worst Video Games

    2 games named Dead or Alive? Hmmm....to clarify the one I'm talking about, it's the one they used to advertise during Raw, iirc.
  22. Yuna_Firerose

    Worst Video Games

    I've heard a lot of good things 'bout this game, and even viewed some movies. Aside from the no fighting in the game...what's bad about it? Hell, I was thinking of getting it soon. PS2: Getaway - Crappy controls, way too difficult Dead Or Alive - Kill guys. Wait two seconds. Kill more guys. Umm...strategy? Silent Hill 2 - I didn't get very far, so just ended up wandering around and not knowing where to go.
  23. Yuna_Firerose

    Most Irritating Poster

    I'll go back to a sizeable sig after the 26 days is up. I'm proving something here, people! (*sees noone cares*) Ah well... I don't know what's up with Meg...prolly in one of her depressed moods.
  24. Yuna_Firerose

    Most Irritating Poster

    Soooo, you hate someone on a messageboard more than a guy who killed millions of Jews? Well, I feel honored. As for who irritates me? *shrug* Noone really. Oh, and Kotz, Meg wasn't portraying Cena...just useing his rap style.
  25. Yuna_Firerose

    System Recovery on WindowsXP Not Working!!

    Booting in safe mode? Don't think you can do it with this one. Anyway, it works now. System Recovery didn't work, mom said, but..... *shrug* Hey, as long as it works. And the good thing is that we didn't lose any files. Lucky us, eh? Yeah, I added a one to the 208 number above....still didn't work.