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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    Two judges bar party challengers at Polls

    What exactly do "party challengers" do? I mean, I know what the official statement is, but its all very vague. In a practical sense, what do they do? I'm in a swing state and I dont wanna be bugged by "party challengers," any of them, about who i'm voting for or stuff like that.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    One Day Left by Michael Moore

    This is probably one of the few things I take seriously about what he said, only because I've been saying this for a while, ever since the flood of anti-F911 docus started coming out. I mean... a documentary... about MICHAEL MOORE? Is there a less interesting subject? Its only the hardcore liberals that took the movie as gospel anyways. Here's an idea, too bad nobody had the bright idea to do a documentary about John Edwards. That would have been worth watcing because there's not much talk about his background, other than rhetoric by the Dems/Repubs.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    F - U, Election Observers

    Perhaps, if you see any at your polling place.... you should attack them physically and violently... before you go vote.
  4. bobobrazil1984


    Ray is very much the typical "biography" movie. Reminded me VERY much of Will Smith's "Ali." Just the telling of the story is very pedestrian, exactly what you expect when you think of a big movie telling the story of a famous real life entertainer. If you like those sort of movies, you should definetly see it. Jamie Foxx did an AWESOME job as Ray Charles. Really good and convincing. I give it a B. Raised above mediocrity by excellent acting.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    Hunter S. Thompson digs in his heels.

    Hey, it's the real life Spider Jerusalem!!!
  6. bobobrazil1984

    O'Reilly Sues Over Extortion Scheme

    nobody did any wrongdoing! It never happened! It was all a baaaaaad dream.
  7. bobobrazil1984

    How far is too far

    moral of the 2nd story... dont ever be friends with someone of the opposite party!!! in all seriousness though, it's a loss of 2 "un-likely" voters in a SWING STATE, and most likely a gain of those two for Kerry, so, well, at least there's consequences however small and tiny.
  8. bobobrazil1984

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    Is it just me or does Brooke Hogan's face on Rob's sig look a little too much like Daddy Hogan's?
  9. bobobrazil1984

    O'Reilly Sues Over Extortion Scheme

    I've heard that FOX didn't want to settle, but O'Reilly paid with his own money to do so? Anyone else hear that or is that specified in an article somewhere?
  10. bobobrazil1984

    New Osama Tape

    Look at that, the fuckwad resurfaces! I'd like to think most Americans aren't gonna be swayed by his ugly mug. If the election suddenly tips heavily in polls tomorrow and sunday either way, I'll actually be dissapionted... that would mean Osama Bin Laden actually has powers to sway our election.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    More crazy, yet eerily possible electoral possibilities... picked these wild bits of speculation from electoral-vote...
  12. bobobrazil1984

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    FUck that shit. I dont want the House choosing the president > I think if the electoral votes are tied, then the popular vote should be used.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    Ashlee Simpson on SNL

    even if she lip-syncs the moans, while a recording plays?
  14. bobobrazil1984


    The Sayid/Sawyer tag-team there for a brief moment was awesome They should team up and fucking OWN everybody on the island!
  15. bobobrazil1984

    ABC News has Terror Warning Tape?

    "The video tape appears to be from al-Qaeda's media liaison organization. It has a banner crediting the Sahab Production Committee. The speaker refers to Bin Ladin and Zawahiri as "our leaders" and praises the 11 September attacks. The video appears to have been made in the past several months based on the speaker's discussion of the conflict in Darfur, the 9/11 Commission and other recent events.... Developing... " Al-Qaeda has a media liaison organization? :lol:
  16. bobobrazil1984

    Michael Powell the gues on Gene Burnes show

    i think its pathetic we have to wait months for howard stern to ask some "tough" questions (which werent tough and should have been talked to with Powell months ago). Powell wouldn't even come on that radio show unless the host agreed to refrain questions. OMG ITS SO SHOCKING STERN CLALED< someone actually got to ask a few questions, of the guy who's supposed to be protecting our airwaves! Holy mother of god! Who the fuck are these people, they have to be protected from *GASP* QUESTIONS from us normal folk. Afterwards, apparently hell broke loose after the show went off the air, throwing a hissy fit because someone managed to actually get access to ask some real questions. I hate the FCC and this Powell with a burning passion that makes Bush and Kerry look like saints to me. Grr.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    Michael Powell the gues on Gene Burnes show

    Michael POwell can suck my dick. (P.S. I dont really want him to suck my dick)
  18. bobobrazil1984

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    new/un-likely voter turnout will basically decide the election. The balance of people who didnt vote in '00 who do vote here in '04. according to polls, more of them seem to favor kerry, but the laziness/apathy of general america is well known. if new/un turnout is bigger than expected, its a kerry win. smaller or small, whatever, and bush will win.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    US Army wants to Lift Ban on Women in Combat

    I'm curious what people think of the whole idea put forth that women in combat would limit effectiveness of combat units because the male soldiers would have a predisposition to "protect" the females? I'll admit, the guy in me doesn't want our women dying. they've got boobies and smell nice and have dreamy smiles. but there are security issues. What is more concerning is the implication of these talks suddenly coming about, that we might be short-handed enough to need the women? hopefully its just a precaution.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    Paper with 100% record of endorsing Republicans

    so The Detroit News is a generally conservative paper? Huh. I didn't know that. Then again I didn't care. We used to get the News, but it would get delivered so late to our neighborhood (3 or 4 pm) that we switch to the Free Press (which gets here at like 5 am). Anyways, the News is a pretty big paper around here> It's at least nice to see that they're sticking by their own ideals, and not "forcing" a "lesser of two morons" endorsement.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    Best Kubrick Movie?

    2001 and A Clockwork Orange were both quite good, and probably my favorites out of his films.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    Weekend Box Office Report: 10/22/04 - 10/24/04

    Holy crap. The Grudge has a production budget of......... $10 million. Good investment. It's already a very big hit for the studio. on another note, Ben Afflick makes the worst choices in movies to make. Ever. I can't remember the last time I saw a trailer for an Affleck movie and thought "that looks good" (the only exception being Daredevil, which was more of a "hey, it's a Daredevil movie!" thought, cuz i'm a comics fan).
  23. bobobrazil1984

    top 5 favorite anything

    The Shawshank Redemption The Empire Strikes Back The Godfather Clue Lost in Translation Lord of the Rings. whoops that's six (8 really but eh).
  24. SAVED! A surprisingly funny movie with a great cast: Jena Malone, MACAULEY CULKIN, Patrick Fugit, and Mandy Moore (in probably her best performance ever as a super-religious-nutcase). Very strong religious people without a sense of humor will hate it, but I thought it was hilarious (especially the Jesus! pep rally, hahaha). 8/10
  25. bobobrazil1984

    GOP Voter Drive Accused of Tossing Cards

    I dont think we're gonna have a winner on Nov. 3, and memebers of both parties will be to blame, no matter how many specific articles confined to one party's misdeeds people paste here.