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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    Star Wars Episode III teaser description w/ poster

    If you watch the documentary on the original trilogy DVDs, the actors tehre talk about George's directing style quite a bit, about how he just kinda wants you to say the line and get on with it, not giving much direction. Still, really good can overcome that. Liam Neeson in Ep1 and Ewan in Ep2 managed to inject some humanity and warmth into their characters.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    WWE News & Notes from the 10/18 Observer

  3. bobobrazil1984

    Google Desktop

    Geez, Google really is trying to take over the internet/computer world. Better them than microsoft.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars

    Man Part 2 was really incredibly EPIC, what an ending! One of the best endings ever. That final showdown was INTENSE.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars

    It was great, classic, with the trademark back and forth wit. Crichton remains my favorite sci-fi lead ever. :-) , but I'm afraid newcomers would be lost. There were just a TRUCKLOAD of references to events in the series, and it tied together a bunch, including the dangling Sebacean/Human/Arnesk connection. And I can't believe they killed Jool! *drops jaw* Can't wait till part 2
  6. bobobrazil1984

    Favorite Obscure Cult Films

  7. bobobrazil1984

    Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars

    FUck yeah I am! Best sci-fi show ever! John Crichton is the man. btw the series finale was excellent, no sarcasm on my end. If they'd dropped the "to be continued" tag, I thought it was the perrrrfect ending... it was just so... so Farscape.
  8. Tom Hanks, pretty much everything he's been in has been good to great and he's just really good. That streak was broken recently though as the ladykillers was absolutely awful, but I still have faith. Denzel Washington is up there too, but I have missed a movie here and there, only ones that looked really unremarkable, but he's usually a great indicator of quality.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    "Team America gets NC-17 Rating"

    The movie was quite funny, but I was actually let down a bit. A number of the jokes fell flat to me, especially a lot of the 'terrorist' jokes. And the actors stuff was pretty funny for a while but they overplayed it imo, to the point where by the end it wasn't that funny, just kinda lame. The parodies of action movie cliches were really funny, as was the over the top stuff, and the sex scene, haha. Good stuff. However, none of that mattered....... because the PUPPETS and the sets were GLORIOUS!!! Just awesome, they looked great and were just hilarious how they moved. I would love to see more movies done by Stone/Parker in this style (but according to them they'll never ever do another, based on how hard this was. A shame).
  10. bobobrazil1984

    O'Reilly Sues Over Extortion Scheme

    well the lawyer (I think its the lawyer) was saying on the news, they have "irrefutable evidence"... but they dont specify WHAT that evidence is. IF they have it and are not lying out their asses, i'd be interested in seeing/hearing.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    "Team America gets NC-17 Rating"

    the hell, is this supposed to be a bad review? Because the text of it makes me want to see it more.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    O'Reilly Sues Over Extortion Scheme

    You know, what's interesting is the whole thing is filled with quotes. I mean, did she just "remember" all of those? Lawyers are well rather known for pouncing on things like that. The sheer quantity of quotes, rather than vague paraphrasing, is interesting. Makes me wonder if she has audio tape of any of these incident. Might not be admissable in court, but what if someone leaked those to Drudge or something? that would be crazy.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    O'Reilly Sues Over Extortion Scheme

    O'Reilly kinda strikes me as the kind of guy who has a creepy side. It always seems like the biggest perverts are the ones who have the holier-than-thou attitude.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    Special Edition DVDs?

    I just bought the Shawshank one. I'm glad now that I held out and didnt get the bare-bones version.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    O'Reilly Sues Over Extortion Scheme

    Well, the sexual harassment suit has indeed been filed. Drudge has a link to the case. It's...... very entertaining reading. Pretty detailed. Could be BS. BUt I'll assume regardless of which is true, most of FOx's viewers will take OReilly's side. My gut feeling is that some of it at least is true, either that or she has a really detailed imagination. I'd imagine if she could produce some voicemail or if there were somew ay to at least confirm they were at places her lawsuit said they were (at dinner, etc), she might have a case.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    How will HHH be remembered?

    As the guy who pretty much killed my interest in pro wrestling (remembered by me, at least )
  17. bobobrazil1984

    Patterson gives notice?

    For anyone who cares (and I know there are many that don't), here's what Dave Meltzer had to say back in July about the influence HHH holds (a posting at wrestlingclassics):
  18. bobobrazil1984

    Patterson gives notice?

    bahahahahaha *laughing at Vince* You moron. This sort of crap has only been building since like 2002 (before actually), but of course there are always plenty of apologists, here, and no doubt in WWE also. HHH has already driven ME away from WWE as a regular viewer since the springtime. Of course he's not on SD and i dont watch that either, but h constantly being in the spotlight is just too tiresome. After three or four years of it, and he's really not that great.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    "Team America gets NC-17 Rating"

    I am really psyched to see this movie.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    Select Fox TV DVD Sets up to 75% Off!

    If they were ANY other seasons of Buffy or Angel, I would snap em up like THAT. But S1 of both are weak imo.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    Select Fox TV DVD Sets up to 75% Off!

    Same problem with me. I love 24 to death during first run, but once you know what's going to happen, I dont see it having that much re-watching value. It's a shame too because its such a good price that part of me feels like I should buy it just out of principle.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    RIP Christopher Reeve

    Holy shit! That fuckin sucks. He was just on Smallville a few months back, and he looked really good. Damn.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    The OaO Presidential Debate II Thread

    also wanted to add I think that the voters in town hall did a good job with the questions. Pretty direct.
  24. bobobrazil1984

    The OaO Presidential Debate II Thread

    Fox guys are more or less calling it a tie, i'd say. Kristol was kinda in the middle, one of the guys said kerry won it, and the other... well i *think* he was saying Bush but he didnt flat out say it. i mighta missed one guy in there, but it was a pretty 'in the middle "analysis"
  25. bobobrazil1984

    The OaO Presidential Debate II Thread

    I dont know, I thought both guys made pretty strong responses and back and forth, almost a tie. however, my persona positions on many of these issues, maybe about 70 % of them, lie on Kerry's side, so because of that I give the extra point to Kerry. And frankly most everybody here are also putting their own personal takes on the issues into who "won" the debate even fi they pretend not to But Bush came to play, he was much better than the bumbling performance in debate 1.