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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    WWE News & Notes

    Steve Austin has to be absolute WORST judge of character when it comes to dating people.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    Howard Stern Moving To Satellite Radio

    his show was getting boring before all the FCC/Bush stuff. Having a new enemy monster heel to rant against invigorated his show, and I'd daresay its more entertaining than ever. However, I probably wont get satellite radio. I despise monthly fees. As far as entertainment-related stuff goes, I'm only willing to pay monthly for Internet, and Cable. nothing else.
  3. bobobrazil1984


    You know I hear this a lot... and I don't get it. I can think of about ten ways to push this series into the 3 or 4 season mark, at least. Hell the first season alone is only the first, what is it, 40 days of them on the island??? Then the second season picks up later, as they start to adjust to life. Alliances, defections, relationships, Lord of the Flies type stuff, splitting into groups, "nations" (kinda like Adebisi did in S4 of Oz ), long term war betwen them, the possibilities are pretty endless, especially with the great character development we've seen so far, which means they can do entire episodes that have little to do with rumblings in the forest, just character drama, and it should still be interesting. And I haven't even mentioned all the mysterious strange stuff on the island. Creatively, I can see this show going for 4 years, assuming the ratings are there.
  4. bobobrazil1984


    Did Terry O'Quinn's character usually have green eyes? I noticed for the first time during the final shot of Episode 3 that he had these weird looking green eyes. Anyways, this was a very good episode. I love how they're doing the slow burn with this, taking their time, letting characters develop, without blowing their wads on heaps of melodrama. Best new show this season hands down.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    "Team America gets NC-17 Rating"

    They, and others, HAVE pointed to other films. It makes no difference whatsoever.
  6. bobobrazil1984

    Oh BTW

    Who were the 2 who voted for it I wonder?
  7. bobobrazil1984

    The OAO Vice Presidential Debate Thread

    oh crapola, I forgot this was even on until seein this thread now (I was watching OZ!!!! OZ > any of the jackoffs running for Prez/VP). Eh maybe i'll catch it on ondemand if they put it up like the bush/kerry one. Still its two people arguing for other people, same shit as cnn and foxnews.
  8. bobobrazil1984

    "Team America gets NC-17 Rating"

    The MPAA can suck my dick. (psst, I don't actually want Valenti or any males at the MPAA to suck my dick. ) You know, MPAA took quite a beating from Stone and Parker over the South Park movie rating wranglings, lots of (rightful) criticism of the MPAA. The fact that they keep modifying the movie and it still comes back as NC 17 and we're getting closer and closer to the date needed... I get hte feeling MPAA wants to give this an NC-17 no matter. A little payback maybe.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    The real cheater - Bush had an earpiece!

    Um, am I the only one who thought the post was a joke thread making fun of the "cheat sheet" stuff (which turned out to be pen).
  10. bobobrazil1984

    More "Star Wars" DVDs on the way.

    That's actually too bad. The Holiday Special has become such a prevalent cult joke thing, that I'm positive FOX would make a good chunk of change if they released it.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    Muhammed Hussien

    They should have him be like "Sayed" from OZ. Best Muslim TV character ever.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    Gallup Poll: Bush's 8 point lead is gone

    i'm glad it at least looks like a horse race again. Looks like we're going down to the wire.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    NBA: Looking forward to this year?

    Yep. I'm looking forward to the Detroit Pistons deliving another violent raping to the NBA, leaving everybody else squirming on the floor bleeding from the ass, the way the Lakers were. That includes all the "smart" fans who are going to insist that "the West" thing is gonna kick their asses. BEND OVER BABY! BEND OVER!!!
  14. bobobrazil1984

    Fox News: We report

    Usual leftie-rightie strategy. "Oh yeah? Well <insert opponent> did this, and it was worse!!!" That's basically it, the same stock answer for the left and right, for every rotten thing that happens. Their entire moral outlook is dictated by what the opposition does. Lie, cheat, steal, but as long as you're not quite as bad as the other guys, you're in the moral rightness. It's how the 'bush is hitler' folks defend the stuff they do. its how people like a mike sc defend the right. wash rinse repeat. The majority of america wipes their ass with all that though, which is why voter turnout and attentiveness to politics has dipped so much. It'll rise a little bit this election but not that much. People complain and bitch about it, but they're part of the reason its so low. i'm sure i'm a part of that too.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    The OAO 9/30 Presidential Debate Thread

    I just realized onDemand has the whole debate on digital. I just turned it on, and Kery's first answer is right now. Kerry is just saying his usual stuff, but Bush seems unaware that the camera is on him. He looks really pissed. Unless it was strategy, which I doubt, b/c Republicans are usually pretty good at political strategy. Bush's first response isn't too bad. It's also kind of the same thing, but his delivery wasn't too bad. He is saying the right things. to also be fair, I mocked the "bush was tired from hurricane visit" excuse, but he does look kinda tired. Again no body's fault but his own, but yeah, he does seem tired.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    K3rry = teh hax0rz??

    seems like a pretty lame excuse. just accept it, regroup, and come out stronger in the next debate.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    What are you listening to right now?

    U2 - Vertigo!
  18. Wow! I've just gained new respect for Scalia! Bring on the orgies!!!!
  19. bobobrazil1984

    The OAO 9/30 Presidential Debate Thread

    the content matters little as long as there aren't any huge f-ups, which there weren't. But Bush's scowling and angry annoyed reactions was kinda ugly. Kerry seemed to realize the camera would be on him and reacted accordingly. Having slept on it, here's what i remember about the debate. *Kerry ccriticizes something about Iraq* Bush: he changes his positions!!! *Kerry criticizes bush for not doing enough to stop Iran and N Korea from going nuclear* Bush: He chanes his positions!!! *Kerry says soemthing about funding* Bush: he changes his positions and sends mixed messages!!! *Kerry says something about bush's judgement. Bush: he changes his positions!!! give Bush credit for sticking on message, but I think it might not help him as much as it usually does, because at times I think he clearly avoided a more detailed effective response to some of kerry's attacks. What Kerry did well was put BUsh on the defensive. Foreign policy is Bush's strong suit with thep ublic so a knockout was probably not possible, but all things considered, I think he put the focus back on Bush's last 4 years and people's questions about whether they like his decisions or not. He also just came off better and smoother, and therer were times Bush did seem lost. I said it was a modest Kerry win, and most of the news reactions range from modest Kerry win to tie.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    The OAO 9/30 Presidential Debate Thread

    The issues was mostly restating what they've said a thousand times each. I found the N. Korea exchange interesting. Simply based on poise and stuff, I give the debate to Kerry, but not a strong victory. I'm biased though, so take that as you will.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    Mikey was at my school....

    He was here at my former college today (i just graduated from it in August). I probably could have gotten a ticket, but... eh, I'm lazy. so fuck it.. and i think i had to pay 5.00 cuz i'm not a student anymore. paying to hear a political speech? hah, yeah right.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    Mohammed Hassan..

    If they give this guy a terrorist arabic anti-uS gimmick... how bad will it be? a. - HHH bad... b. - Undertaker bad... c. - JBL bad... d. - Kane/Lita baby bad... e. - Heidenbad...
  23. bobobrazil1984


    well i've switched to the mozilla suite. I tried firefox but it felt kinda glitchy.
  24. bobobrazil1984

    Should the rest of the world get a say?

    Fine, let's give the rest of the world 1 electoral vote! In all seriousness, No they shouldn't get any say at all. I understand the argument, being that US policy DOES effect everybody, for some its life and death... but still, no. If they really want a say, well then send a bunch of couples to the US, give birth here, making kids US citizens, wait 20 years, and let em all vote for who you want. Other than that, no sorry.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    Star Wars Trilogy DVD Set

    for those not buying it, i would recommend renting the bonus disc. There's 2+ hours documentary by Ken Burns that's pretty damn good imo.