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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    Clerks Sequel confirmed

    jay and silent bob is one of the most generic yawn-fest comedies I've ever seen. I'm still befuddled as to why people seem to love it yet hate other similar comedies.
  2. bobobrazil1984


    It was pretty good. absolutely gorgeous cinematography though. This is one of those films that if it was a silent (no dialogue) film, you could put it on a wall-mounted flatscreen monitor, and loop it and just have it play in lieu of a painting. i did think it dragged at some points, and the multiple perspective thing got kind of irritating at times. Still it was a good film. Good move subtitling it and not dubbing it.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    Farscape mini series

    There's a new full size trailer (not the dinky little short thing Sci-Fi showed a while back) for the return of Farscape! Easily the freshest, most inventive and witty sci-fi series... like... ever! http://www.apple.com/trailers/independent/farscape/
  4. bobobrazil1984

    What's Shipping

  5. bobobrazil1984

    FBI Suspects Israeli Spy at Pentagon

    AIPAC's statement on this made me laugh. It was some really general statement like "any criminal charges against any of our members are false." I mean like... do they have mechanical computer chips implanted in each of their members so they know what they're doing at all times so they're 100 percent sure? what if someone who's a member of the group steals a watch or something? he's not a thief!!!! the idea of "there would be no need on us to spy" is laughably stupid. Of course they spy on us and i'm sure we spy on them. still the idea of israeli spies is something that needs to be addressed. our policy shouldn't be influenced by them (and really, our policy is pretty friendly towards israel to begin with so is not a big problem), period. Yeah they're our friends but the whole "israel can do no wrong and anything not right about them is anti-semetic" thing is beyond stupid. I remember fox news running a 4 part story once on possible israeli spies in the US, then having to remove the transcript after "anti-semetic!" pressure (its funny becaue the site placeholder date-line and maybe headline is actualy still there, just no transcript. a few whack-job 'jews did 9/11' conspiracy pages have it saved though i'm loathe to link to any of those stupid sites)
  6. bobobrazil1984

    On a side note...

    funny but no surprise. the point of keyes wasn't to try to win, it was simply to lob shots at Obama to try and lay a "foundation of weakness" on certain things, so future shots later in Obama's career could possibly have more impact. Kinda like the swiftboat vet ads and kerry. Keyes can get away with saying something like "obama's position on abortion is the slaveholder's position" (or whatever his exact quote was) without being accused of racism.
  7. bobobrazil1984

    Connections between Bush and Swift Vets

    i stopped taking the swift boat people seriously when i saw that ad which started with all of them saying 'i served with john kerry' one after another, and it turned out what they meant was "they fought in Vietnam". The content of the ad hadn't even started and already there was an attempt at deception being made. so much for me believing whatever they were saying. i'm sure you could split hairs and claim its true, but we all know what its meant to imply.
  8. bobobrazil1984

    War of the Worlds...

    I'm pretty psyched about this. Speilberg's movies are generally pretty good, obviously there are the classic movies of the past and minority report, catch me if you can, jurassic park, schindler's list. Got a good feeling about this.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    So who was cheering for the Men's b-ball team...

    the only reason i want to really see them win is because Larry Brown doesn't deserve this travashamockery.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    What to do with Edge.

    Edge = Brendan Frasier. He can never be taken seriously as a 100 percent badass, he always has that goofy aura. Best bet for Edge was to straddle the line between his old character and a more serious tone. Instead they had him come back as generic angry face. At least from what I saw when he returned, i havent been watching this feud with jericho and batista or with orton.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    Eddie Guerrero news.

    I think Eddie should be punished by losing to JBL.
  12. bobobrazil1984


    great article.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    New Avengers Lineup Announced

    Lame. But who knows, maybe I'll download the issue and read it anyways. :-P
  14. bobobrazil1984

    Anyone agree with me?

    they dont have the creativity to come up with good ideas every single week. Within four or five weeks, they'd have nothing left and we're back to generic feuds. Because of their limited writing ability (as evidenced by, oh, the last THREE YEARS), it makes more sense to stretch out thier good ideas, but obviously not too much.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    Getting Orton Over

    now that orton is apparently going to be a face... I think it's time for.... wait for it.... GENERIC SMILING BABYFACE!!! followed by a promo that goes something like this: HHH: What makes you think you're better than me, huh!? I've beaten Rock, Austin, Undertaker, Goldberg, <insert name>, <insert name> etc etc... what makes you think you're so different!?!? *orton punches HHH and HHH runs out into the aisle looking all shocked despite the fact that it happens to him every three months*
  16. bobobrazil1984

    I hate Toronto

    why should they cheer Eugene? because he's dumb enough to get manipulated like a moron for months on end by HHH? That manipulation should have lasted 2-3 weeks tops, then Regal returns, appeals to Eugene, and Eugene chooses Regal over HHH. crowd pops. hhh fumes, he's a loveable face again.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    Undertaker & Edge upset at fan reactions

    2 years too late.
  18. bobobrazil1984

    Alien vs. Predator

    Serves you guys right for paying $$$ to see a Paul W. S. Anderson "sci-fi action" flick. By now you should know those always suck
  19. bobobrazil1984

    Comic web sites

    What are some sites which have large comic message boards that lotsa people post at? Besides the aforementioned newsarama, cbr, and comicon/pulse.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    How do you think WWE will end the Kane/Lita angle?

    Matt gets injured in his match with Kane. They stop talking about the angle. matt returns in 3 months and begins a brand new low level storyline with some other schmuck and nobody mentions this.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    Raw Rating comes in with bad number.

    Picked this off 411 who picked it offa PWinsider. Regarding that bolded statement... Ladies and gentlemen, I give you WWE, from mid 2001 to today. *is aware that it was WWF back in 2001.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    Is Tom Cruise Gay?

    Oh man, CHRIS HYATTE said it!?!?!? Call CNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. bobobrazil1984

    Smackdown post-Summerslam

    Some really crappy feuds with big slow boring guys, most likely.
  24. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

    Fuck Yes.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    Kill Bill Volume 2: It's coming, August 10th!

    I want a version in which both films are edited together as one film. is taht possible? Too long for a disc I guess. :sigh: